How to prepare for a trip to Greenland

With these tips, your adventure in the Arctic will be unforgettable

How to prepare for a trip to Greenland

Summary for "How to prepare for a trip to Greenland"

  • Check current vaccination status and health insurance
  • Carry cash in Danish kroner
  • Confirm passport, visa, and entry requirements
  • Book accommodations early
  • Pack layered clothing and waterproof boots
  • Essential outdoor equipment like tent and GPS device
  • First aid kit and emergency medical supplies
  • Respect cultural peculiarities
  • Outdoor activities like ice climbing and kayaking
  • Visit must-see places like Ilulissat and Narsarsuaq

Important Documents and Travel Preparations

Important Documents and Travel Preparations

A frequently overlooked aspect of traveling to Greenland is the current vaccination status. Not all common travel guides discuss the necessity of certain vaccinations, which can be crucial in remote areas. Get information about recommended vaccinations and specific health precautions from your doctor.

To travel in Greenland, it is crucial to bring cash in Danish kroner. While larger cities like Nuuk accept cards, cash availability might be problematic in more remote areas. Also, check your bank's exchange fees in advance.

International health insurance should be on your list. Especially if you are traveling far from civilization, medical emergencies can become expensive. Check whether your insurance covers evacuations and Greenland-specific risks. Also, plan for extra medications, as pharmacies are not available everywhere.

Passport, visa, and entry requirements

If you wish to travel to Greenland, you will need a valid passport that is valid for the entire duration of your stay. It can be helpful to keep a copy of your passport and other important documents, such as flight and hotel confirmations, both physically and digitally. If you are a citizen of a country that does not have a Schengen Agreement with Denmark, you may need to apply for a visa before starting your adventure. Therefore, find out in advance about the specific entry requirements for your home country.

The entry requirements for Greenland may differ from the regular requirements for Denmark or other European countries. Often, specific requirements are placed on Travel insurance and financial self-sufficiency capacities. It is advisable to contact the Danish embassy or consulate to obtain the most up-to-date information and requirements. This way, you can avoid unpleasant surprises upon your arrival and ensure that you have all the necessary documents with you.

Note that although Greenland is an autonomous territory within the Kingdom of Denmark, it has special rules for entry and stay. Additional permits may be required for longer stays or work stays. If your documents do not meet the expectations, you may be denied access. Therefore, be sure to thoroughly inform yourself and be prepared to have all necessary documents at hand to ensure that your travel adventure in Greenland's breathtaking wilderness can begin smoothly.

Booking accommodations and transportation

Booking accommodations in Greenland can be a bit challenging as the choices are limited and availability is seasonal. Try to reserve your accommodation as early as possible, especially during the summer months when demand increases. Look for small guesthouses, private lodges, or simple Hotels that can offer you an authentic experience. Camping is also a popular option, but be aware of the harsh climatic conditions and plan accordingly.

Transportation in Greenland is also unique. Airplanes and helicopters are the primary means of travel between different settlements due to the lack of roads caused by the geographical landscape. Air Greenland and smaller charter airlines offer regular flights that you should book in advance to avoid disappointment. Within towns and villages, you can walk, rent bicycles, or use the local cutter service, which often functions as a taxi.

For adventurous travelers, there are opportunities to take dog sled rides, snowmobile tours, or kayak expeditions. These forms of transportation not only offer practical travel but also unforgettable experiences. Ensure you remain flexible with all bookings, as weather-related delays are more common in Greenland. Plan ahead and always have a Plan B ready to make your Trip as smooth as possible.


Clothing and Equipment

Clothing and Equipment

For a Trip to Greenland, choosing the right clothing and equipment is crucial to withstand the extreme climatic conditions. In winter, temperatures often drop well below freezing, while even in summer, temperatures can remain cool. Layered clothing is therefore essential. Start with a base layer of merino wool or synthetic materials that wick away moisture. On top of that, wear insulating layers like fleece or thermal jackets and finish with a waterproof and windproof outer layer to protect yourself from the elements.

Another important piece of equipment is sturdy, waterproof boots with good insulation. These not only keep your feet warm and dry but also provide the necessary grip on icy or uneven surfaces. Also, pack plenty of spare socks and gloves, as wetness or cold can occur at any time. A high-quality, wind-resistant hat, along with a scarf and face protection, should also be on your List to be prepared against the biting wind.

The right equipment can significantly enhance your Greenland experience. A reliable backpack with sufficient storage for day trips, waterproof bags for your valuables, and a thermos for hot beverages are essential. Also think of a headlamp with spare batteries, especially during the dark winter months. For outdoor adventures, trekking poles, sunglasses with UV protection, and a first aid kit are also recommended. With the right preparations, your Trip to Greenland will not only be safer but also much more enjoyable.

Suitable Clothing for the Arctic Climate

For the Arctic climate, choosing the right headgear is crucial. A hat made of synthetic fleece or wool that fits snugly and fully covers the ears offers optimal protection against the icy cold. For particularly extreme conditions, you might consider a balaclava, which protects the face and neck and can be worn under a helmet or hood. Complementing this, well-insulated gloves or mittens are essential, with the latter often providing more warmth due to less exposed surface area. Thin but warm undergloves made of materials like merino wool can offer additional warmth and help keep hands dry.

Other important components of Arctic attire include high-quality undergarments and protection from the elements. Many travelers appreciate insulated legwear that is also windproof. Softshell pants with integrated gaiters can be a real blessing, protecting the legs from snow and cold. Don’t forget socks: double-layered socks, ideally made of wool or special functional fibers, prevent blisters and keep feet warm. Additionally, knee warmers made of neoprene or wool can provide more comfort.

Special equipment, like heated clothing or electric heated insoles for boots, can also be useful if you are particularly sensitive to the cold or need to spend extended periods outdoors. For intensive outdoor use, you can also consider carrying straps or hand warmers that can be slipped into pockets to keep your fingers warm at all times. Don’t forget to protect your skin from dryness and rough wind. A greasy cream on the face and hands prevents cracks and provides added comfort. Innovations in outdoor gear offer many options specifically developed for the Arctic climate—use them to make your stay as pleasant as possible.

Necessary Outdoor Equipment for Adventure

An essential part of any adventure in the wilds of Greenland is the right outdoor equipment. A loyal companion should definitely be a high-quality tent that reliably protects against strong winds and low temperatures. Make sure it has a robust construction and breathable fabric to minimize condensation. Especially on long journeys through unexplored terrain, waterproof dry bags are invaluable. They keep your clothes, gear, and supplies safe, allowing you to cross rivers or withstand snowstorms unscathed.

Another indispensable gadget is a GPS device, especially when you're off the usual routes. Do not rely solely on your smartphone, as network coverage in Greenland can be very limited. A GPS device with pre-installed topographic maps of the region offers safety and precise orientation. Additionally, high-quality, weather-resistant trekking poles are helpful for maintaining balance on slippery or steep terrain and relieving your knees on longer hikes.

Furthermore, it is advisable to invest in a good outdoor kitchen. A multifunctional camping stove that can operate on both gas and liquid fuel gives you flexibility and independence. Pair this with lightweight yet sturdy cookware made from stainless steel or aluminum, specifically designed for extreme conditions. Don't forget to pack enough fuel and a lighter or waterproof matches. This equipment allows you to prepare warm meals and recharge energy for the challenges of the wilderness.


Health and Safety

Health insurance and vaccinations

Another aspect you should consider is self-protection against local diseases and parasites that can occur in the Arctic region. Although Greenland generally does not have widespread infectious diseases, there are specific health risks that should not be underestimated. In particular, gastrointestinal infections from contaminated water or food can occur during the trip. Therefore, it is advisable to carry water purification tablets or a portable water filter to ensure clean drinking water at all times. Also, make sure to thoroughly clean food and insist that fish and wild game are properly cooked.

Additionally, contact with local animals might occasionally occur. In such cases, it is important to be especially careful not to get bitten or scratched, as even domesticated animals can transmit diseases. If you suffer an injury from an animal, immediate antiseptic treatment is necessary and a visit to a doctor is recommended, even if the injury appears superficial. A rabies risk situation is usually excluded, but caution is better than regret. In remote areas, medical help can often be several hours or even days away.

In addition to conventional medications, it may be useful to carry natural remedies to quickly address minor complaints. Tea tree oil or propolis, for example, can be used as disinfectants for small wounds. Herbal calming and relaxing agents such as valerian can also be helpful in alleviating stress caused by the extreme environment. Greenland may be a rugged beauty, but with appropriate caution and forward planning, you can fully enjoy your Trip without worrying about health issues.

Safety Measures in Remote Areas

In remote areas of Greenland, being prepared for unpredictable dangers is essential. One aspect often overlooked is the potential risk of gas leaks in heated tents or mountain huts. Make sure to always have a carbon monoxide detector with you to protect yourself from this silent, deadly gas. Ensure your tent is properly ventilated, even at extremely low temperatures. A small, heat-resistant gas lantern can also be a useful tool to detect gas leaks early.

Another important safety measure is regular communication with your team or base camp. Besides a GPS-enabled satellite phone, a reliable two-way radio can be invaluable—especially in regions without cellular coverage. These devices enable you to stay connected with the outside world even under extreme conditions. Additionally, establish regular check-in times to ensure that all team members are safe and can provide immediate assistance if someone is in danger.

Furthermore, you should always be aware of potential hypo- or hyperthermic reactions of the body. Greenland's climate can change rapidly, and even during short outdoor activities, there is a risk of extreme temperature fluctuations. Therefore, it is advisable to always carry an emergency bivy sack. This ultralight, compact piece of equipment can serve as an insulating layer in the event of a weather change and significantly delay the onset of hypothermia. With such preparation and equipment, you can enjoy your adventure in Greenland safely and stress-free.


Cultural peculiarities and etiquette

Respectful interactions with locals

When traveling in Greenland, it's important to develop a sensitive awareness of the social norms and expectations of the local population. Unsolicited photographs of people or private events can quickly be perceived as an invasion of privacy. Always ask for permission before taking a photo and respect the decision if someone declines. This small gesture not only shows respect but can also open doors for deeper conversations and encounters.

Another sensitive topic is the local hunting tradition. Many Greenlanders rely on hunting for their livelihood. It's advisable to be aware of this fact and be respectful, even if you may have different views on animal hunting. Don't ask critical or biased questions; approach people openly and with a willingness to learn. Your appreciation for their traditions and stories creates a respectful basis for exchange and helps you gain deeper insights into the Greenlandic way of life.

Furthermore, it can be beneficial to practice patience and restraint. Conversations may proceed more slowly, and silence is often considered a respectful part of communication. Continuous talking can be perceived as insensitive and contrary to the atmosphere of calm and tranquility in the local culture. Use this time to truly perceive the surroundings and the people around you. This respectful interaction will not only enrich your journey but also allow you to form deeper connections with the people and culture of Greenland.

Food and traditions in Greenland

Traditional Greenlandic cuisine is characterized by its simplicity and use of local ingredients. Fish and seafood are central – whether it's salmon, cod, or mussels, they are often served fresh and raw. The seal also plays a significant role in the diet, with all parts of the animal being used. Inuits especially value seal liver and seal meat, which is preserved through fermentation and has a unique taste. These traditional dishes may seem unusual to many, but they reflect the Greenlanders' deep connection to nature.

Another culinary highlight is "Kiviak," a traditional winter dish, particularly appreciated during long winter nights. Kiviak is made by burying a large number of small birds, often auks, in a seal skin and allowing them to ferment. This process takes several months and develops a strong aroma, providing both nourishment and a cultural experience. It is a delicacy often served at festive occasions or special gatherings.

Greenlandic festivals are not only an occasion for Culinary Delights but also for cultural expressions such as singing and dancing. During the national holiday on June 21, the longest day of the year, families and friends gather to celebrate with traditional drum dances and songs. These celebrations are deeply rooted in community culture and offer a great opportunity to immerse in the rich tradition and hospitality of the Greenlanders. Guests are often served "Suaasat," a soup made from reindeer, whale, or seal meat, enhanced with rice or potatoes, and epitomizing the flavors of Greenland in a delicious way.


Activities and Sights

Must-See Places: From Ilulissat to Narsarsuaq

On your journey through Greenland, you must definitely visit Ilulissat, known for its impressive ice fjord. The Ilulissat Icefjord is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and offers spectacular views of gigantic icebergs floating majestically in the water. A boat Trip through the fjord or a hike along the coast allows you to admire these spectacular natural wonders up close and take unforgettable photographs.

Another highlight is Narsarsuaq in southern Greenland, known as the gateway to the wilderness. This small settlement is the starting point for exciting hikes through the Ice Cap and visits to historical sites from the Viking Age. Here, you can explore the ruins of the famous Viking farm of Erik the Red, a fascinating window into the past. Additionally, Narsarsuaq has a network of hiking trails that take you through lush valleys and past cascading waterfalls, offering breathtaking panoramas.

Between Ilulissat and Narsarsuaq lies Sisimiut, the second largest city in Greenland and a vibrant hub for outdoor adventurers. The colorful wooden houses of Sisimiut contrast beautifully with the surrounding rugged landscape of mountains and fjords. Take the opportunity to join a guided tour to learn more about the region's rich culture and history. Sisimiut is also a great place for winter sports like dog sledding and ski touring, which provide an authentic Greenlandic experience.

Activities: Hiking, kayaking, and whale watching

In addition to Ice climbing and exploring historical sites, Greenland offers a wide range of activities for nature and adventure enthusiasts. Hiking is one of the best ways to discover the island’s scenic diversity. The picturesque trails lead through rugged mountains, along dramatic fjords, and across vast tundras. Trails like the Arctic Circle Trail, which runs from Kangerlussuaq to Sisimiut, offer an immersive experience of Greenland’s wilderness. Here you can enjoy the tranquility and seclusion as you hike through untouched landscapes.

Kayaking gives you an entirely new perspective on Greenland’s coast. The calm waters and majestic icebergs provide perfect conditions for this adventure. As you paddle along the coast, you have the opportunity to experience both the diverse marine fauna and the impressive ice formations up close. From quieter bays to challenging passages between icebergs, kayaking in Greenland offers exciting experiences for both beginners and experienced paddlers.

Whale watching is another fascinating activity you shouldn’t miss in Greenland. Greenlandic waters are home to numerous whale species, including humpback whales, fin whales, and narwhals. Special boat tours allow you to observe these impressive marine mammals from a safe distance and learn more about their behavior and lifestyle. A particular highlight is watching the whales during their acrobatic jumps and dives – an experience you won’t soon forget.

travel blogger Sandra

Personal travel report on "How to prepare for a trip to Greenland"

Greenland, a land of superlatives and raw beauty, was the destination of my last journey. As a 24-year-old adventurer, preparation was crucial. First, thorough research was done on the necessary clothing – warm layers were key. Breathable, wind- and waterproof clothing topped the list.

Booking accommodation in advance proved particularly important. Greenland's wild landscapes are breathtaking but sparsely populated. A small guesthouse, right by the fjord, provided an ideal base. A flight to Kangerlussuaq, usually the first stop, ensured a smooth start. A layover in Copenhagen was made, as most flights to Greenland depart from there.

A credit card was indispensable, as cash is often hard to come by. A small amount in Danish Kroner was carried for emergencies.

The right equipment was, of course, essential. A good camera, plenty of storage, and chargers were packed. The landscapes are stunning, and the wildlife is awe-inspiring. In addition, binoculars were brought to better observe whales and birds.

Before the trip, information on the culture was gathered. The local language, Greenlandic, is fascinating with its rich sounds, but Danish and English are also common. Respect for cultural nuances is important, as the warm-hearted locals are eager to share stories and traditions.

Food in Greenland is unique. Dishes with fish and reindeer were on the menu. It's best to approach the unknown with openness. Finally, a travel pharmacy was assembled. Mosquito repellent for the summer months and plenty of sunscreen were must-haves.

Every little preparation paid off. The adventure in Greenland, with its rugged nature and friendly people, became unforgettable.

Sandra, 24 years young
Travel Blogger for

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