How do you pronounce Mallorca?
The correct pronunciation of Mallorca - Tips from the expert.

In Spanish, Mallorca is pronounced as [maˈʎoɾka]. In the Spanish pronunciation, the "ll" is pronounced as a voiceless palatal fricative, similar to the German "ch" in some dialects. The "c" is pronounced like a sharp "s" and the "o" like a short German "o".
In the correct Spanish pronunciation, the emphasis is placed on the penultimate syllable of the word "Mallorca." This means that the "o" in the third-to-last syllable is emphasized.
It is important to use the correct pronunciation when talking about this popular holiday destination to avoid misunderstandings. Some People tend to pronounce "Mallorca" as it is written in German, which can cause confusion, as the pronunciation in Spanish is distinctly different.
So, when you talk about the beautiful island of Mallorca, remember to use the Spanish pronunciation: \[maˈʎoɾka\]. This way, you can be Sure that you sound correct and authentic when talking about this fantastic travel destination.