
Discover the sights and culinary highlights of the Belgian capital.


Summary for "Brussels"

  • Brussels is the capital of Belgium and an important political and economic hub.
  • The city has a rich and fascinating history that dates back to the 10th century.
  • In the Middle Ages, Brussels was a significant trading center and a hub for trade with other European cities.
  • The founding of Brussels by Charlemagne marked the beginning of a new era in the city's history.
  • The Grand Place, the Atomium, the Manneken Pis, and the Royal Museums of Fine Arts are must-see highlights in Brussels.

The History of Brussels

The History of Brussels

Brussels, the capital of Belgium, has a rich and fascinating history. The city was first founded in the 10th century and has since experienced a variety of historical events. During the Middle Ages, Brussels was an important commercial center and played a significant role in the trade of luxury goods such as carpets, tapestries, and lace. The city was also a major hub for trade with other European cities.

Over the centuries, Brussels was ruled by various sovereigns, including the Dukes of Burgundy, the Habsburgs, and the Spaniards. Each period of rule left its mark on the city and influenced its architecture and culture. In the 19th century, Brussels became the capital of the newly established Kingdom of Belgium and developed into an important political and economic center.

The history of Brussels is characterized by cultural diversity, political intrigue, and economic growth. The city has a dynamic past that is reflected in its streets, buildings, and artworks. Today, Brussels is a modern metropolis that takes pride in its rich history and cultural heritage.

The founding of Brussels

The founding of Brussels can be traced back to the 10th century when the city was first established by Charlemagne. During this time, Brussels served as an important military base and developed into a significant trading center in the region. The strategic location on the Senne and proximity to the Zenne contributed to the city's economic boom. Over the centuries, Brussels grew into a prosperous and influential city, leading to the creation of the Duchy of Brabant. This marked the beginning of a new era in Brussels' history and laid the foundation for the city's future development.

The founding of Brussels under the rule of Charlemagne was a turning point in the city's history. Under his leadership, Brussels experienced a golden age characterized by the expansion of fortifications and the promotion of trade. During this time, the first fortifications were also erected, helping to protect Brussels from external threats. The founding of Brussels laid the groundwork for the city's future development and shaped its identity up to the present day.

The founding of Brussels was a crucial step in Belgian history and has made the city what it is today. The strategic location, economic significance, and cultural diversity have made Brussels one of the most fascinating cities in Europe. The founding of Brussels marked the beginning of a rich and multifaceted history that remains alive today in the city's streets, buildings, and customs.

The Development in the Middle Ages

In the Middle Ages, Brussels experienced a golden age as an important trade center in Europe. The city was known for its luxury goods such as carpets, tapestries, and lace, which were traded in markets across the continent. The urban population grew, new craft guilds emerged, and Brussels became a key hub in trade with other European cities. The economic development during this period significantly contributed to the cultural diversity and political significance of Brussels.

Under various rulers such as the Dukes of Burgundy, Habsburgs, and Spaniards, Brussels was further shaped. Each period of rule left its mark on the city, its architecture, and culture. The different influences molded Brussels into a multifaceted and fascinating metropolis, which still showcases its rich history in its streets, buildings, and artworks today. Economic boom, political intrigue, and cultural diversity characterized the development of Brussels in the Middle Ages and laid the foundation for its future as a modern metropolis.

Brussels as the capital of Belgium

Brussels is the Capital of Belgium and plays a crucial role as the political and economic center of the country. The city is home to the Belgian government, the king, and many international organizations such as the European Union and NATO. As the capital, Brussels hosts a variety of historical and cultural landmarks, including the Royal Palace, the Atomium, and Manneken Pis. The city's multicultural atmosphere is also reflected in its diverse cuisine and art scene, making Brussels a fascinating travel destination.

In addition, Brussels offers impressive architecture, including Gothic churches, Baroque palaces, and modern buildings. The numerous parks and green spaces offer residents and visitors a relaxing contrast to the bustling activity of the city. The Capital of Belgium is also known for its top-notch restaurants and markets, where visitors can enjoy Belgian cuisine and local specialties like chocolate, waffles, and beer.

Brussels is a vibrant and cosmopolitan city that proudly showcases its rich history and cultural diversity. As the capital of Belgium, it is a major attraction for tourists, business travelers, and expatriates who appreciate the versatility and authenticity of this fascinating metropolis.


Sights in Brussels

Sights in Brussels

An absolute must-see is the Grand Place, which is considered one of the most beautiful squares in the world. The magnificent baroque buildings along the square and the imposing town hall are breathtaking. If you love art, then you should visit the Magritte Museum, dedicated to the famous Belgian surrealist René Magritte. Here you can admire his unique works and immerse yourself in his fascinating world. And if you enjoy delving into history, then the Royal Palace is an absolute highlight. The splendid residence of the Belgian king is an architectural masterpiece and provides insight into royal life.

The Grand Place

The Grand Place in Brussels is one of the most beautiful squares in the world. The historic buildings along the square, including the impressive town hall, are an architectural masterpiece. Particularly striking is the splendid decoration of the facades, reflecting Brussels' rich history and cultural diversity. The Grand Place is also a vibrant meeting point, where events and markets regularly take place, attracting visitors from all over the world. A walk across the Grand Place is an absolute must for anyone wanting to experience Brussels' fascinating atmosphere.

In addition to historic buildings and lively atmosphere, the floral patterns of the paving on the Grand Place are also impressive. The artistic design of the pavement is another detail that makes the square so special. The unique design of the square and the architectural attention to detail make the Grand Place a fascinating place that delights visitors from around the globe.

A visit to the Grand Place is not only an architectural highlight but also a journey through the history and culture of Brussels. The magnificent buildings, bustling activity, and special atmosphere make the square an unforgettable experience for all who visit the city.

The Atomium

The Atomium was built for the World's Fair 1958 in Brussels. The iconic structure consists of nine interconnected spheres representing an iron crystal and reaches a height of 102 meters. Each of the spheres is accessible by stairs or an elevator and houses exhibitions on science and technology. The Atomium is not only an architectural landmark but also a symbol of progress and innovation. It offers visitors a unique view of the city and is a fascinating example of modern design and engineering. The Atomium is an absolute must for anyone visiting Brussels and wanting to discover the modern side of the city.

The Manneken Pis

The Manneken Pis is a famous bronze statue in Brussels that depicts a little boy urinating into a fountain. The 61-centimeter-high statue has become a symbol of humor, freedom, and independence of the Belgian capital. The Manneken Pis has a long history, and numerous legends and stories surround the figure. The statue is a popular tourist destination and one of the most well-known landmarks in Brussels. Many visitors come to see the Manneken Pis and take photos, and the statue has developed into a city icon. Despite its small size, the Manneken Pis holds great cultural significance and is a fascinating example of Brussels' unique charm.

The Royal Museums of Fine Arts of Belgium

The Royal Museums of Fine Arts of Belgium are an impressive collection of artworks, featuring a diverse array of paintings, sculptures, and other artistic works from different eras and styles. The museums are housed in several buildings and offer visitors the opportunity to discover masterpieces by Belgian and international artists. From the Renaissance to modern art, this collection provides a fascinating journey through the history of visual art and allows visitors to experience the creative diversity and artistic development over the centuries. The Royal Museums of Fine Arts of Belgium thus represent a significant cultural center that excites both art lovers and history enthusiasts.

The collection of the Royal Museums of Fine Arts of Belgium includes works by artists such as Bruegel, Rubens, Magritte, and many other prominent artists. The variety of exhibits allows visitors to explore different art movements and styles and trace artistic development over the centuries. In addition to paintings and sculptures, the collection also features various artistic objects such as drawings, prints, and crafts. The Royal Museums of Fine Arts of Belgium thus serve not only as a place for artistic enjoyment but also as an important part of Belgium's cultural heritage and a significant cultural hub in Europe.

The Royal Museums of Fine Arts of Belgium not only house an extensive art collection but also offer a diverse event program that includes lectures, workshops, and special exhibitions. This creates a vibrant and inspiring atmosphere that appeals to visitors of all ages and invites them to engage with visual art. Moreover, the museums are an important venue for educational programs and artistic research, contributing to the preservation and promotion of the cultural significance of art. The Royal Museums of Fine Arts of Belgium are thus not only a place of artistic enjoyment but also a significant cultural center that celebrates the diversity and beauty of visual art.


Culinary specialities from Brussels

Culinary specialities from Brussels

Brussels offers a variety of culinary specialties that you must try. These include the famous Belgian waffles, which are available in different variations. From classic with powdered sugar to exotic fruit and chocolate toppings, there's something for every taste. You should also definitely try the Belgian chocolate, known for its high quality and variety. Visit one of the city's numerous chocolatiers and let yourself be seduced by the different variations and flavors. Additionally, Brussels is also known for its beers, from strong Trappist beers to refreshing fruit lambics, there is a wide range of beers that you should definitely try.

Belgian chocolate

Belgian chocolate is renowned worldwide for its high quality and variety. The traditional production method, which uses only high-quality ingredients, gives Belgian chocolate a unique and distinctive taste. From dark chocolate with a high cocoa content to delicate pralines with various fillings, Belgian chocolate offers a wide range of indulgent experiences. Many chocolatiers in Belgium have a long tradition and focus on craftsmanship and innovation to develop new creations. The unique combination of flavors and textures makes Belgian chocolate an essential delight for all who are passionate about the finest sweets.


Belgian waffles are a must for anyone wanting to discover the culinary diversity of Brussels. These delicious waffles are made from a light batter and can be served with a variety of toppings, including fresh berries, chocolate sauce, cream, and ice cream. Belgian waffles are characterized by their crispy outer layer and soft, fluffy core, making them a true delight. You can enjoy them on the streets of the city, where they are freshly prepared and served warm, guaranteeing an unparalleled taste experience.

A special specialty is the so-called Liège waffles, which are baked with nougat and pearl sugar, giving them an extra sweet and crispy note. They are perfect for those who prefer something sweeter and are looking for an unforgettable taste experience. These unique waffles are a delicacy you should definitely try when you are in Brussels.

Mussels and Fries

"Moules-Frites" is a popular dish in Belgium, consisting of mussels and fries. The mussels are prepared in a hearty sauce, often enhanced with garlic, onions, wine, and herbs. The fries are crisply fried and served together with the mussels. This dish is popular throughout Belgium and is often offered in restaurants and brasseries. The combination of tender mussels and crispy fries makes "Moules-Frites" a culinary experience not to be missed.

The preparation of "Moules-Frites" requires fresh ingredients and careful handiwork. The mussels must be thoroughly cleaned and carefully inspected before preparation to ensure they are edible. The sauce is often enriched with fresh herbs such as parsley or thyme to intensify the flavor. The fries are fried in hot oil until they are golden brown and crispy. When served warm, they make a delicious accompaniment to the mussels. "Moules-Frites" is a dish that reflects traditional Belgian cuisine and its focus on fresh, high-quality ingredients.

Belgian beer

Belgian beer is known worldwide for its diversity, quality, and tradition. Belgian brewing heritage dates back centuries and has produced an impressive variety of beer styles, including beers with fruity, spicy, sour, and malty flavors. Belgian breweries rely on traditional brewing methods and high-quality ingredients to create unique beers that delight beer enthusiasts around the globe. The variety ranges from strong Trappist beers to refreshing Witbiers and sour Lambics. This diversity and quality make Belgian beer a unique and indispensable part of Belgian culture and culinary scene.

The Belgian beer culture is characterized by breweries that have adhered to their traditional brewing methods for generations while simultaneously developing innovative and creative beers. The close connection to Belgium's culture, history, and landscape is reflected in every bottle of Belgian beer. The beer tradition in Belgium has helped shape the diversity and quality of beers worldwide and influences brewers and beer lovers everywhere.

The unique diversity and quality of Belgian beer make it an essential component of Belgian gastronomy and culture. The tradition and creative brewing artistry excite beer enthusiasts and set international standards. The rich cultural heritage and unique variety make Belgian beer a true specialty that you must try when visiting Belgium.


The EU in Brussels

The EU in Brussels

The EU in Brussels is a central component of the political and economic life of the city. Due to the numerous institutions based here, Brussels is an important location for the European Union. Besides the European Parliament and the European Council, the European Commission also plays a crucial role in formulating laws and guidelines. The close intertwining of the EU with Brussels shapes the cultural and social life of the city, making it a unique center of European politics and governance.

Additionally, many international organizations and diplomats are represented in Brussels, further highlighting the importance of the city as a political center. The presence of the EU also impacts the economy and cityscape of Brussels. Many companies, lobbying groups, and think tanks have their headquarters here, contributing to a lively and dynamic business world.

Overall, the EU in Brussels is an integral part of urban life and influences many aspects of the happenings in the Belgian capital. The political, economic, and cultural significance associated with the presence of the EU makes Brussels an exciting and unique location in Europe.

The European Commission

The European Commission is one of the most important bodies of the European Union and plays a crucial role in the development and implementation of EU policy and legislation. As the political leadership body, the Commission is responsible for formulating proposals for new laws, monitoring compliance with EU law, and representing the EU on the international level. The Commission consists of commissioners from each member country and works closely with the European Parliament and the European Council to promote and protect the interests of the EU. Through its supervisory, legislative, and representative functions, the European Commission significantly contributes to shaping the political landscape in Europe and has a substantial impact on the daily lives of EU citizens.

The European Commission also plays a significant role in promoting economic growth and prosperity in the EU. By developing strategies and programs to strengthen the internal market, foster innovation, and support entrepreneurship, the Commission contributes to creating a dynamic and competitive environment. Furthermore, the Commission is responsible for managing and distributing EU funds to support economic development in member countries and promote social, fair, and sustainable economic policies. Overall, the European Commission plays a central role in shaping the economic future of the EU and ensuring fair and stable economic growth for all EU citizens.

The European Commission is also committed to representing the concerns and interests of the EU on the international level. Through participation in global forums, negotiations, and diplomatic efforts, the Commission actively promotes peace, stability, human rights, and economic cooperation. The Commission maintains close relationships with other international organizations and states and works to position the EU as a global actor actively involved in addressing global challenges and promoting international cooperation and solidarity. In this sense, the European Commission decisively contributes to strengthening the EU's profile on the international stage and establishing it as an active and responsible global partner.

The European Council

The European Council plays a crucial role in setting the political agenda of the European Union. Here, the heads of state and government of the EU member states regularly come together to make important political decisions and define the goals of the EU. The European Council is not only a forum for political discussion but also an important body that determines the strategic direction of the Union. In this process, the interests and perspectives of the member states are taken into account to reach a common political line. This makes the European Council a key player in the European political landscape and contributes to strengthening the EU as a global actor.

The European Parliament

The European Parliament is the only directly elected body of the European Union and plays an important role in representing the interests of the EU's citizens. In this forum, representatives from all member states come together to pass laws, approve the EU budget, and shape the political direction of the EU. The European Parliament places great importance on transparency and democratic participation, making it an essential body for the EU's citizens. It also provides the opportunity to represent the concerns of EU citizens on an international level, thus contributing to the shaping of a shared European future.

travel blogger Frank

Personal travel report on "Brussels"

Last month, I was in Brussels and I must say, the city impressed me once again. The variety of sights and culinary highlights gave me the feeling that it never gets boring. The impressive architecture of the Grand Place and the Atomium are definitely worth seeing.

The Belgian chocolate and waffles were a true delight for my palate. Not to forget are the fresh seafood that I tried in the local restaurants.

The relaxed atmosphere and friendly people made my stay even more enjoyable. I can hardly wait to come back to Brussels and discover more of this fascinating city.

Frank, 36 years young
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