Why you should travel to Jordan at least once in your life

Discover the fascinating desert landscapes, the ancient treasures, and the cultural diversity that will captivate you.

Why you should travel to Jordan at least once in your life

Summary for "Why you should travel to Jordan at least once in your life"

- Jordan offers ancient treasures like Petra and impressive ruins in Jerash. - The Dead Sea is a unique natural wonder with healing minerals. - The Wadi Rum desert invites adventurous explorations and nightly starry skies. - The local cuisine is a delight and reflects the diverse culture of the country. - The warm hospitality of the people makes every trip unforgettable. - Beautiful landscapes and cultural diversity attract travelers. - The Red Sea is a paradise for snorkeling and diving experiences. - Festivals like the Jerash Festival showcase Jordan's vibrant culture. - The best times to visit are spring and autumn for pleasant temperatures. - Be mindful of local customs and safety precautions during your stay.

Introduction to the Wonders of Jordan

Introduction to the Wonders of Jordan

Jordan, a Country hidden like a mysterious treasure between deserts and mountains, attracts travelers with its unique blend of history, culture, and stunning nature. The majestic ruins of Petra, once a flourishing trading metropolis, impress with their remarkable architecture hewn directly from rose-colored rock. Here, time bears witness to a civilization that was once both prosperous and advanced. In the winding paths of the city, every stone tells stories, and the sunlight dancing over the rocks creates an almost magical atmosphere.

Another highlight is the Dead Sea, which seems like a living natural wonder. With its healing minerals, it attracts not only wellness seekers but also offers the surreal experiences of floating effortlessly on the water's surface. The landscape around the Dead sea is characterized by a fascinating barren beauty that contrasts with the colorful markets and bustling cities of the country. In addition to these natural wonders, Jordan is also a hotspot for culinary adventures. The flavors of traditional cuisine, marked by spices and fresh ingredients, are a revelation for the senses and invite immersion into a cultural depth that makes the host Country so welcoming.

Not to be forgotten are the warm People who enrich the Country with their hospitality. The stories they share and the traditions they preserve lend an authentic touch to the journey that makes you think back repeatedly. Jordan is thus much more than Just a travel destination; it is a place where history comes alive, natural wonders delight the eye, and human connection makes the stay unforgettable.

A brief overview of Jordan as a travel destination

Jordan offers a fascinating mix of ancient history and vibrant culture that attracts travelers from around the world. In addition to the world-famous Petra, there are numerous other places waiting to be explored. Jerash is one of these gems, known for its impressive Roman ruins that reflect the splendor of past civilizations. A walk through the well-preserved streets, temples, and theaters can take you back to the time of the Roman Empire. This archaeological site is an impressive example of how the past and present harmoniously merge in Jordan.

The Country is also a Paradise for adventurers. The Wadi Rum desert, with its majestic sandstone Mountains and deep canyons, invites both exciting jeep tours and unforgettable overnight stays under the starry sky. This is the perfect place to enjoy the feeling of freedom and experience the vastness of Nature in the stillness of the night. For Nature lovers, there is also the Dana Biosphere Reserve, which offers a variety of Flora and Fauna as well as spectacular Hiking trails. These regions showcase the diverse geographical structures of Jordan, from Mountains to open desert landscapes.

Modern life in cities like Amman offers an exciting contrast to the historical sites. The combination of Jewish, Christian, and Islamic influences creates a rich cultural diversity that can be experienced in local markets, cuisine, and festivals. The blend of Tradition and modernity makes Jordan a unique travel destination that captivates visitors while providing deeper insights into ways of life and beliefs.

The diversity of landscapes and cultures

The landscapes of Jordan are as diverse as the cultures that call this unique Country home. From the lush green forests in the north to the dry, endless sand dunes in the south, an impressive spectrum of Nature captivates travelers time and again. The fertile Jordan Valley begins in the northwest of the Country and stretches to the shores of the Dead Sea. Here, the agricultural Tradition is reflected, where ancient cultivation methods meet Modern techniques and the love for Nature is clearly palpable. The fresh produce offered in local markets is a testament to this connection to the earth and conveys an authentic impression of the Jordanian way of life.

In contrasting regions like the majestic Wadi Rum, you must consider the rugged rocks and breathtaking sand landscapes that transform shadow and light into a fascinating spectacle. This desert is not only a place for adventure, but it also holds the remnants of various tribes whose stories are deeply rooted in Jordanian culture. The nomadic peoples who live here possess a rich treasure of traditions and customs that have developed over centuries. Their way of life is a harmonious interplay between man and nature, which you can experience up close by overnighting at a Bedouin camp or participating in a traditional dinner.

The cities of Jordan, on the other hand, pulse with life and diversity. Amman, the capital, and other urbanized areas present a dazzling mosaic of contemporary art, architectural variety, and international influence. Here, you can observe the dialogue between Tradition and modernity as you stroll through the vibrant streets. The various ethnic communities of the city contribute to a colorful cultural kaleidoscope, where multilingual conversations are the order of the day and Festivals are celebrated throughout the year. This multifaceted mix creates an atmosphere that is both inviting and exciting, giving you a deeper perspective on the way of life in Jordan.


The ancient treasures of Petra

The ancient treasures of Petra

The ancient treasures of Petra are not only archaeological masterpieces but also impressive testimonies of a civilization that has amazed with its craftsmanship and visionary urban planning. When you walk through the narrow Siq, the natural gorge that leads to the main entrance of Petra, you feel history come alive around you. Suddenly, the landscape opens up and presents the majestic facade of the Treasury, Al-Khazneh, which shines in shimmering rose-red. This magnificent structure gives the impression that it has grown directly from the rock wall. For centuries, the techniques of stone construction and water supply were perfected in this region, and the remnants of these masterpieces still bear witness to the engineering knowledge of the Nabateans.

The sprawling network of temples and tombs behind it attests to the cultural legacy of a civilization long disappeared into the past. A highlight is the Monastery, Al-Deir, which proudly sits on a hill. Participating in a hike there rewards you with an overwhelming panorama that unfolds over the surrounding landscape. As you ascend the steps, you leave the hustle of everyday life behind and immerse yourself in the silence and grandeur of the ancient site. The unusual style of architecture, reflecting many Egyptian, Greek, and Oriental influences, makes Petra a unique place where the past is anchored in every pore of the rock.

The mystery of Petra is also heightened by the few remaining inscriptions and reliefs. They tell stories from another time, where every stone holds a tale of power, faith, and trade. Instead of merely admiring the beauty, Petra invites you to grasp the deeper meaning of its structures, which served not only as a dwelling but also as a cultural center. The strategic location of Petra as a hub of important trade routes made it a global marketplace where the goods and ideas of the world converged, creating a fascinating synthesis of cultures.

What makes Petra so unique?

The uniqueness of Petra can be explained not only by its spectacular architecture but also by the complex interrelationship between humans and Nature that shapes this place. The rocks from which the city was carved bear witness to the creative abilities of the Nabataeans, who skillfully utilized the natural conditions and integrated them into their architecture. The astonishing color shades of the sandstone change depending on the position of the sun and weather conditions, so Petra shines in a constant transformation of beauty. This dynamic landscape harmoniously connects with the deeper cultural significance of the place that continues to resonate to this day.

Another aspect that makes Petra extraordinary is its significance as a trading center. Strategically placed along important caravan routes, the city was not only a post for the exchange of goods but also a dazzling place for intercultural dialogue. Encounters of various trading societies created a mélange of influences that manifested in the architecture, art, and even in the rituals of the People who once lived here. Thus, Petra becomes a vibrant microcosm of antiquity where the threads of various civilizations intersect.

In addition, Petra fascinates with its mysterious elements. Away from the known sights, numerous undiscovered lines and structures are hidden, waiting to be explored. The little-known water conduits and irrigation systems, designed centuries ago, ingeniously utilize the natural conditions of the surrounding area. These engineering feats are not only signs of the advanced mindset of the Nabataeans but also offer fascinating insights into their way of life. The unique interplay of all these factors makes Petra not only one of the most impressive sites in the world but also an incomparable experience full of discoveries and surprises.

The different ways to explore Petra

There are numerous ways to explore Petra, and each offers a unique perspective on this impressive site. One option is to walk along the main road that leads through the fascinating canyon, the Siq. Along this path, you are surrounded by towering rock walls and gradually overwhelmed by the imposing surroundings as the first glimpses of the Treasury appear. An intense experience is also offered through guided tours, where local guides share their in-depth knowledge and stories about the Nabataeans and the development of Petra. This not only enhances the understanding of the archaeological significance but also brings the secrets of the place to life.

Another option to discover the magical facets of Petra is to explore on the back of a camel. This traditional mode of transport provides a nostalgic connection to the past and allows you to enjoy the majestic views and fascinating landscape from a different perspective. If you are adventurous, you can also make use of some of the less frequented Hiking trails that lead you to hidden viewpoints and secret ruins. These paths not only provide the opportunity to avoid the crowds but also the chance to enjoy the stunning colors and formations of the rocks in peace while soaking in the distinctive atmosphere of this ancient region.

Another fascinating approach to Petra is to participate in night tours, where the site shines in the glow of torches and moonlight. These experiences create a very special ambiance and allow you to see the ancient heritage in a picturesque light. The interplay of darkness and light brings the unique rock structures to life and conveys a sense of mystique. Whether you explore on foot, on a camel, or as part of a guided tour – each method brings its own special Highlights and makes your visit to Petra an unforgettable adventure.


The Red Sea and the freedom of the desert

The Red Sea and the freedom of the desert

The Red Sea, surrounded by rugged Mountains and blazing desert, is not only a Paradise for snorkelers and divers but also a place of relaxation and wonder. The vibrant colors of the coral reefs, where thousands of species of fish find a home, invite you to dive in and experience the underwater world up close. The tranquility of the sea contrasts with the vibrant sounds of the expansive coastline, creating an atmosphere that is both exciting and calming. Here you can lean back while the waves gently lap at the shore and the wind whispers stories of distant adventures in your ear. At the beaches, one can let the soul dangle, with a fresh fruit smoothie in hand and the gaze over the turquoise water stretching to the horizon.

On the other side lies the desert, which offers a completely different but equally enticing freedom. The enormous sand dunes, spreading like golden waves, convey a sense of infinity and invite exploration. Here you will find remote oases, where life flourishes despite the harsh environment, and you can experience authentic Bedouin life up close. When you stand on a dune at sunset and the light bathes the landscape in a warm, golden glow, you feel the absolute silence and the presence of an ancient heritage that continues to live through the stillness of the desert. These contrasts between the vibrant life of the Red Sea and the quiet grandeur of the desert make this region one of the most fascinating destinations you could ever experience.

Snorkeling and diving in Aqaba

Aqaba, the only Port city in Jordan on the Red Sea, is a true El Dorado for snorkeling and diving enthusiasts. Here you can expect breathtaking coral reefs that present a kaleidoscope of colors and shapes. The view into the water reveals an underwater world full of diversity, where majestic sponges, colorful fish, and impressive marine creatures dominate the scene. Whether you are an experienced diver or a beginner, the numerous diving schools and providers in Aqaba ensure that you receive the right equipment and guidance to immerse yourself in this fascinating world.

Particularly, diving at spectacular dive sites such as the "Blue Hole" or the "Japanese Garden" makes the heart of every adventurer race. These spots are known for their unique underwater landscapes and the opportunity to interact with graceful Turtles or even playful dolphins. The water here is warm and clear, improving visibility underwater and making the experience all the more captivating. In addition, the region features impressive shipwrecks that can be explored by divers. These wrecks are not only a magnetic attraction for adventure seekers but also a valuable testament to maritime history.

After a day full of explorations and swimming adventures, you can relax on the Beaches of Aqaba while watching the sunset over the desert. The gentle waves and the salty scent of the air create a dreamy backdrop to reflect on the day's experiences. Aqaba is more than Just a diving destination – it is a place that harmoniously combines wonder and tranquility.

The magical desert Wadi Rum

In the immense expanse of Wadi Rum, a breathtaking landscape unfolds, characterized by its austere beauty and imposing silence. Majestic sandstone cliffs rise, appearing as natural artworks that contrast the diversity of red sand and deep blue sky. As the warm rays of the sun bathe the rocks in changing hues, an almost endless backdrop unfurls, transporting you to another world. This desert is not merely a place; it represents the heart of the traditions and myths of the Bedouins, who have lived here for centuries, intertwining their stories with the earth.

An unforgettable experience is a night under the seemingly infinite starry sky. The atmosphere is infused with a tranquility that captivates as you gaze at the sparkling celestial bodies above you. It is a place where one recognizes their own transience while simultaneously becoming part of something greater. As the cool winds sweep through the desert, the entire spectrum of constant change unfolds, bearing witness to the millennia-old erosions of the rocks. The extraordinary formations, which appear as colossal sculptures, invite exploration and tell of the power and grace of nature.

Wadi Rum is also a Paradise for adventurers looking to explore the desert by quad bikes, camels, or on foot. Each adventure takes you deeper into this magical place, revealing hidden oases and natural springs that allow for a deeper connection to this realm of light and shadow. The desert not only invites, but also offers spirituality, the yearning for freedom, and the opportunity to find inner peace amidst the chaos of Modern life.


Cultural experiences and hospitality

Cultural experiences and hospitality

Diving into the cultural facets of Jordan is like opening a fascinating book that tells stories of millennia. The traditional Festivals organized in various regions of the Country not only provide insights into the customs and ways of life of the People but also offer the opportunity to engage in a vibrant exchange. On days dedicated to the people, the streets come alive as you hear the rhythms of folk Music and enjoy the sight of colorful costumes. The taste of freshly prepared dishes cooked for the celebrations draws you in like magic. These dishes are not Just food but a symbol of hospitality that you can feel in every bite.

This warm hospitality is not Just a phrase but a lived feeling that you experience in every corner of Jordan. The People are willing to share their stories, their traditions, and their cuisine with you. A communal meal is an act of connection in Jordanian culture. You will often be invited into a family's home, where you are served the delicious Mansaf – a dish that not only delights the palate but also opens hearts. The atmosphere is casual and inviting, as if you were part of the family. Such experiences are not only enriching; they create memories that will grow dear to you for a lifetime. It is this authentic interaction that makes your stay in Jordan so special and transforms the Country into not Just a destination but an experience of humanity.

Overnight stay with Bedouins and local cuisine

Staying with Bedouins is an experience that reflects the heart of Arab culture. In a traditional Bedouin camp, you experience the age-old hospitality of these nomads, who have preserved their way of life over generations. While retreating into a stylish Bedouin tent, you are surrounded by the silence of the desert and the gentle light of the stars. Here, you not only learn what it means to be far from Modern life but are also introduced to the traditions and stories of this fascinating culture. Nights are often marked by storytelling and the sound of traditional music, reflecting the deep connection of the Bedouins with their surroundings.

The local cuisine is a highlight of your visit. The Bedouins prepare their dishes with great dedication and traditional recipes that have often been passed down through generations. A typical experience is sharing a meal, where you can taste various delicacies such as Mansaf, marinated lamb dishes, and aromatic rice and vegetable mixtures. These dishes are not only tasty but also carry the flavors of the region, giving you an authentic impression of Jordanian culinary culture. You will be surprised at how simple ingredients are combined into a culinary delight. Preparation often takes place over fire, which adds a special note to the dishes. Sharing Food is more than Just eating; it is an act of community, deeply rooted in Bedouin culture, and creates an atmosphere of trust and togetherness.

Festival highlights and traditions

In Jordan, festivals are a vibrant expression of cultural identity and traditions, rich in history and peculiarities. A prominent example is the Jerash Festival of culture and Arts, celebrated every summer in the ancient city of Jerash. Here, artists, musicians, and craftsmen from the entire region come together to showcase their diverse talents. The streets of the ruins come alive with music, dance, and performing arts, while visitors have the opportunity to immerse themselves in the cultural heritage of the country. The festival Highlights not only traditional Jordanian Music and folklore but also provides a platform for Modern artists who experiment and shine with international sounds.

Another significant event is Eid al-Fitr, which marks the end of Ramadan. The celebrations are characterized by colors, community, and a special meal often shared with family. The days following the fasting month are filled with festive activities, religious ceremonies, and social gatherings. After the prayer, people gather to share sweets and give gifts, fostering a sense of gratitude and togetherness. Local markets pulse with life as streets are adorned with colorful decorations and musicians fill the atmosphere with sounds that reflect the joy of the festivities.

An unforgettable experience is the Bedouin Festival, which takes place in various regions of the Country and celebrates the ancient way of life of the Bedouins. Here you can participate in traditional contests that test skill and speed with camels and horses. These Festivals are not only competitions but also a tribute to the values of community, friendship, and honor rooted in Bedouin culture. The beautiful chants of the Bedouins and the tasty local foods make these events unforgettable experiences that bring you closer to the identity of the Jordanian people.


Practical tips for your trip

Practical tips for your trip

When planning your Trip to Jordan, there are some practical tips that can help you make the most of your stay. First, it is important to inform yourself about the country's currency. Jordan uses the Jordanian Dinar (JOD), and it is advisable to have some cash on hand, as not all smaller shops or markets accept cards. While ATMs are widely available in larger cities like Amman and Aqaba, it may be more difficult to access cash in rural areas. Therefore, it is wise to calculate your cash needs in advance.

When traveling in Jordan, it is important to understand the local transportation network. The Country has a relatively well-developed bus system, but for more flexible movement, you might consider renting a car. Be Sure to adhere to traffic rules, as they may differ from those in your home country. Alternatively, you can also use a taxi, although it is advisable to agree on prices before you start your trip.

Additionally, you should be prepared to consider the climatic conditions of Jordan. Temperatures vary greatly between day and night, especially in the desert. Therefore, it is advisable to pack both light clothing for the day and warmer clothing for the cooler evenings. Of course, a good sunscreen is suitable for sun protection during your explorations. Don’t forget to have enough water with you, especially when visiting desert areas.

Best travel time and arrival in Jordan

The best Travel time for Jordan is from March to May and from September to November. During these periods, you can enjoy mild temperatures and pleasant weather conditions ideal for outdoor activities and sightseeing. In spring, the landscape blooms in vibrant colors, and the desert shows its most beautiful side. In autumn, cooler temperatures attract many travelers who want to explore the cultural and historical treasures of the country. Avoid the extreme summer months, as temperatures in the desert and cities can rise above 40 degrees Celsius. This could significantly limit your exploration tours.

Traveling to Jordan is generally uncomplicated, as most international airlines fly to Queen Alia International Airport in Amman. There are direct flights from many European cities, and airport transfers are well organized. Alternatively, you can also travel through neighboring Countries like Egypt or Israel, as there are various border crossings that facilitate access to Jordan. When you are in the country, rental cars are a popular choice. The road network is relatively well developed, and the freedom it provides allows you to explore more remote regions. However, keep in mind that you should inform yourself about local traffic regulations to ensure a smooth journey.

Safety and health advice

When traveling to Jordan, it is important to inform yourself about safety and health advice to ensure a worry-free stay. The overall security situation in the Country is stable; however, it is advisable to remain vigilant and stay updated on regional developments. Particularly in rural areas, it may be prudent to respect local customs and cultural norms. Familiarize yourself with recommended behaviors, especially regarding clothing and interactions with locals. In larger cities like Amman, it is always wise to keep an eye on valuable personal belongings and not to leave busy markets and tourist sites unattended.

Regarding health, it is advisable to familiarize yourself with the required vaccinations before traveling. Vaccinations against Hepatitis A and B, typhoid, and tetanus are often recommended. In many cases, it is advisable to purchase Travel insurance that covers both medical emergencies and possible repatriation. Drink plenty of water, especially in the hot months, to prevent dehydration. It may be helpful to rely on purified water on-site to avoid gastrointestinal illnesses. Additionally, you should consider malaria prophylaxis. Adhering to common hygiene rules, such as regular handwashing and enjoying well-cooked meals, can significantly reduce the risk of illnesses.

travel blogger Sarah

Personal travel report on "Why you should travel to Jordan at least once in your life"

The personal travel report of a 19-year-old woman describes an unforgettable trip to Jordan. The impressive landscape and the warm hospitality of the locals are highlighted. Particularly impressive was the exploration of Petra, the ancient city carved into the rocks. The monumental cliffs and breathtaking temples left a lasting impression.

The nights in Wadi Rum were magical; the starry sky and the quiet stillness of desert sleep were an experience that cannot be described. The food was delicious and abundant, the spices were life-changing. The opportunity to experience the colorful underwater world of the Red Sea added an extra dimension to the trip.

The hospitality of Jordanians is reflected in the encounters. The invitations to traditional dishes and the sharing of stories created a sense of belonging. A visit to the Dead Sea experience was entertaining, with the salty waves and floating on the water's surface playing the main role.

Jordan, it is noted, is a place full of wonders and history that has something to offer for every traveler. The memories of this trip will be cherished for a lifetime. The decision to visit Jordan was recorded as one of the best experiences in the resume.

Sarah, 19 years young
Travel Blogger for awaymag.com

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