How to Prepare for a Long Flight

Tips and tricks for a relaxing high-altitude journey

How to Prepare for a Long Flight

Summary for "How to Prepare for a Long Flight"

  • Organize all travel documents such as passport, visa, and vaccination certificates early
  • Plan your finances and learn about currency conversion and credit card acceptance
  • Find an optimal flight route and consider layovers, airlines, and arrival times
  • Ensure you have the correct visas and travel documents for your destination
  • Pack a well-organized carry-on with essential hygiene items and entertainment devices
  • Wear comfortable clothes and shoes and pack a small first-aid kit
  • Download all necessary apps and content to your electronic devices and use them offline
  • Adjust your diet before and during the flight to avoid stomach problems
  • Expose yourself to daylight and adhere to new eating and sleeping schedules upon arrival
  • Explore the surroundings, transportation, and local customs upon arrival

Proper planning in advance

Proper planning in advance

Before you take to the skies, it's essential to organize all necessary Travel documents early. This includes not only your passport and visa but also any required vaccination certificates and health documents. It's wise to have copies of these documents both digitally and physically. Cloud storage can be invaluable in an emergency.

Also think about financial planning. Inform yourself promptly about currency conversion and whether your credit card is accepted internationally. Many banks offer special travel credit cards that do not charge foreign currency fees and are particularly worthwhile for longer trips. Properly exchanging cash at your destination can also save you unnecessary fees.

Additionally, do not forget your household organization. Arrange who will take care of plants, mail, or pets during your absence. Even a trusted neighbor who regularly checks your apartment can provide security. Having a detailed plan on how to delegate these responsibilities will relieve a lot of stress before your departure. This way, you can start your adventure with peace of mind.

Finding the optimal flight route

A crucial aspect of preparing for a long flight is selecting the optimal flight route. Sometimes it is worth investing a little more time in research to discover alternatives to the most direct connections. Especially for longer flights, layovers in certain cities can not only save money but also provide the opportunity to explore new places. Sometimes a slightly longer but direct flight is more comfortable than multiple short flights with long layovers in between.

It is also advisable to compare different airlines. Not all airlines offer the same comfort or services on board. Some airlines have a better reputation for punctuality and customer service, while others may score with special amenities like more generous legroom or better meals. Reviews and experiences of other travelers can be a valuable source of information. A little research in advance can not only increase comfort but also avoid unwanted surprises.

Finally, you should also consider arrival times and the time difference. It may be sensible to choose a flight that gets you to your destination at a reasonable time of day. This can help minimize jet lag and ease the transition to the new time zone. Some travelers swear by starting to adjust to the destination time while still on the plane, such as by setting their watch and adjusting their sleep schedule. Ultimately, the optimal flight Route depends on your personal preferences and needs, but a well-considered choice can make your Trip much more pleasant.

Prepare travel documents and visas

Thorough preparation of your Travel documents is essential to avoid potential difficulties upon entry. Find out early about the specific entry requirements of your destination country. Some countries require special documents such as invitation letters, return tickets, or even proof of financial means. These requirements can vary depending on the destination country and your country of origin, making individual research indispensable.

Ensure that the validity of your passport exceeds the required minimum duration that many countries stipulate. This is often six months beyond the return date. If you are not an experienced traveler, it might be useful to familiarize yourself with common visa types — such as tourist visas, business visas, or work visas. Some countries offer visas on arrival, while others have a more complex application process that can take weeks. Online consulting services or specialized agencies can provide support with complicated visa processes.

Digital nomads and frequent travelers should also consider a multi-entry visa, which allows multiple entries within a specified period. Such visas can be particularly advantageous if you plan to visit various countries in a region during your trip. Note also that certain visas may require additional steps like a personal interview or the submission of biometric data. By planning ahead for these aspects, you avoid stress and can ensure that all formalities proceed smoothly.


The Perfect Carry-On Luggage

The Perfect Carry-On Luggage

The carry-on luggage is not only a practical storage option but also a crucial factor for your comfort during the flight. Start by choosing the right piece of luggage: a sturdy, lightweight, and rollable model can work wonders. Make sure it complies with the airline’s regulations to avoid unpleasant surprises at the gate. A well-organized carry-on luggage saves time and nerves. Use packing cubes to store your items neatly and keep track of them.

Essential items should be easily accessible in the carry-on luggage. Consider important travel-sized hygiene items such as toothbrush, toothpaste, sanitizer, and wet wipes. A small toiletry bag can help with this. Don’t forget a light blanket or scarf, as temperatures on the plane can vary greatly. Noise-cancelling headphones or earplugs can help block out ambient noise and allow you to rest.

For entertainment on long flights, electronic devices and the appropriate charging equipment are essential. A fully charged tablet, e-reader, or smartphone offers you numerous ways to pass the time. Download plenty of reading material, music, or movies in advance to stay entertained without an internet connection. An external battery provides your devices with extra power, so you’re well-equipped throughout the entire flight. Also think of a reusable water bottle that you can fill up after the security check to stay hydrated.

Essential Things for the Flight

A frequently overlooked but crucial aspect is comfortable clothing and shoes for the trip. Long flights can quickly become a torture if the clothes pinch or the shoes press. Breathable, loose clothing and non-slip, easy-to-remove shoes are worth their weight in gold. A pair of cozy socks in your carry-on helps keep your feet warm and relaxed, which is essential on long journeys.

Don’t forget a small first aid kit with important medications. This includes painkillers, band-aids, gastrointestinal tablets, and, if necessary, motion sickness medication. Many travelers underestimate the effects of pressure differences and air changes on the body, which can quickly lead to discomfort. Individually necessary medications should always be in the carry-on and easily accessible. A short, prepared note with information on existing health problems and contact information can be life-saving in an emergency.

For additional comfort and well-being, small extras like neck pillows, eye masks, and lip balm can make a difference. These seemingly small things significantly contribute to making the flight experience more pleasant. Also, a small snack supply, like nuts, energy bars, or dried fruit, can help curb small hunger pangs, especially when in-flight meals are insufficient or do not meet personal taste.

Comfortable clothing and accessories

Comfort isn't limited to practical clothing; accessories can significantly impact your well-being. A lightweight, foldable travel blanket not only provides warmth but can also serve as extra padding when the seats are hard. Don't forget a good eye mask with an adjustable strap. It keeps the light out and is especially handy when trying to sleep at inconvenient times.

Another useful accessory is a travel-friendly under-the-seat bag. These smaller bags, worn around your neck or waist, offer quick access to important documents, snacks, or other small necessities without the need to open your main luggage every time. They also help keep things organized and make travel less stressful. Additionally, a good, ergonomically shaped neck pillow ensures your head remains in a natural position, reducing the risk of neck tension.

Finally, the importance of a reusable water bottle cannot be underestimated. These are not only environmentally friendly but also extremely practical, especially on long flights. Many airports and airplanes now offer refill stations, so you can stay hydrated. Be sure to choose a bottle with a lockable lid to avoid unpleasant surprises like leaking water in your carry-on. All these small components greatly contribute to making your flight more comfortable and enjoyable.


Healthy and fit during travel

Tips against Jetlag

A proven approach to prevent jetlag is to gradually adjust your daily rhythm to the time zone of your destination a few days before departure. This may involve gradually shifting your sleep and meal times to make the transition easier for your body. Additionally, light therapy can be helpful. Naturalistic lighting systems or special light lamps simulate daylight and support the regulation of your circadian rhythm. Some travelers also swear by taking melatonin tablets, which signal to the body that it’s time to sleep.

Choosing the right seat can also help reduce jetlag. Window seats offer better control over light and darkness and allow for undisturbed sleep. It can also be beneficial to immerse yourself in the daily routine of the new location upon arrival. Avoid going to sleep immediately after landing. Instead, try to spend as much time as possible outside in natural daylight, as this helps your body adjust to the new time zone faster. Short naps are okay but should not exceed 30 minutes to avoid disrupting your nightly sleep pattern.

Regular and gentle physical activities, such as yoga or light stretching exercises, can also help your body adjust to the new time zone. These exercises promote blood circulation and help you feel fitter and more awake. They also help reduce stress and tension often associated with long journeys. Make sure not to exercise too intensely, as this can further strain your tired body. Combine movement with breathing exercises to improve oxygen supply and enhance your overall well-being.

Movement and stretching exercises on the plane

While on a long-haul flight, it’s helpful to schedule some specific movement routines to avoid tension and promote circulation. One of the simplest tricks is to lift and lower your heels while keeping the balls of your feet on the floor. Repeat this exercise several times, it strengthens the calf muscles and improves blood flow in the legs.

Another effective approach is to pull your knees to your chest at regular intervals. Sit up straight, wrap both hands around one of your knees, and gently pull it towards your chest. Hold the position for a few seconds before lowering your leg and repeating the exercise with the other leg. This movement stretches the lower back and thigh muscles, which is especially beneficial on longer flights.

Also, don't forget neck and shoulder relaxation. Slowly tilt your head from one side to the other and roll your shoulders, first forwards, then backwards. These simple movements relieve tension and prevent neck pain. Combine this routine with deep breathing exercises to reduce tension levels and promote relaxation. This way, you stay fit during the flight and reduce the risk of discomfort.


Entertainment and productivity on board

Make optimal use of electronic devices

Electronic devices can help make your flight more productive and enjoyable, provided you use them optimally. Start by fully charging all devices before departure and packing portable power banks. This prevents your devices from running out of power mid-flight. Some airplanes now offer USB ports or power outlets at the seats, but do not rely solely on them. Install all necessary apps and download relevant content, such as documents, books, or movies, before the flight. Internet connections onboard are often expensive and not always reliable, so it is wise to be offline prepared.

Use your devices strategically to make travel time productive. If you are working on a project, task management and word processing apps can be extremely useful. Programs like Trello or Asana allow you to keep track of project progress even without an internet connection. Music streaming services often offer the capability to save playlists offline. Use this to have calming music or podcasts ready to help you relax or fall asleep during the flight.

Also, remember to protect your data. Use secure passwords and, if possible, VPN services when using Wi-Fi onboard. This is particularly important if you are traveling for business and have access to sensitive information. A well-secured laptop or a tablet with encryption can make a difference. Security should be Just as much a priority as entertainment and productivity. Ensure that the use of electronic devices does not come at the expense of your rest – a flight is also an opportunity to take a Short break from digital life and find relaxation.

How to Spend Your Flight Time Wisely

Long flight times offer a prime opportunity to advance personal projects or discover new hobbies that often find no place in a hectic daily routine. For example, you can use this time to write a diary or organize your thoughts. A travel diary can not only be therapeutic but also serve as a valuable memory later. Likewise, flight time is perfect for deepening language skills – not Just through apps but also by studying language books or cards.

The often lengthy time on a plane can also be ideally used to engage with topics for which there is otherwise no time. Philosophical books or more complex texts that require attention and peace find the perfect environment here. Writing – whether a letter, a short story, or even the beginning of a book project – can also begin here. The secluded environment of an airplane creates a rare form of productivity free from usual daily interruptions.

Another way to use the time meaningfully is social interaction. Conversations with seat neighbors can not only pass the time but also lead to interesting acquaintances. You can also prepare for your Trip by flipping through travel guides and noting special places or activities. Whether you are researching, educating yourself, or simply using the time to pause and reflect – with a consciously chosen activity, flight time flies by in no time.


Nutrition Before and During the Flight

The Right Nutrition Before the Flight

An important aspect of pre-flight nutrition is choosing hydrating foods that help keep you well-hydrated during the flight. Watermelons, cucumbers, and celery are excellent examples of hydrating snacks that are also light and gentle on the stomach. These foods not only provide fluid but also important electrolytes your body needs to function well.

Another tip is to opt for probiotic foods that strengthen your immune system and support your gut flora. Sauerkraut, kimchi, and miso are probiotic-rich foods that can be particularly beneficial before a long flight. They not only promote digestion but also support your overall health by populating your gut with beneficial bacteria. This measure can help minimize potential gastrointestinal issues and maximize your well-being during the flight.

Additionally, avoid foods that cause bloating or digestive problems, such as cabbage, legumes, and highly carbonated drinks. Instead, opt for easily digestible proteins like chicken or fish, and pair them with fiber-rich sides such as quinoa or steamed vegetables. These combinations provide lasting satiety without unpleasant side effects, allowing you to start your journey relaxed and well-prepared.

Snacks and drinks for the flight

Peanuts and almonds are excellent options for a quick energy boost in between. These two snacks are not only rich in proteins and healthy fats, but they are also easy to store and hardly weigh down your carry-on luggage. Many airlines offer them, but choosing your own ensures quality and quantity to your taste. Dried fruits like apricots, mango strips, or cranberries are equally practical. They not only offer sweetness without added sugar but also provide valuable nutrients that keep you fit and satisfied.

An underrated aspect is carrying your own tea bags. Airplane water can often taste unappetizing, so it is advisable to bring your own herbal or fruit tea bags and use the hot water from the cabin crew. These small rituals not only contribute to physical well-being but also have a calming and relaxing effect. Additionally, you can consider caffeinated alternatives like green or black tea, which gently energize without the abrupt stimulation of coffee.

Muesli bars and oatmeal cookies are equally practical and nutritious companions. They are easily digestible and provide you with the needed energy for the flight without the feeling of heaviness that some snacks can cause. Another advantage is that they are available in different variations, whether vegan, gluten-free, or enriched with special superfoods like chia seeds or goji berries. Their versatile composition makes them the ideal snack for every taste and need.


After the flight – arrive well

Quick adjustment to the new time zone

Adjusting quickly to a new time zone requires both physical and mental strategies. Start on the plane by setting your watch to your destination's time. This helps your brain adjust to the new rhythm. Upon arrival, it’s important to get as much daylight as possible. Light regulates your circadian rhythm and can help you adjust faster to the new time zone. A walk outdoors or a few minutes in the sun can work wonders.

Nutrition also plays a significant role. Try to align your meals with the new time zone. This means eating at the usual meal times in your destination country, even if you’re not hungry. Avoid heavy or greasy foods as they can make you feel tired and sluggish. Instead, opt for easily digestible, protein-rich meals and healthy snacks to maintain your energy levels. Drink plenty of water to stay well-hydrated and reduce alcohol and caffeine intake as they can disrupt your sleep pattern.

Physical activity is also important. Light exercises such as yoga or stretching can improve circulation and help you feel more alert and less lethargic. Incorporating a short workout session right after your flight or on the first morning of your stay can help you better and more quickly adjust to the new time zone. However, be careful not to overdo it, especially if you feel very tired. Finally, restful sleep in the new time zone is crucial to feel fully adjusted and refreshed.

First steps at the destination

After landing safely and reaching your destination, it is important to orient yourself quickly and efficiently. Start with a brief check of your accommodations and note down important phone numbers and addresses. Also, check the safety and emergency exits to be prepared in case of an emergency. Use the first hours to familiarize yourself with the surroundings. Find out where nearby supermarkets, pharmacies, and restaurants are located.

It can also be helpful to explore local transportation options. Consider buying a multi-day pass for public transportation or learn about the best taxi or ride-sharing services. Local SIM cards or data packages for your phone make communication and navigation easier. This way, you stay reachable and can use map apps without any problems to find your way around.

Another important step is to observe cultural and social norms. Pay attention to local customs and behaviors. Even simple gestures like greetings or tipping practices can vary from place to place. Adapting shows respect and makes it easier to integrate into the new environment. Learning some basic phrases in the local language can also make a big difference and earn you goodwill from the locals. This way, you start your stay well-informed and well-prepared.

travel blogger Sabine

Personal travel report on "How to Prepare for a Long Flight"

A long flight is ahead, and preparation is the key to success. A few tricks and tips have proven extremely helpful. First, comfortable clothing was packed. Layers of loose, breathable fabrics are a must. Compression stockings also found their way into the luggage to avoid swollen legs.

An important point: in-flight entertainment. A Kindle was loaded with new eBooks, and a playlist on the smartphone provided musical accompaniment. Noise-canceling headphones were packed to make the flight even more relaxing.

Light snacks like nuts and dried fruit helped to satisfy small hunger pangs. A refillable water bottle was, of course, a necessity. In terms of hygiene, a small toiletry bag was considered: toothbrush, toothpaste, and a refreshing wipe provided a feeling of freshness.

A small pillow and blanket added extra comfort. Not to be forgotten: travel documents. Everything was stowed in a separate bag, easily accessible. With these preparations, the long flight was not a hurdle but a pleasant stage of the journey.

Sabine, 58 years young
Travel Blogger for

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