Why you should travel to Taiwan at least once in your life

Discover the fascinating interplay of culture, nature, and cuisine in the heart of Asia

Why you should travel to Taiwan at least once in your life

Summary for "Why you should travel to Taiwan at least once in your life"

  • Taiwan is an underrated jewel of Asia with a rich mix of culture and nature.
  • Taiwanese cuisine is a paradise for gourmets, with specialties like Bubble Tea and Beef Noodle Soup.
  • The geomorphology is impressive, from dramatic coastlines to misty mountain ranges.
  • Yushan National Park offers spectacular landscapes and outdoor experiences for adventurers.
  • Taipei 101 is more than just a skyscraper; it is a symbol of engineering and innovation.
  • The Taroko Gorges offer breathtaking views and cultural insights.
  • Taiwan's night markets are a feast for the senses with a variety of foods and activities.
  • Beitou Hot Springs are ideal for relaxation and offer mineral-rich thermal water.
  • The bike path around Taiwan offers cultural discoveries and athletic challenges.
  • Temples in Tainan offer deep insights into Taiwan's spiritual and cultural heritage.

Introduction: Taiwan – An Underrated Jewel of Asia

Introduction: Taiwan – An Underrated Jewel of Asia

Taiwan is nestled between China and the Philippine Sea and has emerged as a true amalgam of cultural and natural wonders. From the shimmering skylines of Taipei to the primeval, jungle-like areas of the Alishan Mountains, there is an overwhelming variety of sights to be discovered. The nightly frenzy of the Shilin Night Market, where the smells of "stinky tofu" and fried dumplings fill the air, transports you to another world. The island’s diversity seems boundless, making every moment an adventure.

While educational opportunities and technological advancements often put Taiwan on the world map, it is its rich heritage that truly makes it unique. The fusion of Chinese, Japanese, and indigenous cultures offers a captivating blend that is reflected in every temple, alley, and lovingly preserved tradition. Temples like the magnificent Longshan Temple or the serene, spiritual experience of Taroko National Park are testaments to the country’s deep connection with its history and nature.

Not to be forgotten are the Culinary Delights that Taiwan holds. From the famous "bubble tea" to regional delicacies like beef noodle soup – Taiwanese cuisine is a paradise for gourmets. Local markets and street stalls tempt with a variety of exotic aromas and flavors, scarcely found elsewhere. The open and hospitable nature of the Taiwanese people helps travelers feel instantly at home, understanding why Taiwan is an underrated gem in Asia.

A brief overview of Taiwan's beauty

The impressive geomorphology of Taiwan ranges from dramatically steep coastlines to mist-covered mountain ranges that practically call for hiking adventures. The extensive, fairy-tale-like sandy beach of Kenting attracts sunbathers and water sports enthusiasts alike. Here you can swim for hours in crystal-clear water while exploring majestic coral reefs. In sharp contrast stands the Yangmingshan National Park area, known for its hot springs and blooming cherry blossoms in spring, which transport the visitor to another world.

Taiwan's technological advancement and agriculture are harmoniously intertwined, reflected in the extensive tea plantations of Pinglin. Visit a tea farm, and you will discover how traditional tea cultivation craftsmanship meets modern techniques. The picturesque, mist-covered hills provide the optimal microclimate that makes Oolong tea so distinctive. Each cup of the aromatic beverage tells a story of dedication and patience.

Equally fascinating is Taiwan's pronounced biodiversity. The Shei-Pa National Park is a prime example of the island's pristine nature. Here you can observe rare bird species and butterflies in their natural habitat. The park's protected forests are home to endemic plants and animals not found elsewhere. A visit to this vibrant oasis of nature is not only an experience but also a lesson in the importance of environmental protection and biodiversity.

First Impressions: What Makes Taiwan So Special

The first step on Taiwanese soil immediately reveals the special charm of this island nation. Boarding a bustling local bus in Taipei, where busy commuters and friendly drivers alike bring the streets to life, gives you the feeling of having arrived in the heart of a dynamic culture. The colorful, neon-lit streets convey a modern, almost futuristic flair, while the harmoniously played sounds of traditional music from nearby teahouses create a balance between past and present.

As you then stroll through the historic neighborhoods, this impression continues. There you encounter lovingly restored shophouses that impress with elegant craftsmanship and detailed facades. These buildings are not only a feast for the eyes but also living museums that tell stories from centuries of trading history and cultural fusion. The streets are often lined with street musicians and artists who capture the pulsating cultural life and turn the streets into small, improvised stages.

Another distinctive feature of Taiwan is the warm and open-minded population. A smile or friendly nod is not uncommon here. When you settle into a café or a small restaurant, you will often experience locals readily sharing their culture and tips for hidden gems that are not in any travel guide. This hospitality creates an immediate sense of security and allows you to experience the island through the eyes of an insider. The authenticity and warmth extended to you contribute significantly to the feeling that Taiwan is a place that should not Just be visited but experienced.


A paradise for nature lovers

A paradise for nature lovers

A true eye for nature can be found on Lanyu Island, also known as Orchid Island. This remote volcanic island is home to indigenous peoples and offers a pristine landscape that is incomparable to the mainland. The rugged coasts and crystal-clear waters are Just part of what lets you dive into the diverse world of coral reefs and colorful fish. Hiking trails lead you past wild orchid fields and through dense forests inhabited by rare butterflies and bird species.

The cultural landscape of the Dongsha Islands, part of the Dongsha Atoll National Park, offers an unexpected surprise for conservationists and adventurers. This remote marine paradise, known for its stunning coral formations, is also an important sanctuary for sea turtles and a variety of seabirds. Kayaking and snorkeling open up an underwater world that seems to be straight out of a nature documentary, while the dedicated research facility on the island provides insights into crucial ecological studies.

In addition to national nature reserves and remote islands, Taiwan also offers urban ecosystems that make the heart of any nature lover beat faster. The Taipei Botanical Garden is such a retreat, located right in the city yet far from the hustle and bustle. It is home to more than 2,000 plant species displayed in thematically designed gardens, allowing for a relaxing stroll through the botanical diversity of the region. The garden serves not only as a plant exhibition but also offers numerous educational programs and workshops dealing with local flora and fauna.

The impressive Taroko Gorges

The Taroko Gorges, formed over millions of years by the erosion of marble by the Liwu River, are a fascinating geological masterpiece. In these gorges, you can enjoy spectacular views of dizzying cliffs, roaring waterfalls, and emerald-green rivers. The scenic hiking trails, like the Shakadang Trail, allow you to immerse deeply into the breathtaking nature and lead you to hidden Buddhist shrines clinging to the steep slopes. Each path offers a variety of panoramas and ever-changing perspectives that impressively showcase the raw power and beauty of nature.

A special highlight for adventurous travelers is traversing the narrow tunnels carved through the rock. These tunnels, sometimes only dimly lit, offer an exciting experience and often end abruptly at viewpoints that take your breath away. Here, you can admire the untamed power of the River and the seemingly endless layers of marble in all their splendor. The Taroko Gorges offer not only visual but also acoustic highlights: The constant sound of water and the cawing of wild birds create a symphonic soundscape that perfectly complements the dramatic landscape.

For those interested in culture, the Taroko Gorges also provide deeper insights into the lifestyle of the indigenous Taroko and Truku peoples. Their handcrafted artifacts and traditional structures are scattered throughout the area, giving you insights into their rich history and culture. The indigenous population holds on to many ancient customs, and during a visit, you can learn more about their fascinating legends and stories inspired by the massive rock formations and the mighty river.

Relaxing in the Beitou Hot Springs

In Beitou, a charming district on the northern outskirts of Taipei, you will find the famous Beitou Hot Springs – a true oasis of relaxation and well-being. These thermal springs, fed by the volcanic activities of the nearby volcano, have been attracting visitors for centuries. Here you can enjoy the beneficial, mineral-rich waters in numerous public and private baths, known for their therapeutic properties. The hot springs of Beitou contain sulfur and other minerals that not only nourish the skin but also relieve muscle tension and stimulate circulation.

A special attraction is the Beitou Hot Springs Museum, housed in a beautiful Japanese colonial building. This museum offers you a fascinating insight into the history and culture of thermal baths in Taiwan. In the lovingly designed rooms, you can learn more about the different bathing ceremonies and the significance of the hot springs for the local population. After visiting the museum, take a stroll through the picturesque Hell Valley, where you can admire the steaming springs and lush vegetation.

The surroundings of Beitou also offer numerous opportunities for relaxation and enjoying nature. Visit the Geothermal Valley, where you can admire the steaming, emerald-green thermal pools, or explore the enchanting Beitou Park, which invites you to linger with its hiking trails and quiet spots. As you wander through these green oases, you will be enchanted by the peaceful atmosphere and natural beauty of the region. A visit to Beitou is a sensory pleasure that invigorates and refreshes both body and mind.

Yushan National Park: Hiking and Adventure

Yushan National Park offers some of the most spectacular landscapes and outdoor experiences in Taiwan. With a variety of hiking trails that pass through dense forests, rugged mountain peaks, and clear rivers, this national park is a paradise for adventurers. The main peak of Jade Mountain, at over 3,952 meters the highest point on the island, is a particularly coveted destination for experienced climbers. The ascent stretches over several days and rewards hikers with breathtaking panoramas and a sense of grandeur that is hard to surpass.

For those who prefer less demanding paths, there are numerous scenic routes that lead through blooming meadows and along babbling brooks. Especially charming are the hikes during cherry blossom season when the landscape is covered with a sea of pink and white blooms. The diverse flora and fauna of the park, including rare plants and animal species, make every hike an expedition of discovery. Photography enthusiasts will be delighted as they capture the dazzling colors and impressive mountains.

Besides hiking, Yushan National Park also offers numerous climbing opportunities and cave explorations. Adventurous visitors can try their hand at the park’s steep rock walls and mysterious caves. The fresh mountain air and clear starry nights you can experience at a campsite create unforgettable moments. This mix of challenging activities and the majesty of nature makes every visit to Yushan National Park an extraordinary experience that both challenges and rejuvenates body and mind.


Cultural Highlights and Historical Treasures

Taipei 101: More Than Just a Skyscraper

Taipei 101, formerly known as the Taipei Financial Center, is an architectural marvel that goes far beyond its role as a skyscraper. With its imposing height of 508 meters, it was the tallest building in the world from 2004 to 2010 and captivates architecture enthusiasts worldwide with its distinctive design and shape reminiscent of a bamboo stalk. However, it's not Just the impressive height and design that make this structure special. Taipei 101 houses one of the fastest elevator systems in the world, taking you to the observation deck on the 89th floor in Just 37 seconds. From here, you are presented with a breathtaking panoramic view of the bustling metropolis of Taipei and the surrounding mountains and coasts.

In addition to its function as an observation deck and office building, Taipei 101 also has a significant impact on the city's culture and economy. The mall in the lower part of the building is a luxurious shopping destination, housing all major international brands and regularly organizing cultural events and art exhibitions. This blend of retail, culture, and gastronomy makes Taipei 101 a lively meeting point for locals and tourists alike. During the annual New Year's celebrations, the building transforms into a spectacular fireworks display that attracts thousands of people and is showcased in media worldwide.

Another fascinating detail is the gigantic, spherical damper installed on the 88th and 92nd floors of the building. This device acts like a pendulum and stabilizes the building during earthquakes and strong winds, making it one of the safest skyscrapers in the world. Visitors can admire this technical masterpiece through a glass front and learn more about the advanced engineering techniques used in the construction of this unique structure. Taipei 101 is thus not only a symbol of Taiwan's economic rise but also a prime example of engineering and innovation.

The Temples of Tainan: Insights into Taiwan's Spirituality

The temples of Tainan are true treasures that delve deep into Taiwan's spiritual and cultural heritage. The city hosts an overwhelming variety of temples belonging to both Taoist and Buddhist traditions. Each temple tells its own story and offers a unique atmosphere. A visit to the Confucius Temple of Tainan, the oldest of its kind in Taiwan, is particularly enlightening. It exudes an unobtrusive tranquility that is ideal for a meditative pause. Here you can experience the simple yet profound principles of Confucianism, reflected in the temple's modest architecture and educational inscriptions.

The rich ornamentation and vibrant ceremonies at the Matsu Temple are another highlight. This temple is dedicated to the sea goddess Matsu, who is revered by fishermen and sailors. The elaborate carvings and artistically designed altars impress not only with their aesthetics but also with the deep reverence they radiate. You will witness incense offering rituals and traditional dances that underscore the deep spiritual connection of the faithful to their goddess. This vivid form of devotion offers you an immediate, almost tangible connection to Taiwanese culture and its spiritual practices.

Another spiritual gem is the Tiantan Temple, dedicated to heavenly deities. Its colorful roofs and careful arrangement of temple buildings symbolize the harmony between heaven and earth. The scent of incense and the chanting of monks create a sublime atmosphere that transports you to another world. It is a place where you can closely experience Taiwan's deeply rooted religious traditions. The temples of Tainan are not Just spiritual places but living museums that offer a fascinating insight into Taiwan's cultural and religious life.

The lively night market culture: A feast for the senses

The night markets in Taiwan are a true paradise for explorers. Here, culinary delights, vibrant atmosphere, and local culture blend into a unique experience that appeals to all the senses. As you stroll through the narrow, light-filled alleys, your eyes are immediately drawn to the colorful stalls and artfully arranged goods. The markets are known for their versatility – from exotic fruits and handmade jewelry to fashionable accessories and rare antiques, there is something for every taste. Often accompanied by traditional music or modern beats, the soundscapes create a dynamic background that reflects the pulsating life of these nocturnal meeting points.

The variety of food offered is breathtaking, and each region of Taiwan brings its own specialties to the markets. Be sure to try the savory, fried beef pancakes or the sweet, crispy strawberry tofu. The market cuisine is characterized by incredible creativity and a willingness to experiment with combinations that you won't find anywhere else. Locals and visitors alike gather here to try the latest food trends and experience the flavor explosions that have made the Taiwanese street food scene famous. The exchange about these culinary experiences often leads to spontaneous, friendly conversations with strangers, who immediately find common ground.

A special feature of the night markets is the variety of interactive games and activities that provide additional entertainment. Besides the culinary delights, you can test your skills at can tossing or win small prizes at one of the many traditionally designed stands. For children and adults alike, such activities are a welcome change that makes visiting a night market not Just a culinary but also a social experience. Around every corner, a new surprise awaits, a new detail that completes the lively mosaic of the night market culture and never ceases to amaze you.


Culinary Discoveries: Taiwanese Cuisine

Street food and local specialties: What you must try

On the streets of Taiwan, you'll find a wealth of food stalls that take you on a culinary journey. A must-try is "Lu Rou Fan," a hearty rice dish with braised pork belly strips that create a rich, aromatic sauce. The flavor is intensified by the addition of five-spice powder and rice wine, resulting in an incredibly complex taste that might tempt you to order a second serving.

Another treat for the palate is the "Oyster Omelette," where fresh oysters are fried in a starch-thickened egg mixture to create a chewy, satisfying texture. The addition of spring onions and a special sweet and sour sauce elevates this dish to a new level. This delicate specialty is a staple on every night market street and showcases Taiwan's love for seafood in a particularly creative way.

And then there are the "Ba-Wan," a distinctive specialty you shouldn't miss. These large, savory dumplings consist of a transparent, almost gelatinous rice wrapper and a filling of pork, bamboo shoots, and shiitake mushrooms. Fried or steamed, this delicacy is usually served with a sweet, sticky sauce that offers an unusual but delicious flavor composition. Taiwan remains a true paradise for adventurous gourmets thanks to its food stalls and local specialties.

Bubble Tea and More: Taiwan's Beverage Variety

Taiwan brings an impressive and diverse selection of drinks to the table, going beyond the ever-popular Bubble Tea. Be sure to try the traditional Aiyu Jelly Iced Tea. This refreshing drink, made from the seeds of the Aiyu cactus, offers a slightly lemony note, perfect for hot days. The jelly-like consistency of the Aiyu also gives the drink an interesting texture, making every sip a unique experience.

Another highlight is the Winter Melon Tea, a classic in Taiwanese beverage culture. With its subtly sweet taste and slightly malty note, this tea is a true delight whether hot or cold. Made from dried winter melons and sugar, it offers a unique flavor combination that you won't forget quickly.

Not to be overlooked are the traditional Taiwanese rice wines, which have experienced a renaissance in recent years. Made from locally grown rice and often enriched with various herbs and spices, these wines offer a wide range of flavors—from sweet and fruity to bitter and earthy. A particularly popular one is Mijiu, a sweet rice wine often served at festive occasions and pairing excellently with the diverse snacks and dishes of Taiwan.

Vegetarian and vegan options: A paradise for all tastes

Taiwan has established itself as a true paradise for vegetarians and vegans, impressing with its creative and surprisingly diverse cuisine. A remarkable aspect of Taiwanese cuisine is the numerous Buddhist restaurants offering purely plant-based dishes. These establishments surprise with innovative dishes based on seitan, tofu, and tempeh, often artfully prepared to please both the eye and the palate. The dishes are rich in flavor and texture, ensuring you won't miss the absence of meat at all.

A special mention goes to the variety of plant-based street food options found at the bustling night markets. Here, you can embark on a culinary adventure by trying the delicious "Liangpi," cold noodle dishes made from rice flour with spicy or sweet sauce. Local specialties like "Baobao"—steamed buns with vegetable filling or sweet bean paste—also ensure that no desire is left unmet. Taiwanese street food chefs master the art of transforming simple ingredients into culinary masterpieces that will surprise you time and again.

Equally impressive is the integration of seasonal and regional products into vegan and vegetarian cuisine, ensuring fresh and healthy dishes. Many restaurants offer menus specifically based on plant-based diets, showcasing the richness of local fruits and vegetables. Particularly noteworthy are the culinary creations from taro beans, sweet potatoes, and various mushroom varieties. In Taiwan, you will not only get nutritious and tasty meals but also a true feast for all senses, whether you are inclined towards vegan or vegetarian fare.


Outdoor Activities and Adventure

Surfing and Beach Fun on Taiwan's Coasts

Taiwan's coasts are a true paradise for surfers and beach enthusiasts looking for the perfect wave ride and relaxed beach joy. The city of Jinzun on the island's east coast is a haven for surfers of all skill levels. This secluded beach offers prime conditions for long, powerful waves that attract surfers from around the world. Especially during the winter season, experienced surfers can enjoy some of the best wave experiences in all of Asia here. But Jinzun is not Just a highlight for surfers; the beach also enchants with its pristine beauty and calm, crystal-clear water, perfect for swimming and snorkeling.

Fulong Beach, known for its perfectly golden sand panorama, is another highlight of Taiwan. This beach not only provides ideal terrain for beach volleyball and sandcastle builders but is also the venue for the annual Fulong International Sand Sculpture Art Festival. This remarkable event attracts both locals and tourists who are fascinated by the intricately crafted sand sculptures. Additionally, various water sports like windsurfing and kite surfing invite visitors to take advantage of the currents and wind, making the day full of athletic activities. The nearby Caoling Historic Trail also offers hiking opportunities with breathtaking views of the coast.

For those seeking a relaxed beach atmosphere, the picturesque Baishawan Beach on the north coast is the perfect place. With its white sandy Beaches and gentle waves, it is an ideal spot for those who simply want to enjoy the sun. You can easily let the hours pass by lying on the beach or splashing in the shallow, warm water. The nearby Yehliu Geopark, famous for its unique rock formations, is a wonderful place for a walk and to marvel at the geological wonders that the island's coast has to offer.

Cycling around the island: An unforgettable experience

A bike tour around Taiwan offers you a unique experience that brings both a sporting challenge and cultural discoveries. The well-developed bike paths take you along breathtaking coasts, bustling cities, and enchanting villages, with each section of the Route having its own special features. You can plunge into the bustling streets of Kaohsiung, cruise through the expansive Taroko Valley, or explore the picturesque fishing villages along the east coast. Every kilometer ridden brings new impressions and adventures.

On your journey, you will have numerous opportunities to sample local delicacies and experience warm encounters with the locals. The familial atmosphere of traditional guesthouses along the Route not only ensures a pleasant overnight stay but also offers inspiring conversations and insights into the daily life of the Taiwanese. Moreover, the Route takes you to hidden gems, such as remote temples or less-visited natural paradises, which you can discover away from the major tourist streams.

Uphill and downhill, you can challenge yourself physically while enjoying the impressive natural landscapes. Ride over winding mountain roads up to Hehuanshan, which entices with magnificent viewpoints, or enjoy the flat stretches along the palm-lined Beaches of Kenting. Whether you are an experienced cyclist or a leisurely rider, a bike tour around Taiwan is an unforgettable experience in every respect, combining adventure, a connection with nature, and cultural discoveries.

Climbing and Canyoning: Pure Thrill

For adventure seekers who prefer a mix of adrenaline and nature experiences, Taiwan offers spectacular climbing and canyoning opportunities. The cliffs of Long Dong, with their numerous routes and breathtaking sea views, are among the most popular spots for climbers of all skill levels. Here, you feel the wind break in the waves as you cling to the rugged granite rocks. The various difficulty levels - from gentle ascents to vertical walls - offer ideal challenges for both beginners and experienced climbers. Local climbing schools and communities are ready to introduce you to the art of safe and successful climbing.

If you prefer canyoning, you will be thrilled by Taiwan's dramatic gorges and deep waterfalls. The Zengwen River near Chiayi offers spectacular canyoning expeditions where you wade through narrow gorges, climb over rock formations, and let yourself fall into cool pools. The thrill of rappelling down waterfalls and navigating bubbling rapids is unparalleled. The combination of physical challenge and natural beauty makes each tour an unforgettable experience. Professional guides ensure safety and teach you techniques to maneuver safely and efficiently through the rocky passages.

The Baiyan Waterfall in the remote Taroko Gorge is also a paradise for canyoning enthusiasts. The Route leads through lush vegetation and past bubbling cascades, offering adventurers a constant interplay of tension and relaxation. The clear water and surrounding wilderness create a setting that feels both wild and soothing. Here, you feel the raw power of nature and triumph over the elements, challenging both your body and mind.

travel blogger Kim

Personal travel report on "Why you should travel to Taiwan at least once in your life"

Taiwan is simply fascinating and worth a trip. As a 22-year-old adventurer, the visit brought so many unforgettable experiences. The vibrant capital, Taipei, immediately impressed with its mix of tradition and modernity. The 101 Tower, one of the tallest skyscrapers in the world, offered a breathtaking view. Especially in the evenings when the city shines in a thousand lights.

The night markets were an absolute highlight. Stalls with exotic fruits, delicious snacks, and colorful street food made every evening an experience. Bubble tea and the famous soup with dumplings were particularly memorable.

Nature also had a lot to offer. Alishan National Park enchanted with its misty forests and endless hiking trails. Sunrises that bathed the mountain peaks in golden light were simply magical. Toroko National Park impressed with its deep gorges and turquoise rivers.

The people in Taiwan were incredibly friendly and helpful. Even without perfect Mandarin, there were always nice conversations. The culture, influenced by Chinese, Japanese, and indigenous elements, was palpable everywhere. Temples, like the Longshan Temple, conveyed profound spiritual experiences.

Overall, Taiwan felt safe and hospitable. The perfect mix of adventure, culture, and relaxation. From the most bustling city to the quietest mountain village, there was always something new to discover. A trip worth every minute!

Kim, 22 years young
Travel Blogger for awaymag.com

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