Why you should travel to South Korea once in your life

An unforgettable blend of tradition, modernity, and breathtaking nature awaits you!

Why you should travel to South Korea once in your life

Summary for "Why you should travel to South Korea once in your life"

  • Immerse yourself in the fascinating culture of South Korea by visiting traditional tea houses and royal palaces.
  • Experience traditional festivals like Chuseok and the Lotus Lantern Festival, which offer deep insights into the culture.
  • Sample the diversity of Korean cuisine with dishes like Kimchi, Bibimbap, and street food.
  • Discover the impressive nature of South Korea in Seoraksan National Park or on Jeju volcanic island.
  • Visit historical temples and monastery complexes like Haeinsa Temple with the Tripitaka Koreana.
  • Experience the warm hospitality of Koreans and participate in traditional tea ceremonies.
  • Stay in traditional accommodations like Hanok houses or experience monastery life with a temple stay.
  • Dive into the vibrant capital Seoul and experience the contrasts between modernity and tradition.
  • Enjoy the coastal beauty and cultural heritage of Busan, including the Gamcheon Culture Village.
  • Experience the geopolitical significance of the Demilitarized Zone (DMZ) and the hope for reunification.

Immerse yourself in the fascinating culture of South Korea

Immerse yourself in the fascinating culture of South Korea

Seoul, the pulsating capital of South Korea, offers you an unparalleled adventure. Just by strolling through the streets, you'll be struck by its rich, deeply rooted history and its modern, dynamic present. Immerse yourself in traditional teahouses, also known as "Dawon." Here you can not only enjoy various kinds of teas but also admire the serene atmosphere and artistic architecture of these historic places. The combination of modernity and tradition, as found in the artistic Hanok villages and Seoul's futuristic skyscrapers, creates a unique backdrop.

Everywhere you'll encounter respect for ancestor worship and the importance of family. Visit the majestic palaces such as Gyeongbokgung or Changdeokgung and feel the presence of past royal dynasties. The meticulously designed gardens and detailed pavilions transport you back in time and bring old stories to life. The clothing culture, particularly the wearing of Hanbok, is strongly rooted in society and expresses the colorful splendor and symbolism of South Korean fashion.

K-Pop and K-Drama have made waves worldwide and are essential parts of modern culture. You could even attend a K-Pop dance class yourself and experience the energetic vibe of this youth culture up close. Street concerts and dance performances are held everywhere, captivating you. The fusion of traditional and modern music, from folk songs to hip-hop beats, shows you the many facets of this fascinating culture.

Traditional Festivals and Cultural Events

A visit to South Korea offers you the opportunity to participate in colorful and deeply rooted traditional festivals. The famous Chuseok, also known as Korean Thanksgiving, is a highlight of the year. Families gather to eat together, perform ancestral rituals, and partake in traditional games like Ssireum, a Korean wrestling match. The streets transform into a sea of traditional colors, and singing and dancing are found everywhere.

Another fascinating event is the Lotus Lantern Festival, which celebrates Buddha's birth. Temples and streets are illuminated by thousands of colorful lanterns, creating a magical and peaceful atmosphere. Processions, accompanied by meditative sounds and joyful dances, move through the streets and invite you to dive deeper into Buddhist culture.

An equally significant festival is Seollal, the Korean New Year. It is a time of reflection, new beginnings, and family honor. Traditional Hanboks are brought out, and numerous ceremonies and rituals take place to bid farewell to the old year and welcome the new one. Games like Yutnori, a traditional board game, are played and delicious dishes like Tteokguk (rice cake soup) are served. Immerse yourself in the vibrant festival culture and experience the warm hospitality of the South Koreans up close.

Korean Food: A Culinary Journey

A true highlight of any Trip to South Korea is the impressive culinary experience. Start your adventure with Kimchi, the famous fermented cabbage dish served in countless variations. Whether in soups, with rice dishes, or simply on its own, the blend of chili, garlic, and ginger gives Kimchi its distinctive flavor. Additionally, you should try Bibimbap, a colorful rice dish topped with marinated vegetables, meat, and a raw egg. Each region and even each restaurant has its own version, allowing you to discover new taste experiences each time.

Street food is an essential part of everyday life in South Korea. Stroll through lively markets like Namdaemun or Gwangjang Market, where the air is filled with a tempting mix of aromas from Tteokbokki (spicy rice cakes), Hotteok (stuffed pancakes), and Mandu (filled dumplings). These savory and sweet snacks offer you a quick and inexpensive way to enjoy the variety of Korean cuisine on the go. And if you're out in the evening, enjoy a bowl of Samgyetang, a hearty ginseng chicken soup that will warm you up after a long day of exploration.

For the brave, Korean cuisine also offers unusual delicacies. Try Sannakji, baby octopus served fresh and still wriggling, or Hongeo, fermented skate known for its intense smell and taste. Pair these dishes with a glass of traditional Soju or Makgeolli, a rice wine often enjoyed in social gatherings. These culinary specialties are not Just a taste experience but also a window into South Korea's food culture and traditions.


Journey of Discovery through the Impressive Nature of South Korea

Journey of Discovery through the Impressive Nature of South Korea

South Korea offers not only cultural treasures but also impressive natural beauties. Explore the enchanting landscapes of Seoraksan National Park, which entices with its dramatic mountains and lush forests. Climbing trails lead you to peaks where you can enjoy breathtaking views. Special highlights are the Biseondae cliffs and the Ulsanbawi rock, offering unique photo opportunities and inviting wonder.

Another fascinating destination is the volcanic island of Jeju. Here you will find glittering waterfalls, mystical lava tunnels, and the majestic Hallasan Mountain, South Korea's highest peak. The picturesque Beaches and crystal-clear waters are ideal for water sports or relaxed sunbathing. Particularly impressive is Seongsan Ilchulbong, the "Sunrise Peak." Hike up early in the morning and experience a spectacular natural show as the first rays of the sun illuminate the sea.

For nature lovers, the Suncheonman Bay Wetland is a must. This ecological reserve is famous for its vast reed fields and impressive bird diversity. A walk along the well-laid paths offers you the opportunity to observe rare bird species such as the black-faced spoonbill or the crane in their natural habitat. The peaceful atmosphere and majestic landscape provide an unforgettable nature experience.

National parks and breathtaking landscapes

South Korea shines not only with cultural richness but also with breathtaking nature. Jirisan National Park, the oldest and largest national park in the country, spans the provinces of Jeollabuk-do, Jeollanam-do, and Gyeongsangnam-do. It offers a fascinating variety of flora and fauna as well as idyllic hiking trails that wind through dense forests and past clear mountain rivers. Here you can feel the refreshing wilderness and perhaps even catch a glimpse of the elusive Asiatic black bear.

Another highlight is the Dadohaehaesang Peninsula, a national park that covers the largest maritime area in South Korea. With its countless islands rising like green gems from the deep blue sea, it offers unparalleled views that you can enjoy on boat tours or while snorkeling and diving. The lush coastal forests and impressive marine fauna make every Trip an unmatched experience and invite hours of exploration.

For those who want to escape the hustle and bustle of the city and experience rural tranquility, the Boseong region offers endless green tea fields that stretch picturesquely over the hills. This region is particularly known for its high-quality green tea. A walk through the emerald green rows promises peace and relaxation. Additionally, you can taste freshly harvested tea and learn more about traditional cultivation and the significance of tea for Korean culture.

The Hidden Beauty of South Korean Islands

A frequently overlooked treasure of South Korea is the small, lesser-known islands that constitute a hidden paradise. A good example is Ulleungdo, a densely forested volcanic island in the Sea of Japan. With crystal-clear waters and spectacular cliffs, Ulleungdo is a paradise for hikers and anglers. Special attractions such as the Seonginbong Peak or the impressive basalt columns along the coast invite you to explore and linger. The island is also known for its specialties like Ulleungdo Pumpkin tteok (rice cake) and aromatic canned squid that will delight your palate.

Another gem in the South Korean archipelago is the island of Jindo, famous for the annual phenomenon of the "Moses Miracle," where a natural sandbank divides the sea and creates a walkable connection between Jindo and the small island of Modo. This extraordinary natural event attracts visitors from around the world, who celebrate and perform ritual dances to traditional drum sounds. On Jindo, you can also admire the unique Jindo dog, an indigenous breed known for its loyalty and bravery.

Not to be forgotten is the remote island of Bijindo, notorious for its deserted Beaches and picturesque sunsets. This island, actually consisting of two parts connected by a strip of sand, offers an ideal setting for quiet walks and undisturbed relaxation. The local villages on Bijindo exude a timelessness that takes you back to another era. The friendly villagers are happy to share stories about the island's maritime history and offer fresh seafood straight from the surrounding waters.


High-tech and Tradition: South Korea’s Cities

Seoul: A City of Contrasts

Seoul: A City of Contrasts

In no other city will you find such a harmonious blend of bustling city life and tranquil oases as in Seoul. On one side, endless rows of neon signs and modern shopping centers dominate the cityscape. On the other side, hidden alleys and unremarkable courtyards offer charming cafés and traditional craft shops. These places preserve the charm of past eras and invite you to spend leisurely hours away from the hustle and bustle.

A walk through Seoul is a journey through a kaleidoscopic diversity of cultures. In neighborhoods like Itaewon, international influences meet traditional Korean lifestyles. Here, you can quickly switch from a Turkish bazaar to an authentic Korean restaurant and try local delicacies. In this multicultural atmosphere, you experience the vibrant heartbeat of a globalized city.

The nighttime Seoul also presents a stark contrast. While Art Nouveau and street art dominate the lively district of Hongdae, the districts of Gangnam and Apgujeong transform into glittering party metropolises. Here, lights dance on the facades of skyscrapers and a pulsating energy fills the exclusive clubs. In contrast, you find profound tranquility in the secluded temple complexes and along the banks of the Han River, filled with meditative silence that allows you a moment of reflection.

Busan: The Pearl by the Sea

Busan offers not only the beauty of its coastline but also a kaleidoscope of cultural experiences waiting to be discovered. Begin your adventure in Gamcheon Culture Village, often referred to as the "Santorini of Korea." This colorful village, with its winding alleys and vibrant murals, is a true paradise for art lovers and photographers. Here, you can stroll through the narrow streets, explore local shops, and soak in the creative atmosphere.

Enhance your maritime experience with a visit to Taejongdae Park, known for its picturesque cliffs and dense pine forests. From here, you can take a boat ride offering a breathtaking view of the rocky coastal landscape and Korean marine fauna. Taejongdae is not only a place of natural beauty but also of historical significance, named after a king of the Silla Dynasty who frequently visited the area.

If you want to feel the urban pulse of Busan, Shinsegae Centum City is a must. This enormous shopping center, listed as the largest in the world, offers everything your heart desires: from luxury boutiques and Culinary Delights to a spa and an ice rink. It is the perfect place to spend a day full of activities and experience modern life in Busan. The diverse offerings make this department store a microcosm of Korean urbanity, where tradition and modernity blend seamlessly.


Historic landmarks and sites

The Palaces of Seoul: A Glimpse into the Past

The palaces of Seoul offer you not only impressive architecture but also deep insights into Korean history and culture. Each palace has its own legends and stories reflected in the artistically designed halls and gardens. You will often discover elaborate, winding garden areas carefully designed according to Confucian principles, providing places for meditation and retreat. These gardens are more than Just decorative elements; they represent miniature landscapes that bring nature and humans into harmonious balance.

A visit to palaces like Deoksugung or Changgyeonggung transports you to another time when royal ceremonies and courtly life were central. These palaces authentically preserve history and give a sense of what life was like during the Joseon Dynasty. Some palaces are open for nighttime visits, creating a particularly magical atmosphere and allowing you to experience the brilliantly illuminated buildings and shimmering ponds in a quiet, almost mystical environment.

Many of these royal residences today house museums where you can admire valuable artifacts and artworks. The display of ceremonial garments, royal furniture, and historical documents gives you a deeper insight into the life and culture of past royal dynasties. Combined with interactive displays and multimedia shows, these museums offer a vivid and captivating experience that is both educational and entertaining.

Historic Temples and Monasteries

If you are looking for spiritual sites where history and religion merge, you should visit South Korea's historical temples and monasteries. One of the most noteworthy is the Haeinsa Temple, located in the mountainous forests of Gayasan. This temple houses the Tripitaka Koreana, an impressive collection of Buddhist scriptures engraved on over 80,000 wooden blocks. It is a spiritual and historical treasure that gives you deep insight into the religious devotion and cultural significance of Buddhism in Korea.

The Bulguksa Temple complex is another jewel you should not miss. With its picturesque location and ornate stone bridges and pagodas, this temple offers an impressive scenery that pleases both the mind and the eyes. Explore the numerous halls and pavilions, each representing a different facet of Buddhist art and architecture. The serene atmosphere and the intricate sculptures invite you to pause and reflect on the cultural depth of this sacred site.

For a more secluded and authentic experience, you should visit the Beopjusa Monastery at the foot of Mount Songnisan. Here you will find the majestic Golden Buddha, one of the largest standing Buddha statues in South Korea. The monastery also offers temple stays where you can closely experience the life of the monks. This is a unique opportunity to learn spiritual practices such as meditation and tea ceremonies and to build a deeper connection with Korean culture and its religious traditions.


The warm hospitality of Koreans

Experiences with South Korean Friendliness

South Korean friendliness often reveals itself in unexpected moments of everyday life. As a traveler, you will notice, for instance, that people in South Korea are quick to help you with directions. Whether you ask for directions in Busan or look for tourist attractions in a small village, the locals are happy to accompany you to ensure you find your destination. This spontaneous helpfulness is deeply rooted in the culture and a sign of collective solidarity.

Another example of warm-hearted Korean friendliness can be experienced when dining in small, family-run restaurants. Often, the owners personally come to your table to ensure everything is to your satisfaction. You might even receive additional side dishes or small regional specialties served for free as a token of appreciation. This personal commitment significantly contributes to making you feel immediately welcome and well taken care of.

Even in hectic situations, such as public transportation during rush hours, South Korean politeness is remarkable. Elderly people and pregnant women always receive priority for seats, and it is common for younger people to help them carry heavy bags. This social norm creates an overall climate of respect and consideration, benefiting you as a visitor. All these facets make South Korean friendliness an unforgettable part of your travel experiences.

Homestays and traditional accommodations

A unique insight into Korean lifestyle can be gained through a stay in traditional Hanok houses. These architectural gems, mostly made of wood with characteristic curved roofs, offer an authentic experience that goes far beyond mere accommodation. You immerse yourself in the everyday life of Korean families and can witness how traditional living is still practiced today. A highlight: The heated floors, known as Ondol, provide cozy warmth, especially in the colder months, bringing families and guests closer together. Conversations in the cozy atmosphere of these historic rooms are often profound and heartfelt.

Outside the cities, many farms and rural communities offer so-called **Hanok-Stays**. These are accommodations integrated into traditional farmhouses. These homestays allow you to experience the authentic rural life of South Korea up close. From helping with the harvest to communal cooking evenings with fresh, home-grown ingredients, you will come to appreciate the honest, down-to-earth lifestyle of the rural inhabitants. These stays are particularly suitable for travelers who wish to escape the tourist trails and delve into the natural and social landscape of Korea. Interactions during such homestays often lead to long-term friendships and unforgettable memories.

Not to be forgotten are the Buddhist temple stays, a unique offer that gives you the opportunity to experience monastic life. During your stay in a Buddhist monastery, you immerse yourself in spiritual practice, participate in silent meditations, and traditional tea ceremonies. The simple accommodations and meals enhance the sense of asceticism and inner retreat. This experience not only brings relaxation and tranquility but can also provide deep spiritual insights and a reassessment of your lifestyle and priorities. The peaceful surroundings of the temples, often amidst spectacular nature, offer the perfect setting for self-reflection and recovery.

travel blogger Thea

Personal travel report on "Why you should travel to South Korea once in your life"

As a 67-year-old traveler, I journeyed to South Korea. This trip became an unforgettable experience. Seoul, a melting pot of tradition and modernity, offered fascinating markets, ancient palaces, and gigantic skyscrapers. Gyeongbokgung Palace was visited. Its history and architecture breathtaking. A walk along the Han River was also a must.

The Korean cuisine was particularly impressive. From Bibimbap to Kimchi, each meal a delight for the taste buds. The trip to rural South Korea revealed a different world. Rice fields, Buddhist temples, and traditional villages offered insights into old Korea.

The people there were hearty and hospitable. Communication sometimes challenging but always warm and humorous. Public transportation efficient and easy to understand. South Korea reveals itself as a country full of contrasts and harmony. It shows the old and the new, hustle and tranquility. This experience shapes the heart and mind. South Korea should be visited at least once in a lifetime. A cultural enrichment of lasting value.

Thea, 67 years young
Travel Blogger for awaymag.com

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