How big is Canada?
Discover the impressive dimensions of the second largest country on Earth and learn about the unique landscapes and cultures that lie behind these vast expanses.

Canada covers an area of approximately 9.98 million square kilometers, making it the second largest Country in the world, surpassed only by Russia. This vast expanse includes a variety of landscapes, from the impressive Rocky Mountains in the west to the gentle hills of the prairie and the cool forests in the central provinces. To the east, Canada borders the Atlantic Ocean and to the west the Pacific Ocean, while the frozen Arctic land dominates in the north.
The coastline is over 202,080 kilometers long, making Canada one of the most water-rich countries. The provinces have different geography and climatic conditions, ranging from the mild, humid coasts of the Gulf of Maine to the cold, polar northern regions that experience extremely low temperatures in winter. Here, there are vast lakes like Lake Erie, Lake Ontario, and Lake Michigan, which play a crucial role in the country's biodiversity and economy.
The impressive area allows for a rich wildlife and plant life, ranging from boreal forests to Arctic tundra regions. It is home to a diverse population of wildlife, including bears, moose, and whales. Additionally, Canada, with its numerous National Parks spread throughout the country, offers countless opportunities for outdoor activities. These dimensions and tangible aspects make Canada not only a geographical giant but also a fascinating destination for Nature and adventure lovers.