Cottbus Zoo

"A visit to the animal paradise: Discover the diversity of native and exotic wildlife at the Cottbus Zoo."

Cottbus Zoo

Summary for "Cottbus Zoo"

  • The Cottbus Zoo was founded in 1974 and has continuously developed since then.
  • The park hosts a variety of special animal species, including endangered species like the Przewalski's horse and the otter.
  • The zoo participates in various conservation projects to protect endangered animal species.
  • Regular animal feedings, shows, and events are offered to provide visitors with an entertaining experience.
  • The park offers educational and recreational activities for visitors of all ages, including guided tours, workshops, and picnic areas.

Founding and Development of the Park

The Tierpark Cottbus was founded in 1974 and has continually developed since then. Initially, the park primarily housed native animal species, but over the years, exotic animals from various parts of the world were also added. The founders of the park had the vision of bringing the diversity of the animal world closer to visitors and conveying the importance of nature conservation. Over time, the park has become an important attraction for animal and nature lovers.

Through targeted breeding and protection programs, the Tierpark Cottbus has succeeded in contributing to the preservation of endangered animal species. Particularly noteworthy is the successful breeding of endangered Siberian tigers and leopards. In addition, the park supports various research projects aimed at preserving biodiversity. Thanks to these efforts, the Tierpark Cottbus has made a significant contribution to the protection of endangered animal species.

In recent years, the Tierpark has also expanded its educational and recreational offerings to appeal to visitors of all ages. Alongside natural history tours and workshops, the park also offers playgrounds and picnic areas to provide families and school groups with an eventful day in nature. Through its commitment to nature conservation and education, the Tierpark Cottbus has taken on a significant role in the region.

Special Animal Species in the Zoo

The Tierpark Cottbus is home to a variety of special animal species that often face difficulties in the wild. These include, for example, the Przewalski's horse, one of the most endangered horse breeds in the world, and the otter, which is also at risk due to habitat loss and pollution. Additionally, the meerkats delight visitors with their social behavior and curious nature. Particularly fascinating is the collection of owl species that are housed in the Tierpark Cottbus. From the snowy owl to the eagle owl, there is much to discover.

Furthermore, the park hosts some unusual and rarely displayed reptiles, including the royal python and the green iguana. These species are often victims of illegal wildlife trade, and their presence in the Tierpark Cottbus serves to raise awareness for the protection of these animals. Additionally, the park is proud to provide a habitat for endangered native bird species such as the black stork and the hoopoe. Visitors have the rare opportunity to experience these species up close and learn more about their lifestyles and the threats they face.


Attractions and activities

Attractions and activities

The Cottbus Zoo offers a variety of attractions and activities to appeal to visitors of all ages. In addition to viewing the diverse species of animals, guests can participate in informative guided tours of the park to learn more about the animals' lifestyles and conservation. Interactive workshops and demonstrations also give visitors the opportunity to actively engage with nature. Furthermore, there are special play areas and picnic spots where families and school groups can spend an eventful day in nature.

Another highlight of the zoo is the animal feedings, where visitors have the opportunity to observe the animals up close and learn more about their dietary habits. The park staff are available to answer questions and contribute to raising awareness about wildlife conservation through informative discussions. In addition, the Cottbus Zoo regularly offers events and special exhibitions to provide visitors with new insights into the animal and plant world.

For the adventurous, the zoo also offers special adventure tours and overnight stays to experience nature and the animals in a unique way. Additionally, there are regular events and action days that provide extra entertainment and make the visit an unforgettable experience.

Animal feedings and shows

The Tierpark Cottbus offers its visitors regular animal feedings and shows, providing an exciting insight into the lives of the animals. During the feedings, guests have the opportunity to observe the animals up close and learn more about their dietary habits. The park staff are also available to answer visitors' questions and help raise awareness about wildlife conservation through informative talks. Additionally, the shows offer entertaining insights into the animals' behavior and abilities, which captivate visitors and create unforgettable experiences. Interaction with the animals and informative presentations make a visit to Tierpark Cottbus an educational and entertaining experience for the whole family.

In addition to the regular animal feedings and shows, the Tierpark Cottbus also offers special events and action days that provide extra entertainment. These events allow visitors to experience the animals in unique situations and learn more about their lifestyle and needs. Whether during night or special tours, visitors have the opportunity to get to know the zoo and its inhabitants in a unique way. The various events and action days complement the park's offerings and ensure that each visit becomes a special experience.

Adventurous visitors also have the chance to participate in special experience tours and overnight stays to experience nature and the animals in a unique way. These special offers allow guests to feel an even deeper connection with the animal world and create unforgettable memories. Thus, the Tierpark Cottbus not only offers informative and entertaining attractions but also a wide range of experiences that hold something special for every visitor.

Playgrounds and picnic areas

Playgrounds and picnic areas are important facilities in Cottbus Zoo, allowing visitors to spend a relaxing day in nature. The playgrounds offer children the opportunity to run around and play, while adults have the chance to relax and enjoy the surroundings. The picnic areas are ideal for families and groups to enjoy a meal outdoors together and experience the atmosphere of the park. Here, visitors can quietly take in the diversity of wildlife and unwind from the hustle and bustle of everyday life.

The playgrounds in Cottbus Zoo are designed to appeal to various age groups, providing entertainment and activity. From climbing frames and swings to sandboxes and other play equipment, there is much to discover here. Children can let off steam and playfully experience nature. The picnic areas offer ample space to sit down and have a meal outdoors. Equipped with benches, tables, and green spaces, they invite visitors to enjoy animal watching and the park visit in a relaxed atmosphere.

Away from the animal enclosures, visitors can take a break on the playgrounds and in the picnic areas and connect with nature. The facilities offer a welcome change and complement the animal watching and other activities in the park. Families and groups find ideal conditions here to spend time together and enjoy the beauty of the park.


Nature conservation and educational programs

Nature conservation and educational programs

The conservation and educational programs at Tierpark Cottbus offer the chance to engage deeply with wildlife protection and learn more about the importance of conservation measures. Through targeted programs and activities, both children and adults are made aware of environmental and species protection. The challenges and successes in preserving endangered species are highlighted. Visitors have the opportunity to participate in conservation projects and contribute to the preservation of biodiversity.

The educational programs at Tierpark Cottbus include informative tours, interactive workshops, and presentations that enable visitors to engage deeply with the animal and plant world. Topics such as sustainable living, biodiversity, and species conservation are also addressed. Particularly impressive are the experience tours, where visitors have the chance to experience nature and animals in a unique way. These programs deepen the understanding of the importance of conservation and encourage people to actively contribute to environmental protection.

Tierpark Cottbus strives to continuously expand its range of conservation and educational programs to appeal to a wide audience. With a variety of events and activities, visitors of all ages are motivated to take responsibility for the animal and plant world and commit to preserving nature. Through these programs, the zoo becomes an important educational and recreational site for nature lovers and environmentalists.

Wildlife conservation projects in the zoo

Nature conservation holds a high priority at the Cottbus Zoo, and therefore the park is involved in various species conservation projects. A particularly important project is the preservation of endangered native bird species, including the Black Stork and the Hoopoe. These birds are also native to the surrounding forests, and the Cottbus Zoo is committed to protecting their habitat and promoting their population. Through targeted measures such as creating nesting opportunities and reducing disturbances, the zoo's conservation projects help ensure that these endangered bird species have a future in the region.

Another remarkable conservation project is the keeping and breeding of rare reptile species that are victims of illegal wildlife trade. The Cottbus Zoo is home to species like the Royal Python and the Green Iguana, which are preserved from extinction through targeted breeding measures. By supporting research projects on the conservation of endangered reptiles, the zoo makes an important contribution to global species conservation.

Furthermore, the Cottbus Zoo is involved in international cooperation projects to promote the exchange of knowledge and experience in species conservation. By collaborating with other zoos and conservation institutions, the park helps improve conservation measures for endangered animal species worldwide. The zoo's conservation projects thus not only contribute to the preservation of biodiversity but also play a role in global nature conservation efforts.

Educational offerings and guided tours

At Cottbus Zoo, a variety of educational offerings and tours are provided to give visitors the opportunity to engage intensively with the animal and plant world. In addition to informative tours through the park, there are interactive workshops and demonstrations that enable visitors to engage actively with nature. Particularly impressive are the experiential tours, where visitors have the chance to experience nature and animals in a unique way. These programs deepen the understanding of the importance of nature conservation and encourage people to actively contribute to environmental protection.

The educational offerings at Cottbus Zoo include informative tours that give visitors the chance to learn more about the way of life and protection of animals. Interactive workshops and demonstrations also give visitors the opportunity to engage actively with nature. Particularly impressive are the experiential tours, where visitors have the chance to experience nature and animals in a unique way. These programs deepen the understanding of the importance of nature conservation and encourage people to actively contribute to environmental protection.

Cottbus Zoo is committed to continuously expanding its range of conservation and educational programs to appeal to a broad audience. With a variety of events and activities, visitors of all ages are motivated to take responsibility for the animal and plant world and to work for the preservation of nature. Through these programs, the zoo becomes an important educational and recreational place for nature lovers and environmentalists.

travel blogger Corinna

Personal travel report on "Cottbus Zoo"

The visit to Cottbus Zoo was simply fantastic. As soon as I entered the park, I was greeted by the fresh air and the cheerful chirping of birds. You could almost feel the joy of the animals as if they knew visitors had arrived. There is a great variety of native and exotic animals to admire. From majestic lions to playful monkeys, there is something for everyone to discover here. You can observe the animals up close and admire their natural habitat. The park is also ideal for family outings, as there are many interactive offerings and feeding shows. During my visit, I learned so much about the different species and their way of life. It was an unforgettable experience that I can only recommend to everyone. Cottbus Zoo is truly a paradise for animal lovers and nature lovers alike.

Corinna, 27 years young
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