How to plan a train trip through Europe

Discover the most beautiful train routes and insider tips for your European adventure

How to plan a train trip through Europe

Summary for "How to plan a train trip through Europe"

  • Experience breathtaking landscapes and discover hidden gems.
  • Environmental protection through lower CO2 footprint of trains.
  • Deeper cultural immersion and encounters with locals.
  • Relaxed arrivals and hassle-free procedures.
  • Flexibility and spontaneous stopovers possible.
  • Modern trains offer amenities like onboard dining and Wi-Fi.
  • Use apps like Omio and DB Navigator for travel planning.
  • Plan in advance and book tickets early for cheaper prices.
  • Pack multifunctional clothing and travel-sized toiletries.
  • Save by using night trains and avoiding onboard restaurants.

Why travel through Europe by train?

Why travel through Europe by train?

A train journey through Europe also offers the opportunity to fully enjoy the impressive landscape. While many travelers experience only the hustle and bustle of traffic hubs during air or highway travel, you can sit back on the train and take in the changing scenery: from majestic Alpine landscapes to gentle hills in Tuscany to wide fields in France. Along the way, you discover hidden gems off the usual tourist paths and experience nature up close.

In addition, train travel stands out significantly in terms of Sustainability compared to other modes of transport. Trains have a smaller CO2 footprint than planes or cars, thus contributing substantially to environmental protection. So if you're looking for a more eco-friendly way to explore Europe, choosing the train is a conscious decision. At the same time, Europe's dense rail network offers excellent connections, allowing you to reach even remote destinations easily and comfortably.

Moreover, traveling by train promotes deeper cultural immersion. While air travel often means simply shuttling between airports, train journeys bring you directly into the heart of various cities. Encounters and conversations with locals or fellow travelers can quickly arise, opening up new perspectives and enriching cultural exchange. Thus, you gain impressions not only of breathtaking landscapes but also of the lifestyle and traditions of the people who accompany you on your journey.

The Benefits of Train Travel

A frequently overlooked advantage of train travel is the relaxed arrival at the destination. No tedious waiting at the baggage claim, no lengthy security check. Instead, you simply get off and are right in the middle of the action. The boarding and disembarking process is quick and uncomplicated, which makes a difference, especially on longer journeys. The seating space on the train, whether in first or second class, allows for a more comfortable travel experience compared to the often cramped rows of seats on airplanes.

Another plus is the flexibility that train travel offers. You can change your Trip spontaneously, make additional stops, or simply get off in a charming place that catches your eye along the route. This kind of adaptability is an invaluable advantage, especially for adventurers or those seeking unconventional experiences. Additionally, many train companies offer special passes, such as the Interrail Pass, which not only are attractive price-wise but also give you the freedom to design your travel itinerary flexibly.

Last but not least, your travel comfort benefits from the many amenities that modern trains offer. Whether it's a dining car, Wi-Fi, or generous luggage storage, trains rarely lack conveniences. The culinary offerings range from quick snacks to gourmet meals, and some trains even offer special compartments for families or business travelers. These additional features make train travel not only more pleasant but also a special experience that's more than Just a means of transport.

Sustainability and eco-friendliness

Furthermore, choosing the train promotes locomotive-driven energy use, increasingly powered by renewable energy sources. Many European countries rely on green electricity to operate their rail networks, which further minimizes the ecological footprint. This not only reduces CO2 emissions but also decreases dependency on fossil fuels. These technological advancements make it possible to travel more sustainably with a clear conscience and regard for the environment.

Another aspect of the Sustainability of train travel is the reduction of urban traffic congestion. Through the dense rail network and excellent connections, long car journeys and associated traffic jams are avoided. The result is a reduction in pollution in urban areas, leading to improved air quality and overall quality of life. Additionally, trains not only relieve road traffic but also contribute to decreased noise pollution, which is particularly important in densely populated cities.

Let’s not forget that train travel also supports a more conscious tourism industry. Travelers are more likely to use local services and products when traveling by train. This means strengthening the local economy and often a closer connection to regional culture and environment. Many train travelers also choose accommodations and activities that are committed to sustainability, further enhancing the positive impact on the environment.


The best European train routes

The best European train routes

One of the most remarkable train routes Europe has to offer is the Glacier Express Route in Switzerland. This Route takes you from Zermatt to St. Moritz, offering breathtaking views that are second to none. The journey leads through wild gorges and over impressive viaducts as charming villages and historic towns pass by. The panoramic window allows you to enjoy the Alpine panorama in all its glory as the train elegantly glides through the landscape. Feel the magic of the Swiss Alps and let yourself be enchanted by the unique scenery.

Another highlight is the Route from Prague to Budapest, connecting two of Europe's most beautiful cities. On this route, you traverse the heart of Central Europe, seeing picturesque landscapes, gentle rolling hills, and historic castles perched on hilltops. Along the way, you can stop in cities like Brno, rich in history and culture. This train journey not only offers visual delights but also a journey through the centuries-old history of Central Europe.

Finally, there is the scenic ride along the west coast of Italy from Rome to Palermo. This Route runs through some of the Mediterranean's most beautiful coastal landscapes, with trains stopping at places like Naples and the famous Amalfi Coast. The journey also takes you through the sun-drenched region of Calabria and includes a stunning crossing to Sicily. On this journey, you experience Italian life in all its facets: from vibrant cities to quiet coastal towns, with the sea as your constant companion. Immerse yourself in the unparalleled charm of Southern Italy and experience a Trip where the view is Just as fascinating as the destination.

Classic routes with panoramic views

A hidden gem for train travelers is the Route between Oslo and Bergen in Norway. Often referred to as one of the most beautiful train routes in the world, this journey takes you through a breathtaking variety of landscapes, from deep fjords and crystal-clear lakes to snow-covered peaks and dense forests. The train crosses several impressive high mountain passes and gorges that will take your breath away. Especially in winter, the Route transforms into a magical winter landscape that appears fairy-tale-like and untouched.

Another top-notch experience is offered by the West Highland Line in Scotland. This route, stretching from Glasgow to Mallaig, is a true paradise for nature lovers. You pass majestic mountain ranges, vast moorlands, and idyllic lochs (lakes). A special highlight is the ride over the Glenfinnan Viaduct, made famous by the Harry Potter films. The rural seclusion and unspoiled nature of Scotland make every train ride an unforgettable experience.

Equally spectacular is the Route of the Trans-Siberian Railway from Moscow to Vladivostok. This legendary Route spans over 9,000 kilometers and traverses diverse landscapes and climate zones. From the endless expanses of the Russian steppe over the Ural Mountains to the dense forests of Siberia – each stage of the journey offers impressive panoramas. The varied impressions that can be gathered on this epic Trip range from barren desert landscapes to mirror-like lakes that appear as oases in the wilderness.

Hidden Gems: Lesser-Known but Breathtaking Routes

Off the beaten path, you'll find some truly fascinating train routes in Europe that are less known but no less spectacular. For example, the Route from Sarajevo to Mostar in Bosnia and Herzegovina. This Route traverses picturesque mountain ranges and offers impressive views of turquoise rivers and dramatic gorges. The journey itself is a cultural experience, taking you through the somewhat undeveloped landscapes of the Balkans and giving you the chance to experience the region's hospitality up close.

Another hidden gem is the train Route through Spain's "Green Spain," running from Bilbao to León. This journey takes you through lush forests, along steep cliffs, and through charming villages in the Basque Country and Cantabria. Particularly impressive here is the stark contrast between the rugged Atlantic coast and the peaceful, green valleys inland. Away from the tourist hotspots, this Route reveals the authentic beauty of northern Spain and offers a calm, almost meditative travel experience.

Not to be forgotten is the ride from Belgrade to Bar, which is one of the most spectacular train routes in the Balkans. The Route stretches over about 300 bridges and through 200 tunnels, traversing Montenegro's impressive landscape. From deep gorges to densely forested mountains, this train ride offers a truly varied landscape. Due to its less touristy development, this Route is a hidden gem for those looking to explore the original and untouched Europe.


Travel Planning: Here's How to Proceed

The best booking platforms and apps

To optimally plan your train journeys through Europe, modern booking platforms and apps are indispensable tools. An outstanding platform is "Omio," which compares not only train connections but also bus and flight options. Omio stands out for its user-friendliness and the ability to book tickets directly through the app. Particularly practical is the feature to set specific filters to find the best route, the lowest price, or the fastest connection. This allows you to create a personalized travel plan that meets your needs in Just a few steps.

Another useful app is "DB Navigator" from Deutsche Bahn. This app not only provides information on connections and prices within Germany but also covers numerous international routes. It excels with real-time updates and the ability to store electronic tickets, making travel significantly easier. Additionally, you can often discover special offers and discounts that are not available elsewhere. For frequent travelers, there is the option to sign up for notifications of delays or track changes, making the travel experience less stressful.

A less known but still extremely useful app is "TrainPal." With a focus on budget travelers, TrainPal helps to find cheaper tickets through so-called "split-ticketing" strategies. This method splits your journey into several segments and purchases the tickets individually, often leading to significant cost savings. The app supports various currencies and payment methods, making it well-suited for international use. This makes it particularly attractive for Interrail or Eurail travelers who want to travel flexibly and cost-effectively.

The most important documents and travel preparations

An absolute must for any Trip is a valid passport or ID card, depending on the entry requirements of the respective country. Check early if your documents are still valid and not about to expire. It is also advisable to create copies of your Travel documents and store them in different places to be secured in case of loss or theft. Digital copies on cloud-based services can also be useful to have access anytime and anywhere.

Visas and entry requirements should also not be neglected. Inform yourself in advance about the requirements of the countries you want to visit. Some countries require a visa that must be applied for in a timely manner. Official embassy and consulate websites can provide valuable information here. Additionally, an international student ID card (ISIC) or a youth hostel card can be advantageous, as they offer discounts and access to special offers in many countries.

Besides travel documents, you should also think about your health care. Check your vaccination status and get recommended booster shots if necessary. Especially for longer stays or trips to remote areas, it can be sensible to plan a small Travel pharmacy along with international health insurance. Also, remember to take personal medications in sufficient quantities and note their international names in case resupply is needed.


Tips for a Relaxed Train Journey

Packing list for a comfortable trip

Remember to pack multifunctional clothing. Pieces that can easily transition from daytime to evening wear save space and weight in your suitcase. A lightweight raincoat or a windproof jacket can also be very useful, even during the summer months. Practical and space-saving clothing solutions like packing cubes help keep things organized and ensure easy access to important clothing items.

Comfortable travel pillows and neck pillows made of memory foam are lifesavers for long train rides, ensuring you arrive at your destination rested and relaxed. Complement this with a compact travel blanket, and you are prepared for any temperature fluctuations. Additionally, consider taking a lightweight yoga or exercise mat. This can serve as a comfortable seating or lying surface during longer layovers or waiting times and allows you to stretch or do light exercises while on the go.

Don't forget to bring hygiene and care products in travel sizes to stay refreshed at all times. Hand sanitizer and antibacterial wipes are essential for keeping your hands clean, especially on public transportation. A compact toiletry bag set helps you organize all the essentials and ensures quick access. Also, consider a foldable clothesline and a small detergent to wash clothes on the go if necessary – this allows you to take fewer clothes while still staying fresh.

Entertainment options during the ride

To make your train journey even more exciting, you could consider interactive games. Travel-sized board games are excellent for passing the time and getting to know fellow travelers. Whether it's card game classics like Uno or compact board games like chess or backgammon, these small challenges not only offer a welcome distraction but also encourage social interaction.

Another highlight could be language-learning apps. Use the opportunity to learn new languages or refresh your skills during the ride. Apps like Duolingo or Babbel offer short, entertaining lessons that you can use without an internet connection. This is not only a productive way to pass the time but also a practical means to better prepare for the cultural and linguistic nuances of the places you visit.

Additionally, a travel diary app could be an engaging form of entertainment. Document your experiences, take photos, and add comments to capture your travel memories. Both digital and analog options, like the classic journal, provide a creative platform to record thoughts and observations. These reflections can later serve not only as valuable memories but also as inspiration for future travels or for planning further discoveries.


Budget tips for your train journey

Cheap tickets and special offers

To discover truly cheap tickets and savings offers, it is essential to keep an eye on various discount campaigns and special programs of the railway companies. There are often limited-time promotions or seasonal offers that can lead to significant savings. It is worth subscribing to newsletters from train companies and following social media to be quickly informed about such actions.

Another tip is to use offers that are directly available in the countries themselves. Many European countries offer specific national tickets or regional passes that are extremely affordable. For example, in Germany, there is the "Schönes-Wochenende-Ticket," with which you can travel cost-effectively throughout the entire country. These national offers are often not internationally known but hold enormous savings potential if used cleverly.

Some railway companies cooperate with partners like museums, amusement parks, or event organizers and offer combination tickets. Such packages often include admission to attractions or events along with the train ride, which can be cheaper overall than booking both separately. Find out in advance about such combo offers, as they can make your journey not only cheaper but also more varied.

Cost of accommodation and meals on the road

For accommodation on the road, budget options such as hostels, guesthouses, or even youth hostels are available. These accommodations are not only cost-effective but often provide the opportunity to meet other travelers and exchange valuable tips. Especially in large cities and popular tourist destinations, these options are available in large numbers and offer an excellent price-performance ratio. Strategic booking in advance can also secure further discounts and save you stressful last-minute searches.

Food on the go does not have to be expensive if you plan ahead. Local markets, bakeries, and grocery stores are excellent places for inexpensive yet authentic treats. Self-prepared meals from local ingredients not only save your wallet but also offer a deeper immersion into the regional culture. Additionally, many hostels and guesthouses offer communal kitchens where you can prepare your own meals – a big advantage if you are traveling for extended periods and want to keep food costs low.

Another saving tip is to use daily menus and lunch offers in restaurants. Many restaurants offer cheaper menu options at lunchtime that include high-quality and often traditional dishes. It is also worth looking for food options in less touristy neighborhoods. Away from the main attractions, you often find cheaper and more authentic dishes. Food festivals and street markets also offer a variety of delicious and inexpensive options, allowing you to enjoy the local cuisine without spending much money.

travel blogger Birte

Personal travel report on "How to plan a train trip through Europe"

As a 74-year-old woman, the train journey through Europe was an unforgettable adventure. The route was carefully planned in advance. Tickets were booked online, which was especially convenient. Some countries offer special senior discounts – a real advantage!

The journey began in Germany. Deutsche Bahn has a pleasant and reliable network. On the train, I enjoyed the relaxed atmosphere. No stress, just let the scenery pass by.

The next stop was in France. Paris, the city of love, impressed me with its charm. The croissants in the morning are not to be missed. French trains are also comfortable and punctual.

Moving on to Switzerland. The mountains and lakes are breathtaking. A stopover was made here to enjoy the fresh Alpine air. Especially recommended are the panoramic cars of the Swiss trains – the view is magnificent!

Florence was visited in Italy. The art and architecture are fascinating. Important tip: Train reservations in Italy are essential to avoid stress.

The trip ended in Austria. Vienna with its coffee houses is a highlight. The train went directly to the heart of the city, which was very convenient.

For a train journey through Europe, comfortable clothing and sturdy footwear are advisable. A small suitcase and a backpack were completely sufficient. And don't forget: Save the European emergency number 112.

Traveling through Europe by train was a wonderful experience. The landscapes, the different cultures, and the people made this journey unforgettable. A great way to enjoy old age and discover the world!

Birte, 74 years young
Travel Blogger for

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