Why you should travel to Colombia at least once in your life

Discover the breathtaking diversity of a tropical paradise

Why you should travel to Colombia at least once in your life

Summary for "Why you should travel to Colombia at least once in your life"

  • Experience the diversity of Colombia: from the Amazon rainforests to the Andes.
  • Discover the cultural treasures in cities like Bogotá and Cartagena.
  • Enjoy the breathtaking Caribbean beaches and the fascinating underwater world.
  • Try the delicious Colombian cuisine and its regional specialties.
  • Experience traditional festivals and dances like the Carnival of Barranquilla.
  • Explore the mysterious Ciudad Perdida and learn about the history of the Tairona.
  • Embark on exciting adventures like paragliding in the Chicamocha Canyon.
  • Visit the coffee zone and learn everything about the cultivation and preparation of coffee.
  • Meet the warm, hospitable people of Colombia.
  • Dive into the vibrant music scene, from Salsa to Vallenato.

Adventure and Diversity in Nature

Adventure and Diversity in Nature

Experience Colombia's unparalleled flora and fauna on a Trip through the country's fascinating ecosystems. From the lush, evergreen rainforests of the Amazon to the majestic mountains of the Andes, Colombia is a true paradise for nature lovers. Sure, the Serengeti and the Amazon are famous, but did you know that Colombia offers equally impressive natural wonders? Expect to see rare orchid species and exotic animals like the endangered Andean bear or the colorful parrots of the Llanos.

If you enjoy hiking, you'll get your money's worth in Colombia. Besides the well-known trails, there are hidden routes in the paramos—mystical mountain cloud forests that seem enchanted. Here you can see unique plants that only grow at these altitudes. And if you're looking for a bit more thrill, how about a paragliding adventure over the spectacular landscapes of the Chicamocha Canyon? Nature here is still unafraid of human presence, giving you that goosebump feeling.

For the water enthusiasts among you, Colombia's coastal regions offer breathtaking Beaches and coral reefs. Explore the underwater world of Tayrona National Park while snorkeling or diving. The rich marine fauna will captivate you. The Beaches of Nuquí on the Pacific coast, secluded and less frequented, also provide an ideal travel destination if you're looking for peace and pristine beauty. Here you can even watch whales, an experience that will stay with you for a long time. Colombia surprises you with its diversity and unexpected treasures—this is the true magic of the country that will keep drawing you back.

Discover the majestic Andes

Dare to venture into the heights of the Andean mountains and explore the impressive archaeological sites that tell the stories of past civilizations. In San Agustín, you will find a collection of mysterious stone sculptures and burial sites that still puzzle archaeologists today. These ancient monuments, which stand up to four meters high, offer you a fascinating insight into Colombia's pre-Columbian history.

In addition to their historical significance, the Andes enchant with vibrant cultures and traditions. The small villages and towns that stretch across the valleys and hillsides are characterized by colorful handicrafts and warm hospitality. Visit the traditional markets where you’ll find artisanal crafts like woven mantas and handmade pottery. These encounters offer you more than Just a souvenir; they provide a lasting impression of the country’s multifaceted culture.

The Culinary Delights of the Andean region are another reason why you should add Colombia to your travel list. You must try "Ajiaco," a hearty chicken soup with potatoes and corn, especially popular in the highlands. And don't forget the "Canelazo" – a warm drink made from cane spirit and cinnamon, perfect for warming up after a cool hike. Each meal tells a story and connects you even more deeply with the Andean way of life.

Experience the Amazon rainforest up close

If you really want to experience the fascinating biodiversity and otherworldly feel of the Amazon, you should consider one of the many lodges in the heart of the jungle. These not only offer comfortable accommodations but also guided tours through the dense greenery. Often accompanied by experienced naturalists, you get unexpectedly close to the giant kapok trees and the mysterious legends of the rainforest. From nighttime excursions, where you hear the countless sounds of the forest, to daytime trips to remote waterfalls and Wildlife observation spots – there is an endless amount to discover.

Encounters with the local indigenous communities are a highlight that makes your Amazon visit truly special. Their deep knowledge of the flora and fauna, as well as their traditional healing methods and stories, open up a whole new perspective on this unique habitat. Be prepared for these experiences to leave unforgettable impressions and offer a respectful insight into the centuries-old culture and way of life of the indigenous peoples. Often, you even have the chance to participate in traditional festivals and try authentic local dishes based on ancient recipes.

But the Amazon is not only a place of biodiversity and rich cultural heritage, it is also a paradise for adventure seekers. Whether kayaking on the winding River courses, fishing for piranhas, or an exciting canopy tour in the treetops – adrenaline and the joy of nature go hand in hand here. You should not turn a blind eye to the challenges and conservation needs of this delicate ecosystem. A respectful and conscious interaction with the environment is essential to preserve this unique world for future generations.

Relax on the dreamy Caribbean beaches

Whether you prefer the lively atmosphere of Cartagena or the tranquil Beaches of the Rosario Islands, the Caribbean coast of Colombia has something for everyone. The turquoise waters invite you to Just drift and relax. Imagine lying under palm trees, reading a good book, and hearing the gentle sound of waves in the background. It's the perfect place to unwind and leave the stress of everyday life behind.

Not only for relaxing, but the Caribbean coast of Colombia also offers numerous opportunities for water sports enthusiasts. Whether kitesurfing in La Boquilla or windsurfing in Cabo de la Vela, the perfect wind conditions and endless coastlines make your adventure unforgettable. Even those who want to dive deep into the waters won't be disappointed. The dive sites around San Andrés Island are famous for their vibrant coral reefs and countless marine species. Here you can observe magnificent rays, colorful schools of fish, and perhaps even friendly dolphins.

For those of you who want to experience the local culture authentically, the coastal cities are an ideal destination. Walk through the narrow, historic streets of Getsemani, enjoy fresh seafood right on the beach, or celebrate with the locals at one of the many carnival festivals. The vibrant joie de vivre and bustling activity will captivate you. Thanks to the exceptional hospitality of the residents, you'll quickly feel at home and can fully enjoy the Colombian way of life.


Cultural treasures and historical experiences

Cultural treasures and historical experiences

Colombia is a cultural mosaic and a paradise for history lovers. Start with a visit to Bogotá, the vibrant capital of the country, where you will find the world-famous Gold Museum "Museo del Oro." Here, over 55,000 pre-Columbian gold artifacts await you, offering insights into the culture and craftsmanship of the indigenous peoples. Another treasure is the fortress-like Cathedral of Zipaquirá, built in a salt mine and impressing with its architecture and sacred art.

In the Boyacá region, you can explore the charming colonial town of Villa de Leyva, which, with its well-preserved 16th-century architecture, feels like a journey back in time. The cobblestone streets and whitewashed houses give you an authentic sense of the Spanish colonial era. Guatapé offers a unique experience with its colorful house facades and the imposing rock of El Peñol, which you can climb via over 700 steps to enjoy a breathtaking view.

Another cultural highlight is the picturesque town of Barichara, known as "the most beautiful village in Colombia." Here you will find traditional houses built from adobe bricks and can purchase handcrafted artworks from the local population. Additionally, visit the historical Cartagena, which not only impresses with its colonial buildings and fortresses but also with its narrow alleys full of stories of conquest and pirate adventures. Every step through these historic streets feels as if the legends of the past still wander through the present.

Fascinating colonial cities like Cartagena

One of the most unforgettable experiences in Cartagena is a walk through the historic center, also known as Ciudad Amurallada. Just upon entering the city gate, you are transported to a bygone era. The combination of colonial architecture and tropical climate creates a special atmosphere that is hard to put into words. Everywhere you find brightly painted houses with wooden balconies covered in lush bougainvillea. This picturesque setting is complemented by cobblestone streets and squares where locals and tourists alike stroll.

In addition to its architectural splendor, Cartagena also offers a vibrant art scene. Numerous galleries showcase works by contemporary Colombian artists. The street art is equally impressive, especially in the Getsemani neighborhood. Here, stunning murals tell the story of the city and its inhabitants. A real highlight is the annual "Hay Festival"—a literature and arts festival that attracts international artists and writers, transforming Cartagena into a cultural mecca.

For the foodies among you, Cartagena offers a rich culinary experience. Don't miss the opportunity to try the delicious Caribbean cuisine. From fresh ceviches to tasty arepas, the gastronomic variety is overwhelming. Local restaurants like "La Cevicheria" or "Café del Mar" offer great food with a breathtaking view of the sea. Each dish is an expression of Colombia's diversity and cultural heritage, with fresh ingredients and unique spices delighting the palate.

The Mysterious Ruins of the Lost City

The Ciudad Perdida, also known as the Lost City, is a mystical place deep in the inaccessible mountains of the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta. This pre-Columbian jewel was only rediscovered in the 1970s, after being forgotten for centuries. To get there, you must be prepared to undertake a multi-day trek through dense jungle and steep slopes – but the effort is worth it. You will be rewarded with a breathtaking sight: terraces, plazas, and stone stairways, bearing witness to an ancient civilization that flourished here more than a thousand years ago.

The area was once home to the Tairona, an indigenous people with sophisticated knowledge in architecture and agriculture. The ruins of the Ciudad Perdida cover an area of about 13 hectares and include more than 200 stone structures built on terraces. This archaeological site was more than Just a settlement; it served as a political and economic center for the Tairona people. The impressive layout of the ruins demonstrates the high craftsmanship and strategic thinking of this ancient culture, which understood how to live in harmony with nature.

When you visit the Ciudad Perdida, you have the unique opportunity to immerse yourself in the mysterious past of this region. Local indigenous guides, often descendants of the Tairona, accompany you on your journey and share their stories and legends. You will learn about the spiritual significance of this place for the local communities and how they preserve the traditions of their ancestors to this day. These experiences make a visit to the Ciudad Perdida an unforgettable and deeply moving journey into a past that is still very much alive.

Experience traditional festivals and dances up close

If you are interested in the vibrant celebrations of Colombia, you must attend the Carnival of Barranquilla. This festival is the second-largest carnival event in South America after the Carnival in Rio de Janeiro and offers a captivating mix of music, dance, and colorful parades. Here, African, indigenous, and Spanish influences merge into a cultural spectacle that transforms the streets of the city into a sea of colors and rhythms. The Cumbia, a traditional Colombian dance, plays a central role and contributes to the electrifying atmosphere.

Another experience that immerses you in the deep culture of Colombia is the Festival del Vallenato in Valledupar. This city is the cradle of Vallenato, a music genre that will captivate you with its narrative lyrics and distinctive accompaniment of the accordion, the caja, and the guacharaca. During the festival, the best Vallenato musicians in the country compete against each other for the title of "Rey Vallenato." The atmosphere is incredibly exhilarating, and you will quickly understand why this festival is considered one of the most significant music events in Colombia.

But Colombia has many more traditional festivals to offer. For example, the Feria de las Flores in Medellín, which attracts thousands of visitors every year with its spectacular flower shows and parades. A highlight of this festival is the Desfile de Silleteros, where farmers carry huge flower arrangements on their backs through the city, keeping the tradition of the Silleteros alive. These festivals are not only cultural highlights but also offer you the opportunity to experience Colombian joy of life and hospitality up close.


Colombian Cuisine: A Feast for the Senses

Colombian Cuisine: A Feast for the Senses

Colombia is known for its impressive culinary diversity, which varies from region to region and brings in its unique spices and ingredients. A must-try is the Bandeja Paisa, a hearty dish from Antioquia that features a spectacular variety of savory ingredients like rice, chicharrón (pork cracklings), avocado, and a fried plantain. The rather hearty dishes in the Highland regions contrast starkly with the light, fish-based dishes on the coast, where Ceviche and Sancocho – an aromatic soup – delight the palate.

The fusion character of Colombian cuisine is particularly evident in Bogotá and Medellín, where restaurants offer innovative blends of traditional recipes with modern cooking techniques. Here, you might come across Empanadas with unusual fillings or Arepas with a creative twist. The depth and breadth of culinary experiences in Colombia are the result of a rich mix of indigenous, Spanish, and African influences, which are reflected in the various flavors and textures of the dishes.

Don't forget to try the variety of exotic fruits available in the country's markets. Fruits like Lulo, Passion Fruit, and Soursop are not only delicious but also true vitamin bombs. Whether as refreshing juices or sweet desserts, these fruits are often integrated into everyday dishes and offer taste experiences that will surprise you. The delicious flavors and diverse culinary tradition of Colombia make every meal a feast for the senses.

Try the diverse dishes of regional cuisine

Colombia is also known for its regional specialties, which are often deeply rooted in the history and culture of the respective region. In the Boyacá region, for instance, you can enjoy "Cuchuco de Trigo," a hearty soup made from wheat, pork ribs, and locally grown vegetables, which is especially warming on cold days. Further south, in the Nariño region, you have the opportunity to try "Fritanga nariñense" – a combination of grilled meat, blood sausage, and potatoes, freshly prepared in traditional markets and known for its intense flavor.

Another highlight of Colombian cuisine is the versatility of Arepas. These corn cakes not only vary in their recipe but also in preparation and accompaniments depending on the region. In the coastal region, for example, you will find Arepas de Huevo, filled with egg and meat and then fried. In the capital Bogotá, on the other hand, they are often served with cheese and butter. No matter the region, each variant of the arepa offers a unique taste experience and is a staple of Colombian everyday cuisine.

Don't forget to try typical desserts like "Mazamorra." This dessert is especially popular in Antioquia and consists of cooked corn, served with sweet milk and bread pieces. Another sweet temptation is "Cholado," a refreshing ice drink made from fruit pieces, syrup, and condensed milk, particularly enjoyed on hot days in Cali. The regional dishes of Colombia are a reflection of the country's cultural diversity and offer you an unforgettable culinary journey.

Participate in a coffee tour and taste the best coffee in the world

Colombia is famous for producing some of the best coffees in the world, and a coffee tour offers you the unique opportunity to experience the process behind this fascinating crop up close. In the famous coffee region "Eje Cafetero," which spans the regions of Caldas, Quindío, and Risaralda, you can delve deeply into the world of coffee. Here you have the opportunity to visit traditional fincas and trace the entire path from bean to cup – from planting and harvesting to roasting and preparation. It is impressive to see how carefully each phase is carried out to meet the highest quality standards.

During the tour, you not only meet the plantation workers whose knowledge of coffee cultivation has often been passed down through generations, but you also have the opportunity to lend a hand yourself. From the bush directly into your cup! A tasting of freshly roasted and brewed coffee varieties brings you a completely new taste experience. You will be amazed at how different aromas and nuances can be, depending on the altitude of cultivation, soil conditions, and the care taken in the roasting process. The sensory experience offered here is not only a delight for the palate but also deepens your understanding and appreciation of this unique product.

A special highlight is the direct contact with the coffee farmers and the immersion into their stories and traditions. Often, the fincas also offer workshops where the art of coffee preparation is taught, whether using traditional methods or modern barista techniques. This way, you can not only enjoy the best coffee but also learn how to perfect it at home. It is not Just about taste but also about the philosophy and dedication behind every sip of high-quality Colombian coffee. A visit to the coffee region gives you profound insights into a cornerstone of Colombian culture and leaves you with memories that will long outlast the last cup.

Enjoy exotic fruits and fresh seafood

Colombia offers an impressive array of exotic fruits that you must try. How about a Bite of a juicy sapote with its sweet, almost caramel-like flavor? This tropical fruit is not only a taste experience but also rich in vitamins and antioxidants. Or perhaps a refreshing mangosteen, known as the "queen of fruits," whose snow-white segments enchant every palate? At the local markets, you will find various fruits that you have never encountered before and that will surprise you with their exotic flavors.

In addition to the fruits, the variety of seafood in Colombia should not be underestimated. In coastal cities like Barranquilla and Santa Marta, you can enjoy freshly caught delicacies such as lobsters, crabs, and the famous snapper. These fish are often prepared right before your eyes, usually following simple but extremely tasty recipes that highlight the freshness and quality of the ingredients. The Pacific and the Caribbean provide the best seafood, which is almost caught daily and brought directly to the market - it doesn't get any fresher.

Perfect your culinary adventure with an exploratory journey through the different ways these fruits and seafood are served. In a traditional "cevichería," you might experience a fusion of exotic fruits and fresh seafood, enriched with citrus and herbs. And don't forget to enjoy a glass of the local fruit juice - whether it's guava, lulo, or passion fruit. Such experiences offer not only delights for the palate but also a deep insight into Colombia's rich culinary culture.


Friendly people and authentic experiences

Experience the warmth of the Colombians

Colombia is known for the openness and warmth of its inhabitants, who are always striving to provide you with the best possible experience. Whether you need help or are simply looking for someone to talk to, Colombians are always ready to share their time and knowledge with you. This is especially evident in smaller communities and villages, where life moves at a more leisurely pace and people often spontaneously invite you for a chat. This way, you can gain deeper insights into the local culture and traditions that have been passed down through generations.

It is not uncommon for Colombians to treat strangers like longtime friends, whether through an invitation to a family meal or to festive celebrations. This social bond is based on a culture of closeness and collective well-being, which is deeply rooted in Colombian society. This warmth often goes beyond mere hospitality and can lead to genuine friendships that last beyond the vacation. The ability of Colombians to create real, meaningful connections with travelers is one of the many reasons why visitors fall in love with this country.

Furthermore, you will find that Colombians have a special ability to share their joy and zest for life. Whether through music, dance, or simply a heartfelt laugh, the positive atmosphere is contagious and invites you to fully enjoy life. This unique, carefree way of living ensures that your Trip will not only be eventful but also emotionally enriching. Colombia offers you not only breathtaking landscapes and cultural treasures but also the opportunity to experience human warmth and authentic encounters.

Learn more about the vibrant life in the cities

Colombia is a country full of contrasts, and this is reflected in its cities. In Bogotá, the vibrant capital, you can fully enjoy urban life. The city is not only the political and economic center of the country but also a cultural melting pot. Throughout the neighborhoods, you will find cafes, art galleries, and street artists filling the city with life. The famous Zona Rosa is known for its exciting nightlife with bars, clubs, and restaurants that never seem to sleep. A walk through La Candelaria, the historic city center, offers a completely different atmosphere with colonial buildings and charming little shops.

Medellín, once known for its dark chapters, has developed into an innovative city with exceptional quality of life. Here you can expect modern architecture and green park areas. The city is a prime example of urban design and social inclusion, with Metrocables effortlessly swinging over the hills and connecting the different districts. The famous "Parque Lleras" is the heart of Medellín's nightlife and offers a variety of venues and dining options catering to every taste. At the same time, you will find modern cultural institutions such as the "Museo de Antioquia," housing works by the famous artist Fernando Botero.

Cali, the capital of salsa, should not be left unmentioned. In this city, everyone dances to the rhythm of the music, and life often revolves around dance and celebrations. The clubs and dance schools are the ideal place to immerse yourself in the vibrant culture of the city and learn a few salsa steps. On weekends, parks and public squares turn into meeting points for friends and families, where they eat, dance, and celebrate life together. Cali offers a dynamic mix of urban liveliness and warm community that is both fascinating and contagious.

Immerse yourself in Colombia's vibrant music scene

Colombia's music scene is bursting with energy and diversity that goes far beyond Salsa and Vallenato. In the streets of Bogotá, you hear the pulsating rhythms of Afro-Caribbean music and innovative electronic sounds. The city is seen as a melting pot of genres, where traditional melodies and modern beats blend harmoniously. One of these remarkable cultural encounters can be experienced in Zona Rosa. Beyond the clubs, the city also showcases its creative side on smaller, independent stages and festivals that celebrate local talents.

A fascinating part of the Colombian music landscape is Champeta, a music style rooted in the coastal regions, especially in Cartagena. Originally born from African influences, this dynamic music has a distinctive sound that captivates night owls. The Champeta culture encompasses not only music but also a vibrant dance style seen on street corners and at festivals. A live Champeta performance is an exhilarating experience that excites both locals and tourists.

Not to be forgotten is Colombian rock, which has a firm place in the country's musical identity. Bands like Aterciopelados and Kraken have shaped the scene and gained international recognition. Rock al Parque, the largest rock festival in South America, takes place annually in Bogotá and attracts hundreds of thousands of visitors. It is an unforgettable experience, where you can fully enjoy the raw energy and artistic diversity of Colombian rock music.


A paradise for adventurers and nature lovers

Unforgettable trekking tours through the Sierra Nevada

The Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta is a paradise for trekking enthusiasts, captivating you with diverse landscapes and cultural discoveries. This majestic mountain range, rising directly from the Caribbean Sea, hosts an impressive array of ecosystems – from tropical rainforests to misty forests to snow-capped peaks. The variety of routes allows you to experience new facets of this unique region on each tour, continually surprising you.

One of the most remarkable aspects of trekking in the Sierra Nevada is the encounters with the indigenous communities of the Kogi and Arhuaco. These peoples live in harmony with nature and have preserved their traditions and wisdom for centuries. Direct contact with their cultures turns your hike into a spiritual journey, where the simple life and deep knowledge of the locals will leave a lasting impression on you. These aspects, combined with the magnificent natural scenery, make every step an authentic experience.

The trails of the Sierra Nevada are characterized by a landscape diversity that continually amazes you. You hike through dense jungles, past crystal-clear rivers and waterfalls, up into alpine heights with breathtaking panoramic views. Whether pristine trails or more challenging routes, each path challenges you in its own way and rewards you with unforgettable impressions. Such tours offer not only physical challenges but also intense nature experiences that will stay with you for a long time.

Unique dives on the Pacific coast

Dive into the pristine waters of the Pacific coast of Colombia and experience an underwater adventure like no other. This region is characterized by its biodiversity that amazes even experienced divers. From nutrient-rich cold waters supporting a plethora of marine life to the mysterious deep gorges of underwater mountains, there is so much more to discover than Just colorful coral reefs. The currents bring nutrients to the surface, forming a true paradise for marine researchers and adventurers.

A special highlight is the encounters with large fish and marine mammals. Imagine swimming side by side with giant manta rays, whose wingspan is impressive and whose grace underwater is fascinating. Or witness the elegance of humpback whales during their migration – a moment that will make your heart race and stay with you for a long time. Here, in these untouched waters, where nature still follows its own laws, you can be enchanted by the majestic presence of sea giants.

Last but not least, the Pacific coast of Colombia offers some of the most remote and mysterious dive sites in the world. Hidden caves, subaquatic cliffs, and deep abysses attract explorers seeking the unknown. The underwater landscapes you explore here are a world unto themselves – full of secrets and surprises. These unique dives are not ordinary trips but true expeditions that make every adventurer's heart race and bring them back time and again.

Adrenaline kick with kitesurfing and paragliding

Are you looking for the ultimate adrenaline rush? Then you should definitely try kitesurfing and paragliding in Colombia. Kitesurfing offers you the perfect combination of wind and waves, especially in places like Cabo de la Vela on the Guajira Peninsula. Here, the wind blows consistently and strongly, providing endless opportunities for daring maneuvers and jumps. The shallow lagoon and pristine Beaches are ideal for beginners and professionals alike. The breathtaking desert landscape behind you and the endless sea in front of you make the experience unforgettable.

Another highlight is thermal flying while paragliding near Bucaramanga. This region is known for its excellent thermal conditions, allowing for hours of gliding through the air and enjoying the spectacular scenery from a bird's-eye view. Imagine silently sailing over green valleys and deep gorges, with the Chicamocha Canyon and surrounding plateaus in sight. There's hardly a more exciting feeling than when the wind carries you and the world below you becomes smaller. For those seeking the ultimate adrenaline boost, the numerous launch sites and professional paragliding schools are a must.

But paragliding is not only enticing in the inland areas: the coastal regions offer fantastic spots to soar over the azure sea and experience the coastal landscape from a completely new perspective. Places like Santa Marta and the mountain ranges of the Sierra Nevada offer both adventurers and nature lovers a unique opportunity to combine both. Let professional instructors guide you and fly safely and effortlessly while the Colombian Caribbean lies at your feet.

travel blogger Clara

Personal travel report on "Why you should travel to Colombia at least once in your life"

Colombia became the travel destination and it had so many reasons for it. This impressive piece of earth remained unforgettable. The diversity of the country overwhelmed. From the sandy beaches of the Caribbean coast to the Andean peaks – adventure called. Medellín, once infamous, today told a story of renewal. Colombia's dynamism was palpable here. Cartagena's old town shimmered with history, the colonial walls whispered secrets from times past.

The hospitality of the people was particularly impressive. Warmth and friendliness were felt everywhere. The delicious food, the Arepas and Sancocho, caused delights for the taste buds. The scenic beauty of the coffee zone, with its green hills, rendered speechless. A drive through the picturesque villages, past endless coffee plantations, was magical.

Bogotá offered cultural treasures, the Gold Museum a highlight. But the colorful neighborhood La Candelaria should not be missed. In Cali, the salsa capital, people danced lively. Every corner of the country had its own charms. The wildlife in the Amazon made encounters special – nature stood majestic.

Colombia was safer than expected, the trip went smoothly. Adventurers, culture enthusiasts, and gourmands should explore Colombia – a country full of wonders.

Clara, 62 years young
Travel Blogger for awaymag.com

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