Prince Edward Island: Dreamy beaches and maritime culture

Discover the pristine nature and vibrant history of one of Canada's most beautiful islands.

Prince Edward Island: Dreamy beaches and maritime culture

Summary for "Prince Edward Island: Dreamy beaches and maritime culture"

- Prince Edward Island offers stunning beaches and a rich maritime culture. - The island is easily accessible via the Confederation Bridge and has a unique geographical location. - Historically shaped by Indigenous peoples and European settlers, the island's culture reflects diverse influences. - Cavendish Beach and Basin Head are popular beaches for recreation and water sports. - Fresh seafood is a central component of the local cuisine and contributes to culinary diversity. - Fishing is an important economic and cultural factor for the community. - Traditional festivals like the Lobster Festival celebrate local culture and bring people together. - The nature surrounding the island invites activities like hiking, cycling, and water sports. - Sustainable tourism is promoted to preserve the island's natural beauty. - Diverse accommodations and local restaurants offer authentic experiences for all visitors.

Introduction to Prince Edward Island

Introduction to Prince Edward Island

Prince Edward Island is a fascinating mixture of breathtaking landscapes and a rich cultural heritage. The island is often appreciated for its diverse wildlife and charming villages. In terms of area, it is the smallest province in Canada, yet it impresses with its stunning coastlines and the characteristic red cliffs shaped by the forces of nature. The many Nature parks offer not only a retreat for hikers but also opportunities for birdwatching and photography in pristine surroundings.

A key feature of Prince Edward Island is the warm hospitality that visitors encounter in the local communities. Here live communities proud of their traditions and customs, offering a variety of Culinary Delights sourced from the surrounding nature. Especially the seafood, such as lobster and mussels, is fresh and appreciated worldwide. As you stroll along the charming streets, you can also feel the influences of Scottish and Irish history brought to life in the island's architecture and celebrations.

Cultural life is enriched by festivals, the Art scene, and local markets. Here, centuries-old traditions are kept alive, and the commitment to Sustainability and environmental protection is deeply rooted. Prince Edward Island offers an idyllic setting that appeals to both those seeking relaxation and adventurers. Immerse yourself in the fascinating atmosphere of this unique island, which has more to offer than you might initially think.

Geographical location and arrival

The geographical location of Prince Edward Island is unique as it lies between the Gulf of St. Lawrence and the North Sea. This small province is connected to the Canadian mainland by the Confederation Bridge, making it particularly easy for visitors to reach. You can cross the bridge by car or on foot. Alternatively, you can use a ferry that offers regular connections from Nova Scotia to Prince Edward Island. This ferry crossing is not only a practical way to reach the island but also provides the opportunity to enjoy the impressive coastal landscape from a different perspective.

Once you arrive on the island, a variety of exploration options reveal themselves, guiding you through picturesque streets lined with ancient oaks and charming houses. The island spans 5,600 square kilometers and is surrounded by countless Beaches that invite you to relax. The diverse landscapes, ranging from gentle hills to rugged coasts, are a true Paradise for Nature lovers. Due to its relatively small size, many attractions are easily accessible, allowing you to visit various places without having to plan long travel times.

The climatic conditions on Prince Edward Island vary significantly between the seasons, giving you the opportunity to experience entirely different things at any time of the year. The summers are pleasantly mild, while the winters are cold and snowy. No matter when you visit the island, it has its own charm. In the high season, you could experience the bustling activity in the towns, while the off-season offers a quieter but no less impressive backdrop that allows you to enjoy the beauty of Nature in its purest form.

Cultural significance and history

The cultural significance of Prince Edward Island is deeply rooted in a history shaped by explorers, settlers, and the Indigenous Peoples. The Indigenous people, the Mi'kmaq, have inhabited the island for thousands of years, and their traditions and stories are still part of the cultural heritage today. With the arrival of European settlers in the 17th century, particularly the French and later the British, the social structure changed. These diverse influences left a loose but remarkable blend of cultural practices, languages, and Festivals that shape life on the island today.

One of the prominent forms of cultural expression is literature, especially through the famous character of Anne of Green Gables, created by author L.M. Montgomery. This story has not only increased the island's international fame but also heightened awareness of its unique landscape and community identity. Montgomery's narratives have become a symbol of the romanticized perception of Prince Edward Island, attracting numerous tourists each year who wish to explore the sites of their beloved childhood dreams. Festivals celebrating local culture, as well as arts and crafts fairs, are also firmly established in the event calendar, providing engaging insights into the creative work of the local population.

The island's culinary habits are closely related to its maritime and agricultural history. Locals have developed a deep understanding of resource preservation over generations, leading to sustainable culinary practices. Often, the individual character of the communities is reflected in the dishes that utilize local ingredients and preserve old recipes. At food Festivals and markets, you might even taste the heritage of multiculturalism, and the connection to Nature is always present.


The most beautiful beaches of the island

The most beautiful beaches of the island

The coastline of Prince Edward Island is a true gem, offering numerous Beaches suitable for both relaxation and adventure. One of the most popular Beaches is Cavendish Beach, known for its fine, golden sands and clear, turquoise water. Here you can spend hours lying on the beach, collecting shells, or watching the impressive sunset as the waves gently roll onto the shore. The nearby national park offers Hiking trails right by the sea, allowing you to experience the breathtaking Nature up close.

Another insider tip is Basin Head beach, often regarded as one of the most beautiful Beaches on the island. The unique sand structure allows you to "sing" over the water, providing an exciting experience for both young and old. The beach is also an ideal spot for swimmers and kite flyers, thanks to the spacious area often shared with only a few other visitors. The surrounding sand dunes offer a gorgeous view of the sea and a stunning landscape.

If you are looking for a somewhat more secluded beach location, you should consider Greenwich beach. This less frequented beach is part of Greenwich national park and impresses with its untouched beauty and tranquil atmosphere. Here you can hike through the stunning dunes or simply relax along the shores of the Atlantic. The pristine nature around Greenwich is not only picturesque but also an excellent place for bird watching, especially if you have a fondness for local Flora and fauna.

Cavendish Beach: A Paradise for Beach Lovers

Cavendish beach is a true Paradise for those who want to enjoy beach life in its fullest glory. With its endless sandy Beaches stretching like a golden carpet along the coast, the place invites you to leave the stress of everyday life behind and simply relax. The gentle waves of the Atlantic beckon for swimming and splashing, while children collect seashells or build sandcastles on the shore. Thanks to numerous beach activities, there is something for everyone, whether it's beach volleyball, yoga on the beach, or quietly reading a book in the warm sun. The locality also offers a spectacular backdrop for the stunning sunsets that transform the sky into a sea of colors.

The area around Cavendish beach is dotted with various cafés and restaurants offering fresh seafood and regional delicacies. If you are hungry after a long day at the beach, you will find numerous options to refuel. There are also small beach shops where you can buy souvenirs or enjoy a cool drink. Apart from the culinary delights, the local community creates an inviting atmosphere: locals and tourists weave their stories together, making Cavendish a vibrant place of encounter.

Nature lovers can explore the dunes behind the beach and the adjacent national park. On well-marked Hiking trails, you can discover the impressive vegetation and local wildlife. This combination of relaxation, adventure, and culinary Highlights makes Cavendish beach an essential destination for every beach lover seeking an unforgettable experience.

Brackley Beach: Relaxation and pure nature

Brackley beach is a hidden Paradise that offers tranquility and relaxation amidst breathtaking natural surroundings. The wide, white sandy beach stretches like an untouched carpet along the Coast and is lapped by gentle waves. Here you can spend unforgettable hours, whether lounging in the sun, taking long beach walks, or simply listening to nature. Secluded areas provide you the chance to find some peace away from the busy Beaches and fully enjoy the sound of the water.

The surrounding Nature is rich and diverse, with lush dunes shaping the landscape. A network of Hiking trails opens up, inviting exploration. These paths lead through partially untouched vegetation and offer fantastic views of the coastline and the wildlife that calls this place home. Keep an eye out for various bird species that find their habitat in this ecosystem. Whether you are a fan of Nature photography or simply want to capture moments, Brackley beach gives you the opportunity to capture the stunning colors of the landscape and wildlife.

Moreover, there is a very special atmosphere that surrounds the beach. During sunsets, the sky transforms into a kaleidoscope of colors and the light reflects off the water, creating a magical mood. The fresh air, combined with the salty aroma of the sea, provides a revitalizing break from the hectic everyday life. Here you can simply unwind, leave stress behind, and immerse yourself in the beauty of the surroundings. Brackley beach is the perfect place to bring body and mind into harmony and let the power of Nature affect you.

Bayside Beach: Insider Tip for Peace and Relaxation

Bayside beach is a hidden gem that is perfect for escaping the hectic everyday life. Here you will find a peaceful setting away from the tourist trails. The beach is bordered by gentle hills and lush pine forests, providing a stunning contrast to the sparkling water. As you stroll over the fine, light sand, you immediately feel the calming energy of the surroundings. It is the ideal place to simply unwind and fully enjoy the untouched nature.

The waves of the Atlantic gently lap against the coast, creating a relaxing soundscape that easily puts you in a meditative state. There are hardly any People here, giving you the freedom to find your own spot, whether you want to read a book, make music, or Just enjoy the tranquility. The clear water also invites swimming and exploring. If you are looking for a change from sunbathing, you can explore the area on the small Hiking trails that lead through the coastal vegetation and offer enchanting views of the surrounding landscapes.

Especially in the morning hours or during twilight, the beach shines in majestic colors, providing you with unforgettable moments. The light breaking on the water's surface creates a magical atmosphere that invites you to linger. A simple walk along the shore can turn into an inspiring outlook while you listen to the gentle sound of the waves. A visit to Bayside beach is more than Just a day at the sea; it is an invitation to immerse yourself in the silence and beauty of nature.


Maritime culture and traditions

Maritime culture and traditions

The maritime culture of Prince Edward Island is deeply rooted in the customs and everyday life of the locals. Here, fishing has been at the center of economic activities for centuries. The skilled fishermen and fisherwomen have not only passed down their techniques through generations but have also developed a close connection to the sea. Each year, the procession of fishermen to the first catch attracts numerous spectators who eagerly watch the arrival of fresh crabs and lobsters. The traditional ferry and shipping connections symbolize not only the transport of goods but also a sign of the strong bond of the island community to the water. Visitors have the opportunity to partake in these insights into the maritime way of life and enjoy the region's seafood at authentic festival celebrations such as the Lobster Festival or the PEI International Shellfish Festival.

Another important aspect of maritime traditions is the Art of boat building, which also has a long history on the island. The boat builders combine old techniques with Modern influences, creating both classic and innovative ships. This craftsmanship attracts many visitors interested in the history of seafaring. The craft beer culture of the island also has roots in the maritime tradition. Many breweries draw inspiration from the surroundings by using local ingredients to create beers that reflect the flavors of the sea. This subtle symbiosis between agricultural and maritime resources has made Prince Edward Island a culinary and cultural hotspot that delights guests with its unique charm and authenticity.

The importance of fishing for the island community

Fishing is not only a central economic sector on Prince Edward Island, but it is also the pulsating heart of the community. Fishing is deeply rooted in the identity of the islanders and shapes the social fabric of the region. For many locals, the day often begins early in the morning as they venture out into the waves on their boats, packed with traditions and techniques passed down from generation to generation. These practices are not Just craftsmanship but an expression of a lifestyle that is in harmony with the tides and nature.

The significance of Fishing extends beyond economic benefits. It creates connections between People and their environment, fosters a strong sense of community, and ensures social cohesion. Often, the catches of the fishermen are the concern of numerous families and neighbors who work together to preserve culture and traditions. Regenerative practices and awareness of sustainable use of marine resources are also part of this community culture, as everyone on the island knows that protecting fish stocks serves not only their own livelihoods but also gives future generations the opportunity to live and thrive in this diverse environment.

Moreover, fishing is an essential part of the culinary landscape of Prince Edward Island. Freshly caught seafood is not solely a gastronomic delight but also a symbol of the pride and history of the islanders. Restaurants and markets that offer local products boost the local economy and attract visitors interested in the authentic flavors and unique taste experiences of the region. Events dedicated to Fishing showcase both the craftsmanship of the fishermen and the numerous possibilities that seafood offers. The symbiosis between Fishing and community is strong, ensuring that cultural traditions remain alive while promoting a sustainable future.

Traditional festivals and events

Prince Edward Island is a melting pot of traditional Festivals and events that keep the cultural identity of the island alive. Every year, diverse celebrations take place, celebrating local culture and rich maritime traditions. For example, the Lobster Festival attracts guests from near and far who enjoy not only the fresh delicacies of the region but also the convivial atmosphere among like-minded individuals. At this event, lobster takes center stage, while cooking competitions and live music round out the enjoyment, taking visitors on a culinary excursion through the island's maritime history.

Another highlight is the PEI International Shellfish Festival, which celebrates the love of seafood and brings together People who appreciate the delicate flavors of the region. Here, you can participate in demonstrations by top chefs, enjoy live shows, and fully experience local hospitality. The festival is not only a culinary event but also a cultural one, with live performances and craftsmanship complementing the sheer enjoyment of Food and strengthening the community. Particularly notable is the sense of togetherness that arises during these celebrations.

In addition, numerous folk events take place throughout the year, including music Festivals and Art markets that showcase local talent. These events provide opportunities to experience the island's creative energy and appreciate the vibrant art scene of Prince Edward Island. The combination of food, art, and Music creates a unique atmosphere that makes the island's cultural heritage tangible and represents an unforgettable experience for every visitor.

Insight into the local cuisine: Fresh seafood and more

The local cuisine of Prince Edward Island is a feast of flavors that combines the freshness of seafood and a variety of traditional dishes. While lobster and mussels often take center stage on menus, there is also a surprising diversity of culinary experiences that the island has to offer. Many restaurants and family-run establishments adhere to farm-to-table principles, meaning that the ingredients are sourced locally and adjusted seasonally. This results in dishes that are not only fresh and delicious but also reflect the character of the region.

The combination of fresh catches and sincere preparation ensures that the dishes often honor the traditional recipes of the indigenous peoples and early settlers. In gourmet restaurants, you can discover creative reinterpretations of classic dishes enhanced with a dash of local spices and herbs. The exclusive use of native ingredients makes it possible for each meal to carry a bit of the island's unique terroir. Particularly noteworthy are the fusion dishes that combine influences from various cultures, thereby developing their own distinctive flair.

Another highlight is the vibrant street Food scene that is present at markets and during festivals. Here you have the chance to sample various delicacies, from handmade empanadas to artisanal ice cream made with local fruits. These colorful stalls and Food trucks are not only a wonderful way to support the locals but also a must for gastronomically inclined visitors seeking authentic culinary experiences.


Activities and experiences on Prince Edward Island

Activities and experiences on Prince Edward Island

On Prince Edward Island, there is far more to experience than Just picturesque Beaches and culinary highlights. Nature lovers can look forward to a variety of activities that allow them to explore the diverse landscape. A well-marked network of bike paths invites you to discover the island by bike. Especially the routes along the Coast offer breathtaking views of the sparkling water and impressive cliffs. Enjoy the refreshment of the salty breeze and stop frequently to admire the enchanting Flora and fauna. Birdwatching is also an unforgettable experience, especially during migration times when numerous species stop on the island.

If you're looking for an exciting way to get to know the island better, guided tours are an excellent choice. Whether it's a historical journey, a culinary tour, or an adventure tour into pristine nature – there is something for everyone. Locals often share their perspectives and stories about the island's traditions and culture, making the experience even more authentic. Additionally, boat trips along the Coast are a wonderful option to explore the island from the water. This way, you can not only admire the coastal landscape with its impressive cliffs but also take the opportunity to spot whales and sea Turtles that inhabit the waters around the island.

Hiking and cycling along the coast

Hiking and cycling along the Coast of Prince Edward Island offers a breathtaking range of opportunities to fully enjoy the untouched nature and spectacular views. The coastal trails are not only well-marked but also diverse, so each step holds a new discovery. The sound of waves in the background and the salty wind create a calming atmosphere, while colorful wildflowers line the paths and bring the coastal scenery to life. These hikes and bike rides are ideal for experiencing the rich Flora and Fauna of the island up close, including the characteristic bird species native to this region.

If you seek adventure, the coastal routes offer a mix of gentle hills and challenging sections that appeal to both casual hikers and experienced cyclists. Cycling along the scenic roadway is especially suitable for families; the wide paths allow you to explore the surroundings safely and easily. Disused rail tracks have been transformed into bike paths that lead through dense forests and past idyllic lakes. On your journey, you may discover small hidden coves that invite you to linger and swim — perfect for escaping the heat of the day.

Additionally, there are numerous spots along the Coast for breaks, where you can recharge with local snacks or drinks. Bring your camera, as the photo opportunities are endless. From rugged cliffs to expansive sandy beaches, each view is an invitation to capture the beauty of the landscape. The harmonious connection of coastal Hiking and cycling allows the soul to unwind and fosters an awareness of nature, while the changing tides constantly offer new perspectives. Experience the Coast in a way that creates unforgettable memories.

Water sports and boat trips: The best spots

Prince Edward Island offers a true Paradise for water sports enthusiasts and nature lovers looking to explore the fascinating coastal landscape on the water. A popular spot for kayakers is North Rustico Harbour. Here you can immerse yourself in the serenity of the waters while paddling along the picturesque coastline. The gentle waves and the diverse wildlife you can observe make this tour an unforgettable experience. Keep an eye out for seals swimming curiously around your boat, or the majestic seabirds circling above you.

Another excellent place for boat trips is Tracadie Bay. The calm waters are ideal for Fishing or for relaxing motorboat rides. Here you can enjoy the fresh sea breeze while admiring the impressive natural surroundings. The River that flows into the bay is a great way to explore the idyllic landscape while searching for the best Fishing spots. A guided tour with a local captain can not only provide you with valuable tips but also tell exciting stories about the region and its maritime traditions.

For adrenaline junkies, Cavendish beach is a hotspot for windsurfing and kitesurfing. With its optimal wind conditions and clear waves, it offers the perfect backdrop to dive into the exciting world of these sports. Here you can feel the freedom on the water as you race over the waves and soar in the wind. Whether you are a beginner or a pro, there is something for everyone.

Visit the recruitment tour: experience history up close

The recruitment tour on Prince Edward Island is a fascinating opportunity to experience the stories of the first settlers up close. Embark on a journey through time as you visit historical sites and reconstructed villages. Here you can learn about the challenges and achievements of the People who settled this beautiful island. Interacting with descendants of these pioneers, who often appear in traditional clothing, brings history to life. It is told how the harsh life and close communities contributed to shaping island culture, and the anecdotes passed down from generation to generation are an important part of these experiences.

Particularly impressive are the various events that take place during the recruitment tour. Demonstrations of craft skills, such as traditional boat building or the making of Fishing nets, not only showcase the artisans' skills but also the close social ties within the community. It is especially striking to see the craft techniques in action that have remained unchanged for centuries. At Food tables spread with local specialties, you can also experience the culinary traditions while tasting the flavors of bygone times and gaining a sense of the lifestyle of past generations.

A guided walk through the historic districts also offers the opportunity to learn fascinating details about everyday culture and the social gatherings of the people. You can immerse yourself in the atmosphere of the time and imagine what it might have been like to live in these lovingly reconstructed buildings. Visiting the recruitment tour thus becomes a lively lesson in history, where you not only observe but also actively experience what it felt like to be part of this unique island history.


Tips for your visit to Prince Edward Island

Tips for your visit to Prince Edward Island

To make the most of your visit to Prince Edward Island, you should prepare well and be open to new experiences. Spring and early summer offer an ideal opportunity to see the Flora in full bloom and attend events like markets and Festivals that come alive during this time. Remember to plan your travel dates in advance, as many popular attractions and accommodations book up quickly, especially during peak season. It may also be wise to explore less-visited Hiking and biking trails to enjoy a peaceful atmosphere and an undisturbed connection to nature.

Another tip is not to miss out on the diverse culinary experiences. Sample everything from fresh seafood to traditional countryside cuisine, often sourced directly from the farm. Many restaurants on the island prioritize sustainability, so feel free to ask about the origins of the ingredients. In addition to culinary experiences, local arts and crafts markets are also worth a visit. Here, you can not only purchase souvenirs but also get to know the creative spirit of the island.

If you enjoy the outdoors, you should also check the best season for birdwatching, as numerous birds pass through the island during migration. Discover remote Beaches or take a guided boat tour to experience maritime life up close. Remember to dress for the weather, as conditions can often be changeable. Pack not only toiletries and sunscreen but also a light jacket and the necessary gear for outdoor activities. These preparatory steps will ensure that your stay on the island is both enjoyable and unforgettable.

The best travel time and accommodations

The best Travel time for Prince Edward Island is in summer, from late June to early September. During this time, you enjoy not only warm weather but also numerous Festivals and activities that transform the island into a vibrant experience. The days are long, and the warm temperatures invite you to explore the Beaches or participate in outdoor events. However, if you prefer a quieter atmosphere, late spring and early Autumn are also recommended. During this time, crowds are smaller, the landscape blooms in full splendor, and you can peacefully enjoy the beauty of nature.

As for accommodations, the island offers an impressive variety. From charming bed and breakfasts in historic buildings to modern Vacation rentals with sea views, there is something for every taste. Cozy inns often provide personal service, while many beachfront Hotels have top-notch amenities. Family-run accommodations are particularly popular, giving you an authentic insight into local culture and hospitality. For adventurous souls, there are also campsites and glamping options that allow you to experience the natural surroundings up close and leave behind the noise of civilization. Wherever you stay, be Sure to book in advance, especially during peak season, to ensure you find the perfect place to relax.

Recommendations for restaurants and local shops

In Prince Edward Island, there is a wealth of restaurants and local shops that significantly enrich the culinary and cultural experience of the island. Visit "The Dunes Studio Gallery and Café" in Brackley Beach, where the creative atmosphere of the Art gallery seamlessly leads to one of the best dining experiences. The menu changes seasonally and offers an exquisite selection of dishes prepared with fresh, local ingredients. Here you can not only enjoy delicious Food but also discover some enchanting artworks by local artists.

Another insider tip is "Fisherman's Wharf Lobster Suppers" in North Rustico, known for its rustic atmosphere and top-notch lobster soup. It is the ideal place to taste the authentic flavors of maritime cuisine while enjoying the view of the harbor. For foodies looking for a creative twist on traditional dishes, "The Table Culinary Studio" is recommended, where you can not only dine but also participate in cooking classes to learn more about local recipes and preparation methods.

Don't forget to browse through the many small shops for handcrafted souvenirs that reflect the unique culture of the island. "Green Gables Shop" in Cavendish offers great merchandise and souvenirs related to the iconic character Anne of Green Gables. Here you will also find products from local artisans that commemorate the craftsmanship and traditions of the island. Such shops are a wonderful way to capture the memories of your visit and support the local community.

Sustainable tourism: Preserving the island's magic

Sustainable tourism on Prince Edward Island is an essential component to preserve the distinctive beauty and cultural heritage of this island for future generations. It is crucial that visitors and locals alike pay attention to how their activities impact Nature and the community. By supporting local businesses that are committed to environmentally friendly practices, you help protect the unique Flora and Fauna of the island. Many accommodations offer sustainable options, whether in dining or activities that respect Nature while conveying an authentic island life.

The introduction of ecological initiatives, such as the preservation of coastal ecosystems and the protection of marine habitats, is crucial. This means that as a visitor, you can also be an active participant in these efforts. There are numerous opportunities to engage in conservation projects or participate in guided tours designed to be environmentally friendly and raise awareness for the protection of nature. Whether collecting litter on the Beaches or attending workshops to educate about the local ecosystem, every action contributes to the preservation of the natural heritage.

It is important to be mindful while traveling, as the choice of where and how to move has direct impacts on the island. Using bicycles, public transportation, or Hiking on marked trails instead of driving is worthwhile not only for you but also for the environment. In this way, the enchanting ambiance of Prince Edward Island remains not only untouched but is also vibrantly preserved, allowing many generations to experience the magical allure of this island.

travel blogger Niko

Personal travel report on "Prince Edward Island: Dreamy beaches and maritime culture"

An unforgettable journey was experienced on Prince Edward Island. The colorful houses and picturesque coastlines caught the eye immediately. Strolling through the charming small towns brought the maritime culture to life. Fresh seafood was enjoyed in cozy restaurants, and the taste of lobster was a true delight.

The beaches were breathtaking. Sandcastle building and extended walks on the beach were the order of the day. The water was clear and refreshing, perfect for swimming and relaxing. Sunsets that illuminated the horizon in bright colors warmed the heart.

The island's attractions were also explored. The famous Green Gables house, known from literature, offered fascinating insights into the history and culture of the region. Biking tours along the Confederation Trails made the day active and exciting.

The locals were friendly and hospitable. Their stories about island life and traditions were told with enthusiasm. Events and festivals celebrating maritime culture were another highlight of the trip.

Overall, a perfect blend of nature, culture, and enjoyment was experienced. Prince Edward Island remains a cherished memory and will always attract visitors again.

Niko, 18 years young
Travel Blogger for

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