How much vacation for a 2-day work week?
Calculation of vacation days for part-time work: What you are legally entitled to

For a 2-day workweek, vacation entitlements must be adjusted accordingly. By law, employees in Germany are entitled to at least four weeks of Vacation per year, regardless of the actual number of workdays per week. This means that for a 5-day workweek, at least 20 Vacation days must be granted.
To calculate the Vacation entitlement for a 2-day workweek, a conversion is performed. If a full-time employee working five days a week has 20 Vacation days per year, an employee working two days a week should receive 8 Vacation days. This calculation is based on the ratio of workdays: 2/5 of 20 days.
In practice, this means that an employee with a 2-day workweek receives half a Vacation day for each full month of employment. Spread over the year, this adds up to the 8 days. It is important to note that this calculation method is based on the principle of equal treatment of all employees, regardless of the number of workdays per week. Unless otherwise specified in the employment contract or through company agreements, this conversion rule applies.
Overall, it is essential to know the correct Vacation entitlements and to claim them accordingly. In case of uncertainties, it is advisable to consult the works council or the HR department. Having a clear understanding of one’s own Vacation entitlements can help avoid misunderstandings and optimally plan the annual vacation.