
The historic imperial city in the Harz: Sights, history, and culture


Summary for "Goslar"

  • Goslar has a fascinating history that dates back to the 11th century.
  • The city was an important center of mining in the Harz and a significant trading hub.
  • Goslar played a crucial role in the history of the Holy Roman Empire.
  • During World War II, there was a concentration camp in Goslar.
  • The city has a rich past shaped by mining, politics, and culture.
  • The old town with half-timbered houses and the Imperial Palace is worth seeing.
  • The Imperial Palace in Goslar is an impressive example of Romanesque architecture.
  • The Rammelsberg mine is now a museum and World Heritage Site with an impressive history.
  • The Old Town Festival and the Christmas market are annual highlights in Goslar.
  • The Harz narrow-gauge railways offer a unique way to explore the region.

The History of Goslar

The History of Goslar

Goslar has a fascinating history that dates back to the 11th century. The city was once founded by the Saxons and quickly developed into an important mining center in the Harz. The mines significantly contributed to Goslar's economic prosperity and made the city an important trading hub. Over the centuries, Goslar played a crucial role in the history of the Holy Roman Empire and was even the place where German kings were crowned for some time. This rich and layered past still shapes the cityscape and culture of Goslar today.

In the history of Goslar, there are also dark chapters. During World War II, Goslar hosted a subcamp of the Buchenwald concentration camp, where forced laborers had to work under cruel conditions. The memorial site that can be found there today commemorates the victims and urges remembrance of this dark period.

The history of Goslar is rich in events and turning points that have made the city what it is today. From its founding as a mining town to its role in German history, Goslar has much to offer and invites visitors to immerse themselves in this rich past.

The founding and early history

The founding of **Goslar** in the 11th century was closely linked to **mining** in the Harz Mountains. The city quickly developed into a center of mining and thus gained economic significance. **Mining** significantly contributed to the development and prosperity of **Goslar**, making it an important trading hub. During this time, the magnificent old town was also built, which is still well-preserved today and represents a significant testimony to medieval architecture.

The early history of **Goslar** is closely connected with the Holy Roman Empire. The city played an important role in the history of the empire and was even the place where German kings were crowned for some time. These events shaped not only the political but also the cultural development of the city, contributing to making **Goslar** a cultural center in medieval Germany.

Thus, from the very beginning, the city was both economically and politically significant and greatly influenced the regional development. **Mining** and the associated economic prosperity, as well as the political importance in the Holy Roman Empire, made **Goslar** a city with a rich and fascinating history.

The importance in the Middle Ages

In the Middle Ages, Goslar played a significant role in the Holy Roman Empire. As a site for the coronation of German kings and due to its political and economic importance, the city was a key player in the exercise of political power. Besides its role as a trading hub, Goslar was a cultural center, impressing with the splendor of its architecture and the promotion of art and science. The rich history of the city in the Middle Ages continues to shape the city's image and cultural identity of Goslar to this day.

As a mining center in the Harz region, Goslar was one of the leading producers of ore and other mining products in the Middle Ages. The resulting economic prosperity not only enabled the construction of magnificent buildings and the promotion of the arts but also contributed to Goslar's political significance. This close connection between economic success and political power made the city a major player in the Holy Roman Empire and ensured that its influence extended far beyond its own city walls.

The role of Goslar in the Middle Ages cannot be underestimated. In political, economic, and cultural terms, the city was a significant player that had a considerable impact on the development of the Holy Roman Empire. The magnificent architecture and Cultural promotion contributed to making Goslar a cultural center that continues to attract visitors from around the world.

Goslar in the 20th century

In the 20th century, Goslar experienced a significant change in its economic structure. The decline of mining led to a shift towards other economic sectors. Tourism, in particular, gained importance and significantly contributed to the economic development of Goslar. The historic old town and the unique landscape of the Harz attracted more and more visitors, making Goslar a popular destination for both culture and nature enthusiasts. At the same time, the city also played an important role in German history of the 20th century, especially through the remembrance of the dark chapters of World War II and its significance as a memorial for the victims.

Throughout the 20th century, Goslar underwent a profound structural change that altered the role of the city in the social and economic context. Tourism gained importance, while the historical past and the dark chapters of the city's history also received increased attention. This led to Goslar becoming not only an attractive travel destination but also a place of remembrance and commemoration. The unique combination of historical heritage and natural landscape made the city an interesting place that attracted both tourists and history enthusiasts.

The city of Goslar underwent an astonishing transformation during the 20th century, making it an important cultural and tourist center. The economic shift towards tourism, combined with the city's culture of remembrance, still shapes the cityscape today and contributes to making Goslar a fascinating and multifaceted travel destination.


Sights in Goslar

Sights in Goslar

Goslar offers a variety of attractions that draw visitors from around the world. One of the most impressive structures is the imposing Imperial Palace, considered one of the most important examples of Romanesque architecture in Germany. Here, visitors can explore the magnificent halls and vaults and delve into the rich history of the Holy Roman Empire. Another highlight is the Market Church of St. Cosmas and Damian, whose Gothic architecture and elaborate decorations impress. Additionally, the historic old town with its winding streets and charming half-timbered houses invites guests to a relaxed stroll.

Besides the architectural treasures, Goslar also offers cultural highlights such as the Mönchehaus Museum of Modern Art. In this former Dominican monastery, visitors can admire contemporary artworks and changing exhibitions. For nature lovers, a visit to the Rammelsberg and the historical mining sites is an absolute must. Here, visitors can learn all about the centuries-old mining history of the region and even descend into the impressive tunnels. In summary, Goslar offers an impressive variety of attractions that will delight both culture and nature enthusiasts.

The Imperial Palace

The Imperial Palace in Goslar is an impressive example of Romanesque architecture. Its imposing structure and artistic decorations make it a significant cultural and historical landmark. As a site of the coronation of German kings, the Imperial Palace played an important role in the history of the Holy Roman Empire and is therefore of great interest to visitors. The magnificent halls and vaults of the palace offer a fascinating glimpse into the rich past of the city and are definitely worth a visit.

The old town with its timber-framed houses

The ancient town of Goslar is known for its charming half-timbered houses, narrow winding streets, and picturesque atmosphere. The well-preserved buildings from the Middle Ages testify to the city's rich history and culture. A walk through the ancient town immerses you in times past and allows you to admire the unique architecture, distinguished by artistic decorations and loving details. This unique atmosphere makes the ancient town a popular attraction for visitors interested in historical cities and traditional construction methods.

The half-timbered houses in the ancient town of Goslar are not only visually impressive but also testify to a craftsmanship tradition that has been maintained for centuries. The construction with timber frames and infills made of clay or bricks is a distinctive feature of the ancient town and gives it a very special charm. Many of the half-timbered houses have been lovingly restored and today host cozy cafés, restaurants, and small shops that invite you to stroll and linger.

A visit to the ancient town of Goslar is a journey into the past, where you can experience the history of the city up close. The half-timbered houses, narrow streets, and historic squares offer an impressive insight into medieval life and make the ancient town a fascinating place to discover.

The Rammelsberg Mine

The Rammelsberg is a former mine in Goslar that now serves as a museum and World Heritage Site. Here, you can delve into the fascinating history of mining in the Harz and explore the historic mining facilities. Visitors have the opportunity to descend into the captivating tunnels and learn more about the centuries-old mining history of the region. In addition to the informative tours, the Rammelsberg mine also offers an impressive museum that provides insights into the working conditions of the miners and the significance of mining for the region. Therefore, a visit to the Rammelsberg is an absolute must for history enthusiasts and nature lovers alike. With its impressive facilities and fascinating history, the mine is a significant cultural and historical highlight in the Goslar region.


Cultural Events

Cultural Events

Cultural events in Goslar offer a diverse insight into the rich history and vibrant cultural scene of the city. From art exhibitions in renowned galleries to traditional festivals and music events, there is something for everyone to discover. The annual Kaiserpfalz Concerts attract music lovers from all over the world and offer a varied program of classical, jazz, and world music. In addition, the numerous museums and cultural institutions in Goslar regularly host exciting events and performances that captivate visitors with creative and innovative presentations. The vibrant cultural scene of Goslar makes the city an attractive destination for culture enthusiasts and invites you to discover and enjoy the variety of cultural events.

Easter market

The Easter Market in Goslar is an annual event that attracts visitors from all over the world. Here, visitors can admire local handicrafts, buy traditional Easter decorations, and enjoy regional specialties. The diverse offerings range from handcrafted Easter baskets to artfully painted eggs and delicious Easter specialties that are a highlight for both locals and tourists. Additionally, cultural events such as Easter concerts and traditional Easter customs provide a varied program and a festive atmosphere, making the Easter Market an unforgettable experience.

The Easter Market in Goslar exudes a festive atmosphere with its colorful stalls and cheerful hustle and bustle, delighting visitors of all ages. In addition to the craft and culinary highlights, the market also offers an entertaining program for the whole family. Traditional Easter customs like the Easter egg hunt and Easter crafts bring fun and joy to children, while musical performances and cultural presentations put visitors in a festive mood. The Easter Market is therefore a popular event that charmingly celebrates the region's Easter tradition and cheerfulness.

The Easter Market in Goslar is not only a place to buy traditional products but also an opportunity to immerse in the Easter atmosphere and enjoy the cheerful hustle and bustle. The colorful variety of handicrafts, culinary delights, and cultural events makes the Easter Market a special experience that charmingly celebrates the region's Easter tradition and cheerfulness. With its diverse offerings and festive program, the Easter Market is a popular event for both locals and tourists alike.

Old Town Festival

The Old Town Festival in Goslar is one of the city's annual highlights, attracting visitors from near and far. During the festival, the historic old town comes to life with a colorful program of music, dance, handicrafts, and culinary delights. The winding alleys and charming half-timbered houses provide the perfect backdrop for the festival, which celebrates the city's rich history and culture. A special highlight is the historical parade, where colorfully dressed performers bring the history of Goslar to life and take visitors on a fascinating journey through time. The Old Town Festival is thus an unforgettable experience that combines the unique atmosphere of the old town with the cheerful mood of the visitors.

During the Old Town Festival, the historic old town of Goslar transforms into a vibrant center of culture and entertainment. Visitors can admire local artisans at work, enjoy traditional dances and musical performances, and sample a diverse selection of culinary specialties. Additionally, historical tours and events offer a fascinating insight into the city's history and traditions. The Old Town Festival is therefore a unique opportunity to experience the vibrant cultural scene of Goslar and immerse yourself in the historic atmosphere of the old town.

Christmas market

The Christmas market in Goslar attracts visitors from near and far every year. The picturesque old town forms the perfect backdrop for the festive atmosphere and the diverse attractions of the market. From atmospheric Christmas music to traditional handicrafts and culinary delights, the market offers a varied experience for the whole family. The festively decorated stalls invite you to stroll and linger, while the scent of mulled wine and roasted almonds puts visitors in a festive mood.

Away from the hustle and bustle, the Christmas market also offers a range of cultural events and traditional customs that allow visitors to immerse themselves in the festive atmosphere. From historical tours to entertaining fairy tale narrations, there is something for every taste to discover. The Christmas market in Goslar is therefore an indispensable event that celebrates the festive tradition of the region in a magical way and delights visitors of all ages.


Explore the surroundings

Explore the surroundings

If you want to explore the surroundings of Goslar, a Trip to the Harz mountains is recommended. The picturesque landscape with its green forests and idyllic valleys invites you to take extended hikes and walks. Visit the Harz National Park and discover the diverse flora and fauna of the region. The area also has a lot to offer culturally - take a detour to the nearby historical towns and villages to learn more about the rich history and architecture of the area. With its charming half-timbered houses and medieval churches, the surroundings of Goslar are like an open-air museum of the past.

In addition, a visit to the UNESCO World Heritage Site Oberharzer Wasserwirtschaft is worthwhile. Here you can explore the fascinating history of mining and the use of hydropower in the region. The historical facilities and tunnels provide an impressive insight into the technical and social developments of past centuries. Moreover, the surrounding communities and forests offer numerous opportunities for outdoor activities such as cycling, climbing, and skiing. Whether you are a nature or history lover, the surroundings of Goslar have exciting and varied experiences for every visitor.

Harz National Park

The Harz National Park offers a breathtaking landscape with dense forests, clear streams, and diverse flora and fauna. Here you can explore the pristine nature on extensive hikes and enjoy the tranquility and beauty of the surroundings. With its varied topography, ranging from wild gorges to gentle slopes, the Harz National Park provides numerous opportunities for outdoor activities and nature observations. Moreover, the national park is an important habitat for many endangered species of animals and plants that you might discover during your visit. With numerous well-signposted hiking trails and viewpoints, the Harz National Park is a worthwhile destination for nature lovers and adventurers.

If you want to learn more about the unique history and culture of the Harz region, the Harz National Park also offers the opportunity to explore historical towns and villages. These picturesque places provide a vivid impression of the region's rich past and offer cultural sights worth visiting. Additionally, many myths and legends surround the Harz, adding a fascinating complement to your adventures in nature during your stay. Whether you are interested in history, culture, or nature, the Harz National Park offers exciting and varied experiences for every visitor.

Mountain hikes

Hiking in the surroundings of Goslar is an unforgettable experience for nature lovers and adventurers. The picturesque landscape of the Harz offers a breathtaking backdrop for explorative hikes through green forests and idyllic valleys. With a diverse flora and fauna and varied hiking trails, the Harz National Park is a rewarding destination for outdoor activities and nature observations. The diverse topography, ranging from wild gorges to gentle slopes, provides numerous opportunities to explore the pristine nature and enjoy the tranquility and beauty of the surroundings.

Moreover, the Harz National Park also offers the opportunity to explore historical towns and villages in the Harz region. These picturesque places present a vivid picture of the region's rich historical past and offer cultural attractions that are worth a visit. With numerous well-marked hiking trails and viewpoints, the Harz National Park is a worthwhile destination for nature lovers and adventurers. Whether you are interested in history, culture, or nature, the Harz National Park has exciting and diverse experiences for every visitor.

Harz Narrow Gauge Railways

The Harz Narrow Gauge Railways are a fascinating and historical way to explore the picturesque landscape of the Harz Mountains. With their nostalgic steam locomotives and authentic carriages, they offer a unique experience for train enthusiasts and nature lovers alike. The various routes lead through idyllic valleys, past imposing mountain peaks, and to picturesque villages, allowing you to discover the beauty of the Harz Mountains from a completely new perspective. The historic stations along the routes take visitors back to bygone times and offer a fascinating insight into the history of railways. A Trip with the Harz Narrow Gauge Railways is therefore an unforgettable experience that combines historical railway technology with breathtaking nature.

The Harz Narrow Gauge Railways are not only a popular excursion destination for tourists but also an important part of regional transportation. The various routes connect remote villages and tourist attractions, allowing locals to explore the charming surroundings of the Harz Mountains comfortably. The historic stations along the routes are not only starting points for exciting excursions but also places of meeting and cultural exchange. With their nostalgic charm and historical flair, the Harz Narrow Gauge Railways are thus an integral part of the region's cultural heritage.

Whether you are interested in the historical technology of steam locomotives or simply want to experience the impressive nature of the Harz Mountains, the Harz Narrow Gauge Railways offer a unique and unforgettable experience for every visitor. The combination of historical railway technology, breathtaking landscape, and cultural heritage makes them an indispensable part of a Trip to the Harz Mountains.


Culinary Highlights

Culinary Highlights

The culinary offerings in Goslar are as diverse as they are fascinating. The town is known for its regional specialties, which can be enjoyed in cozy restaurants and inns. One of the culinary highlights is undoubtedly the Harz kale, a hearty dish traditionally served with Pinkel, a smoked groats sausage. The Harz sausage, a smoked bratwurst specialty, is also a must-try for gourmets. In addition, Goslar's rich gastronomic scene offers a variety of international restaurants serving dishes from around the world, satisfying even the most discerning palates. Visitors to Goslar should definitely try the local delicacies and be convinced by the variety and quality of the town's culinary offerings.

Goslar's Specialties

Goslar's specialties are a true feast for food lovers. The city is known for its hearty dishes, including the popular Harzer kale, traditionally served with Pinkel, a smoked grits sausage. This hearty specialty is a must-try for anyone wanting to experience the local cuisine. Another highlight is the Harzer sausage, a smoked bratwurst specialty that delights lovers of hearty delicacies. However, international delicacies are not neglected in Goslar. The city's rich gastronomic scene offers a wide selection of restaurants serving dishes from around the world, thus satisfying even the most discerning palate. Goslar's culinary diversity and quality make it an absolute delight for anyone who enjoys sampling local specialties.

Cozy cafes and restaurants

In Goslar, you will find a variety of cozy cafés and restaurants that invite you to linger and enjoy. Whether traditional Harz specialties or international cuisine, there is something for every taste. In the restored half-timbered houses of the old town or with a view of the picturesque landscape, you can sample local delicacies and be convinced by the diversity and quality of the culinary offerings. Whether you are looking for a relaxed breakfast, a hearty lunch, or a romantic dinner, the cozy cafés and restaurants in Goslar offer a special culinary experience that you shouldn't miss. Enjoy the unique atmosphere and let yourself be pampered by the regional specialties.

Regional Breweries

Goslar is known not only for its rich history and impressive architecture but also for its regional breweries. In the surroundings of Goslar, there are various breweries offering a wide selection of craft-brewed beer. From traditional breweries that have been around for generations to modern breweries with innovative beer creations, the region has much to offer beer lovers. Local ingredients and traditional brewing methods are often used to produce unique high-quality beers. The breweries in the Goslar area invite visitors to discover and enjoy the diversity and excellent quality of regional beer.

The regional breweries in the Goslar area offer a wealth of craft-brewed beer that attracts beer lovers from all over the region. From pale ales to dark and malty stouts, there is a wide variety of beers reflecting the unique flavors and characteristics of the region. Traditional breweries emphasize proven brewing methods and local ingredients, while modern breweries bring variety with creative beer creations and experimental brewing techniques. Visitors have the opportunity to tour the breweries, participate in tastings, and learn more about the brewing process and the history of beer in the region. The regional breweries of Goslar thus form an important and exciting part of the city's culinary scene.

The regional breweries in the Goslar area not only offer beer of excellent quality but also provide visitors with insights into the region's rich brewing tradition. With craft-brewed beer reflecting the unique flavors and characteristics of the region, the breweries are highly attractive to beer lovers and visitors eager to discover the diversity of regional beer. The offerings range from traditional breweries using proven brewing methods and local ingredients to modern breweries with creative beer creations and experimental brewing techniques. The breweries invite visitors to explore and enjoy the unique diversity and quality of regional beer.

travel blogger Anne

Personal travel report on "Goslar"

On my trip to Goslar, a historic imperial city in the Harz mountains, I was fascinated by the beauty and charm of the city. The well-preserved old town with its half-timbered houses and narrow streets immediately transported me back in time. I was particularly impressed by the numerous sights such as the imposing Imperial Palace, the Rammelsberg Mine, and the UNESCO World Heritage old town.

It was simply wonderful to stroll through the cobblestone streets and experience the city's history up close. The cozy cafés and restaurants invited me to linger and allowed me to fully enjoy the city's atmosphere. A highlight was also the visit to the imposing Imperial Palace, where I could immerse myself in the world of the medieval emperors.

The numerous cultural events and museums gave me a deeper insight into the city's history and culture. Especially recommendable is the Museum im Zwinger, where you can view exciting exhibitions about the region's mining history. All in all, my trip to Goslar was an unforgettable experience and I can only recommend everyone to visit this historic imperial city in the Harz mountains.

Anne, 79 years young
Travel Blogger for awaymag.com

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