The best travel blogs you should follow

Find your next adventure inspiration with these fantastic travel journals!

The best travel blogs you should follow

Summary for "The best travel blogs you should follow"

  • Travel blogs offer authentic insights and insider knowledge.
  • Travel bloggers provide current information and trends.
  • Blogs promote understanding and respect for local cultures.
  • Authentic travel reports and practical tips inspire.
  • Travel blogs offer creative and extraordinary travel ideas.
  • Exciting adventures in outdoor settings enrich every journey.
  • City trips and cultural explorations provide deep insights.
  • International blogs broaden perspectives and experiences.
  • Luxury travel and exotic destinations promise comfort and exclusivity.
  • Budget travel and backpacking tips make adventures possible even with a small budget.

Why it is worth following travel blogs

Why it is worth following travel blogs

Travel blogs are full of authentic insights you won't find in any guidebook. They share true stories from real people who not only visit the tourist hotspots but also discover hidden gems. Personal experiences and subtle tips can make all the difference when planning your dream trip. Whether it's a unique restaurant recommendation on a small Greek island or the best hiking trails in the Scottish Highlands, travel blogs offer added value with insider knowledge.

Another reason why travel blogs are valuable is their timeliness. Printed guidebooks can often be months or years old, and the information may be outdated. Travel bloggers, on the other hand, often share their experiences in real-time, allowing you to benefit from the latest tips and trends. This way, you can stay updated on which beach is currently particularly clean or which neighborhoods in a metropolis are trending. You also get first-hand seasonal information, such as weather conditions or local festivals.

Additionally, travel blogs help you better understand and respect local culture and communities. Bloggers often give recommendations for sustainable and responsible travel that not only protects the environment but also supports the local economy. From handmade souvenirs to small, family-run accommodations, travel blogs open up opportunities to travel off the beaten path and gather authentic experiences. This way, your travels can be not only relaxing but also enriching and inspiring.

Authentic travel reports and tips

One of the most fascinating aspects of travel blogs are the authentic travel reports and tips. These reports are often the work of adventurers who have ventured off the beaten path. They describe their experiences in detail and vividly, which not only gives you insights into new travel destinations but also helps you understand the character and culture of a place. Such stories can help you muster the courage to explore unusual travel destinations yourself.

In addition to authentic reports, travel bloggers often offer practical tips that can be extremely useful. From packing lists to insider tips for booking cheap flights – the advice can save you a lot of time and money. Especially valuable are recommendations that help you avoid typical tourist mistakes. You might learn about a secret viewpoint that isn't as crowded as the well-known tourist attractions, or about a local market where you can find authentic souvenirs.

Another exciting aspect is that travel blogs often share emotional and inspiring stories. These personal experiences can motivate and ignite a desire to embark on new adventures yourself. Perhaps a report about a solo world Trip will inspire you to leave your own comfort zone. These authentic stories create a connection with the readers and make each travel experience more tangible and relatable.

Inspiration for your next trip

Sometimes, choosing the next travel destination can seem overwhelming. Countless places in the world have their own unique magic and are waiting to be discovered by you. Travel blogs offer a treasure chest full of inspiration. Sometimes, a fascinating photo, a detailed account of an exotic culture, or the description of a special experience is enough to ignite a spark in you. The stories of people exploring the most remote regions with a backpack or those who embark on culinary journeys and dive into unknown flavor horizons can awaken your own wanderlust and open new horizons for you.

Sometimes, it’s the small, unexpected discoveries that spark a travel dream in you. A blog post about a street art tour in Buenos Aires could connect your love for art with your wanderlust. Or an account of a chance encounter with locals in a small village in Morocco could show you how valuable and unifying human encounters are. These stories not only inspire but also open new perspectives and show you that the world is much bigger and more diverse than you may have thought.

Moreover, you can often find creative travel ideas on travel blogs that go beyond the usual scope. Why not spend a night in a treehouse in Costa Rica or take a train journey from Moscow to Beijing? Such extraordinary travel suggestions let you dream of adventures you might never have considered. Travel blogs awaken the curiosity in you to discover new places and collect intense, unique experiences along the way.


The top German-speaking travel blogs

The top German-speaking travel blogs

Some of the best German-language travel blogs are distinguished by their unique perspectives and detailed explorations. "India Travel Dream," for example, offers in-depth insights into the multifaceted country of India, focusing on spirituality, yoga retreats, and cultural experiences off the tourist paths. The blogger, who has spent several years in various cities in India, shares extensive local knowledge and helps you see the country through the eyes of an insider.

Another highlight is "World Travel Wonder." This platform is run by a travel-enthusiastic duo specializing in documenting long-term travel and the digital nomad lifestyle. Their detailed travel reports and practical tips on how to generate a mobile income while traveling provide an invaluable resource for anyone with similar dreams. Particularly exciting are their adventures in lesser-known countries like Kyrgyzstan or Myanmar, often overlooked but incredibly fascinating travel destinations.

"Cooking World Tour" combines two passions: travel and culinary arts. The blog takes you on a culinary discovery tour around the globe. It not only offers classic travel reports but also authentic recipes and cooking techniques from the visited countries. From Thai street food to Italian pasta classics to Latin American specialties – this blog stimulates not only your travel appetite but also your taste buds. With detailed instructions, you can bring exotic flavors home and mentally prepare for your next culinary discovery tour.

Travel Blogger A: Adventure and Outdoor Experiences

Travel blogger A takes you on exciting adventures in the great outdoors. Whether it's challenging mountain climbs in the Alps, long bike tours through remote valleys, or packrafting expeditions on wild rivers, you'll find a kaleidoscopic range of outdoor activities. The detailed descriptions of landscapes, flora, and fauna, and the challenges along the way, allow you to experience nature up close. Often, the blog posts provide useful information about the best gear you need for such expeditions and how to prepare optimally.

In addition to physical challenges, travel blogger A also focuses on opening the mind and gaining new perspectives. The wilderness experiences are portrayed not only as physical tests but also as opportunities for introspection and self-discovery. Stories about unexpected encounters with wildlife, the silence of a starry night in the desert, or the joy of reaching the summit after a hard climb are as inspiring as they are motivating. Thus, every Trip becomes an adventure that strengthens both body and mind.

Additionally, travel blogger A places great importance on Sustainability and respectful interaction with nature. Readers are encouraged to travel responsibly and protect the environment. This includes tips on avoiding waste, recommendations for Eco-friendly travel products, and advice on supporting local providers. This not only promotes environmental awareness but also supports local communities. The blogger's concerns and values are reflected in the content, providing a valuable resource for everyone who loves and wants to protect nature.

Travel Blogger B: City Trips and Cultural Discoveries

Travel blogger B takes you on a fascinating journey through the urban jungles and cultural melting pots of the world. Imagine exploring the vibrant streets of Naples, where every corner tells a story from antiquity, and the air is filled with the enticing aroma of pizza. Each neighborhood has its own charm, and travel blogger B captures this diversity in vivid descriptions and impressive photographs. Through detailed city tours and insider tips, you can build a deeper cultural connection to the places visited and understand how history, architecture, and modern lifestyle intertwine.

Travel blogger B's ability to discover hidden art galleries, independent theaters, and lush city gardens sets his reports apart from others. He shows you how to get the most out of your city trip, away from the usual tourist routes. Maybe you'll discover a small café on a side street in Paris where local artists exhibit their works, and the flair of old Montmartre is still alive. Such tips allow you to experience the city authentically and from the locals' perspective.

Another plus point is the engaging conversations and encounters with local personalities that travel blogger B weaves into his stories. These dialogues open doors to new worlds and bring you closer to the local culture in a personal way. Maybe you'll meet the owner of a traditional ramen shop in Tokyo or learn unknown facts about the city's history from an experienced Berlin tour guide. Through these conversations, you not only gain interesting background information but also receive recommendations that make your Trip incomparable.


International travel blogs you must not miss

Travel Blogger C: Luxury Travel and Exotic Destinations

Travel blogger C takes readers into the world of upscale travel and exotic destinations. From luxurious private islands in the Caribbean to exclusive safari lodges in Africa and elegant resorts in the Maldives – this blog ignites a longing for comfort and exclusivity. The detailed reports provide insights into the amenities of luxurious accommodations, exquisite cuisine, and bespoke experiences that only a few can enjoy. Travel blogger C knows how to put pure luxury and extravagance into words, making you almost feel like you are there.

In addition to the luxurious aspects of travel, the blogger also highlights extraordinary, exotic places that are not found in typical travel guides. Be enchanted by one of the most remote resorts in Bhutan, offering absolute seclusion and a breathtaking mountain landscape. Or learn about a luxurious train journey through the Andes, where each stop comes with carefully planned excursions and gourmet dinners in the historical carriages. Travel blogger C shows that Luxury travel does not always take place in well-known destinations, but there are also hidden gems that offer discovery and extraordinary experiences.

Not to be forgotten are the unique activities that this travel blogger suggests. From hot air balloon rides over the Serengeti at sunrise to private wine tastings at the best wineries in Tuscany – the experiences are as diverse as they are exquisite. Always focusing on exclusive services and high standards, this blog gives you a comprehensive overview of how varied and luxurious travel can be. This way, you not only discover the destinations but experience them in a way that remains unforgettable.

Travel Blogger D: Budget Travel and Backpacking Adventures

Travel blogger D offers you a wealth of tips and tricks on how to travel the world on a small budget. Through detailed and creative budget plans, he shows you how to have impressive adventures even with limited financial means. For example, you can find guides on discovering affordable accommodations not listed on the usual booking platforms or how to use local festivals to have authentic experiences without spending much money.

A special focus is on the clever use of travel points and mileage programs. Here, you learn how to travel around the world surprisingly cheaply by strategically collecting and redeeming flight miles and hotel points. Whether taking advantage of special promotions or finding low-cost one-way flights, travel blogger D’s tips are invaluable for anyone looking to minimize travel costs without sacrificing quality.

Additionally, travel blogger D shares gripping stories of backpacking adventures in remote regions, often a special highlight for nature and culture enthusiasts. These reports are packed with useful information on routes, costs, and necessary equipment, providing you with a practical picture of how to experience such adventures yourself. Unexpected encounters and improvised travel plans give the stories a lively and inspiring touch, showing that you can have unique and budget-friendly experiences off the beaten path.


How to Find the Perfect Travel Blog for You

Recognize your travel interests and needs

If you want to recognize your travel interests and needs, you should first identify your preferred travel activities. Maybe you love adrenaline-filled adventures or enjoy immersing yourself in distant cultures. Others might prefer Relaxing vacation spots to escape everyday life. Consider which activities fulfill you and which give you new energy. These considerations help you choose destinations that offer exactly what you are looking for.

It's also important to know your comfort limits. Some people love traveling spontaneously and adventurously, while others prefer careful planning and structured itineraries. Think about whether you feel most comfortable in backpacker hostels, boutique hotels, or luxurious resorts. Also, consider transportation means and types of trips that appeal to you – whether road trips, flights, or cruises. These factors greatly influence your Trip planning and travel experience.

Finally, you should also consider the practical aspects of your travel needs. These include budget, available travel time, and possible travel restrictions. Your financial resources determine whether you plan a luxurious world tour or a budget backpacking trip. Your time constraints also influence your choice of destination. Don’t forget to factor in any health or safety considerations in your travel decisions. This ensures that your travels are not only fulfilling but also safe and feasible.

Use reviews and ratings

Experience reports and reviews from other travelers provide a valuable source of objective insights and helpful information. While official websites and promotional brochures often highlight only the positive aspects of a destination, real reports from other travelers provide a more comprehensive picture. These personal experiences can help you avoid potential pitfalls and ensure that your expectations are met. This way, you'll not only learn which places are particularly worth seeing but also which ones you might want to avoid.

Sometimes these reports reveal small but essential details that can make a difference. This could be a note about an unexpectedly long wait time at a popular attraction or a tip on the best time of day to take the perfect photo. You'll also find information about the hygienic conditions or service level of an accommodation, which are often glossed over in high-gloss brochures. This way, you are well-prepared and can fully enjoy your stay.

Using reviews also provides a direct comparison of different offers. Websites like TripAdvisor or HolidayCheck collect numerous reviews that help you make an informed decision. Here, you can quickly see how a hotel, restaurant, or attraction is rated on average. You can often find specific comments and photos from other travelers, giving you an even more accurate picture. This can be especially helpful when you're torn between several options and need to make a decision.

travel blogger Janika

Personal travel report on "The best travel blogs you should follow"

Last summer, the trip led to Iceland. The dates were perfectly coordinated, and the weather cooperated. A 26-year-old woman with a heart full of adventure reported how the lava rocks sparkled in the sunlight and the waterfalls majestically plunged into the depths. The hot spring in the Blue Lagoon was visited, an unforgettable experience. The Golden Circle beckoned with its natural wonders.

A personal highlight was the glacier hike, filling the lungs with fresh air and offering expansive views. In the evenings, cozy accommodations and local cuisine provided relaxation and enjoyment. Inspiring travel blogs like "Heimtali Adventures" offered valuable tips and showcased hidden spots. A major advantage: they helped avoid tourist traps. "Nordic Nomads" also fascinated with breathtaking photographs and practical route suggestions.

"Roaming Reykjavík" introduced the best cafés and cultural hotspots. The focus was on experiencing the country and its people authentically. It felt like a personal recommendation from friends. The journey ended, but the memories remained vivid. A new perspective on Iceland was gained, enriched by the experiences and advice from these fantastic travel blogs.

Janika, 26 years young
Travel Blogger for

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