Leave 2 cats alone on vacation?
How to care for your furry friends safely and stress-free at home

It is essential to carefully consider whether you can leave two cats alone during a vacation. Cats are creatures of habit and feel most comfortable in their familiar environment, but they need daily care and affection. Generally speaking, cats can cope alone for short periods better than dogs, but some important aspects need to be noted.
It should be ensured that the cats receive regular Food and fresh water. Automatic feeders and drinking fountains can help, but they do not fully replace human presence. A crucial element is cleaning the litter box, as hygiene is vital for the cats' health. This aspect must not be neglected.
Cats also need mental and physical stimulation. Boredom and loneliness can lead to behavioral issues, such as excessive meowing, scratching furniture, or even health problems. Someone should regularly check on the animals, feed them, clean the litter box, and interact with them. This can be done by a trusted friend, neighbor, or a professional pet sitter.
For shorter absences, such as an extended weekend of three to four days, these precautions may suffice. However, for longer trips, it is strongly recommended to arrange for someone to check on the cats daily. Alternatively, a temporary stay at a cattery could be considered, which should be carefully chosen to minimize stress for the animals.
A certain lead time is crucial for these arrangements. It is advisable to get the cats accustomed to visits from strangers or the cattery before the Vacation to minimize stress.