The best tips for a trip to the Philippines

Discover the tropical paradises and insider tips for your unforgettable trip

The best tips for a trip to the Philippines

Summary for "The best tips for a trip to the Philippines"

  • Consider the tropical climate and plan your trip during the dry season from November to April.
  • Ensure that your passport is valid for at least six months beyond your planned return date and arrange a onward or return ticket before your departure.
  • Acquire basic knowledge of Filipino or Tagalog, even though English is widely spoken.
  • Bring a well-equipped travel medical kit, especially insect repellent against dengue-carrying mosquitoes.
  • Avoid exchanging money at the airport and prefer licensed currency exchange offices in city centers.
  • Pay special attention to drinking water and food hygiene and get vaccinated before traveling.
  • Visit historical sites like the old town Intramuros in Manila and the ruins of Corregidor Island.
  • Explore pristine beaches and islands like El Nido and Siargao and enjoy their unique beauty.
  • Try local specialties like Adobo and Kakanin and visit lively street food markets like the Legazpi Sunday Market.
  • Book accommodations early and pay attention to location and amenities, especially during the high season.

Travel Preparation and Planning

Travel Preparation and Planning

Make sure to take a closer look at the climate in the Philippines, as their tropical nature brings both rainy and dry seasons. If you plan your Trip during the dry season from November to April, you can expect sunny days and mild temperatures, perfect for outdoor adventures. In the rainy season from May to October, especially between June and September, there can be heavy rain showers and even typhoons. Therefore, make sure to check in advance if your travel destinations are safe during this time. Also, be aware of regional differences, as the weather can vary from island to island.

Additionally, inform yourself in advance about local laws and cultural norms to avoid cultural misunderstandings. In the Philippines, for example, respect for the elderly and family is of great importance. Respectful behavior can open doors for you and allow you to have authentic experiences. You should also know that plastic waste is a major issue and many areas have plastic bans. Eco-friendly alternatives are a must.

It is worth acquiring some basic knowledge of the local language, Filipino or Tagalog, beforehand. Even a few simple words and phrases can break the ice and show locals that you are interested in their culture. Communication is often possible in English as well, especially in tourist areas. This makes navigation easier, but a bit of language knowledge can make your Trip more enriching and earn you a smile.

Necessary Travel Documents and Visa Requirements

For your Trip to the Philippines, you must ensure that your passport is valid for at least six months beyond the planned return date. Otherwise, you may encounter problems upon entry. Additionally, the Philippine authorities often require the presentation of an onward or return flight ticket upon arrival to ensure that travelers leave the country. You should definitely organize this before your departure.

Regarding visas, the Philippines has quite generous regulations for tourists. Citizens of many countries, including Germany, Austria, and Switzerland, can stay in the Philippines for up to 30 days without a visa. If you plan a longer stay, you can apply for a 59-day tourist visa at the Philippine embassy in your home country or repeatedly extend the visa-free stay on-site. Note: Each extension incurs a cost and requires a visit to the Bureau of Immigration.

Don't forget to take copies of your documents with you and keep them safe when traveling to less developed islands or remote areas. Creating digital copies also helps. Should you lose anything, you avoid major trouble. An international driving permit is also practical if you plan to rent a vehicle and explore the area on your own. Diving trips, exploratory mountain hikes, or simply enjoying island life are better with these preparations.

Best travel time and weather conditions

Before planning your trip, it is essential to consider the specific region of your journey, as the weather in the Philippines can significantly vary depending on the island group. For instance, central and eastern island groups like Luzon and Visayas are more frequently affected by typhoons than southern regions like Mindanao. These regional differences can greatly influence your travel experience, making thorough research and targeted planning indispensable.

If you're a fan of ocean activities, January to May might be the best time for you. During these months, the waters are generally calmer, offering optimal conditions for diving, snorkeling, and boating. Underwater visibility is often clear, making the vibrant coral reefs and diverse marine life even more impressive. However, note that this is also peak season, so Beaches and tourist hotspots could be slightly crowded.

Another important aspect is local festivities, which can indeed affect the weather and the best travel time. The Philippines are known for their vibrant and colorful festivals like the Sinulog Festival in January in Cebu or the Ati-Atihan in Kalibo. These events are not only culturally enriching but also magnets for tourists. During this time, it can be challenging to find accommodations, and prices might be higher. Nevertheless, they offer a unique opportunity to experience the culture and traditions up close.


Important travel tips on the go

Important travel tips on the go

A useful travel tip is to always have a well-equipped travel medical kit. Band-aids, disinfectants, medication for motion sickness and diarrhea can be invaluable in emergencies. If you are sensitive to mosquitoes, remember to bring effective insect repellent. Tropical diseases such as dengue fever are transmitted by mosquitoes, so preventive protection is essential. A small first aid kit takes up hardly any space in your luggage but can be crucial for quickly and effectively treating minor injuries.

Another important concern is safety while traveling. Avoid wearing valuable jewelry or expensive electronics openly. This could attract unnecessary attention and make you a target for theft. Valuables should always be kept in the hotel safe or in a hidden money belt on your body. Save the emergency numbers of your bank and the local embassy, and share your travel itinerary with a trusted person at home. This ensures additional security and the possibility of quickly getting help if something unforeseen happens.

Finally, using the right apps and digital tools is another key to a smooth travel experience. Download offline maps of the regions you plan to visit, as mobile internet can be unreliable in remote areas. Translation or currency conversion apps can also be extremely useful. Keep a power bank handy to ensure your devices are always charged. Such precautions can save you a lot of inconvenience and ensure the enjoyment of your adventure.

Tips for Currency Exchange and Safe Payments

When it comes to exchanging money in the Philippines, you should ensure you do so at the right places to guarantee fair exchange rates and security. Avoid exchanging money at the airport, as exchange rates there are often unfavorable. Instead, use official exchange offices in city centers or within shopping malls. Make sure these are licensed and recognize them by the official certificates that are prominently displayed. In rural areas, exchange offices might be scarce, so it is advisable to change enough cash in the cities.

For secure payments, it is wise to have multiple payment methods ready. Credit cards are accepted in many hotels, restaurants, and larger stores, but not everywhere. It is helpful to carry an international debit card, as these can often be used at the numerous ATMs in the country. When using your credit or debit cards, bring a card that does not charge high foreign transaction fees to save costs. Remember to inform your card providers before your Trip that you will be visiting the Philippines; this prevents your cards from being blocked due to suspicious activities.

Cash payments are still very common in the Philippines, especially in smaller shops and markets. Make sure to always have enough smaller bills and coins, as many vendors do not have enough change for larger bills. Distribute your cash in various secure places, such as a hidden money pouch and a well-stored day backpack, to avoid losing everything in case of theft. Additionally, avoid showing large amounts publicly to prevent unnecessary attention. Your sense of security will increase, and you can enjoy your Trip more carefree.

Health and Safety in the Philippines

Pay special attention to drinking water and food hygiene in the Philippines to avoid health problems. Tap water is usually not safe to drink, so water should always be boiled or bottled water used. Also, be cautious when buying food at local markets and street stalls, especially with raw or undercooked foods. Avoid ice cubes in drinks as they are often made from untreated tap water.

A visit to the doctor for vaccination before your Trip is also advisable. Standard vaccinations like tetanus, diphtheria, and hepatitis A and B should be up to date. Additionally, vaccinations against typhoid and rabies might be sensible depending on your travel style and destination. Malaria prophylaxis is worth considering in certain areas, especially if you plan to visit remote or rural regions. Consult your doctor or a tropical institute for more specific recommendations on health precautions.

The hospital system is adequate in urban areas, but in rural areas, medical facilities can be rudimentary and may lack specialized services. Comprehensive travel medical insurance is therefore essential. Ensure that your insurance covers transportation costs to a well-equipped hospital or possibly repatriation to your home country in the event of illness. Carry important medical information with you, especially if you suffer from chronic illnesses or regularly take medication. An emergency contact, preferably someone who knows your travel plans, should also be informed.


Top attractions and activities

Exploring the most beautiful beaches and islands

The Philippines is a true paradise for beach lovers and island explorers. One of the gems of the archipelago is El Nido on Palawan. Here you will find some of the most impressive Beaches in the world, surrounded by dramatic limestone cliffs and turquoise waters. Spend days island hopping, exploring hidden lagoons, and enjoying the relaxed atmosphere at Beaches like Nacpan and Las Cabanas. The combination of natural beauty and relaxed vibe makes El Nido a must for every traveler.

Not to be forgotten is Siargao, the island of Cloud 9, known as the surfing paradise of the Philippines. Apart from the excellent waves, Siargao also offers idyllic Beaches like the famous Sugar Beach and hidden spots like the Magpupungko Rock Pools. The island exudes an authentic, laid-back atmosphere where life seems slower and more natural. Also, explore the surrounding islands like Bucas Grande, home to the mystical Sohoton Cove, where you can paddle through emerald waters in Caves full of fireflies.

Another highlight is the Calaguas group of islands, often considered a hidden gem. With its pristine white sand Beaches and clear, azure waters, the Calaguas are perfect for those looking to escape mass tourism. The main island Tinaga is home to the paradisiacal Mahabang Buhangin Beach, ideal for camping and relaxing. These islands offer the perfect setting for a Robinson Crusoe adventure. Feel like you are in a real paradise and enjoy the incredible tranquility and beauty of this hidden treasure.

Cultural highlights and historical sites

Immerse yourself in the rich cultural heritage of the Philippines by exploring the country's fascinating historical sites. The Vigan Heritage Village, one of the best-preserved Spanish colonial towns in Asia, allows you to travel back in time. Stroll through the cobblestone streets and admire the well-preserved "bahay na bato" (stone houses), which showcase a blend of Philippine and Spanish architecture. The town is not only a UNESCO World Heritage Site but also a living testament to the cultural heritage and history of the Philippines.

Another highlight is the ruins of Corregidor Island in Manila Bay. The island played a crucial role in World War II and hosts numerous memorials, bunkers, and tunnels that attest to the historical significance of this place. The Malinta Tunnel, once a refuge for soldiers and prominent figures, is an impressive testament to the wartime history. A guided tour provides you with deep insights into the strenuous times and the heroic defense of the island.

The Baroque Churches of the Philippines, a group of four churches that are a UNESCO World Heritage Site, are also worth a visit. These churches, including the San Agustin Church in Manila and the Paoay Church in Ilocos Norte, combine European Baroque elements with local materials and styles. Their elaborate architecture, magnificent facades, and impressive interiors are a must-see not only for history enthusiasts but also for art and architecture aficionados. Each of these churches tells its own story and reflects the cultural diversity and influence of the Spanish colonial era.


Food and Drink in the Philippines

Local specialties you should try

Besides the already mentioned dishes, there are numerous other local specialties in the Philippines that you must try. Adobo, a savory dish made from meat marinated in vinegar, soy sauce, garlic, and spices, then braised, is one of the absolute classics of Filipino cuisine. The variety of Adobo versions, whether with chicken, pork, or even seafood, reflects the creativity and adaptability of Filipino culinary art. Every region, almost every family, has its own secret recipe, which makes the dish particularly exciting.

Pinakbet is another typical dish consisting of a colorful mix of vegetables like bitter melon, eggplant, squash, and okra cooked in a fermented fish or shrimp paste. This rich vegetable stew is not only healthy but also uniquely flavored due to the use of salty Bagoong paste. Pinakbet represents the Filipino preference for using fresh and local ingredients to create delicious, nutrient-rich meals. It is especially popular in the north of the Philippines and should not be missed on your culinary exploration.

For sweet treats, a look at the various Kakanin (rice cakes) like Bibingka and Puto Bumbong, traditionally enjoyed during the Christmas season, is recommended. Bibingka is a fluffy rice cake baked in banana leaves and often garnished with cheese, salted eggs, or coconut. Puto Bumbong, on the other hand, is a purple sticky rice cake steamed in bamboo tubes and served with grated coconut, butter, and brown sugar. These festive delicacies not only offer an insight into the culinary traditions of the Philippines but also a delightful experience that you should not miss.

Recommended Restaurants and Street Food

If you are looking for recommended restaurants and street food in the Philippines, you must not miss Antonio’s in Tagaytay. This renowned restaurant offers an exquisite blend of Filipino and international cuisine, served in a beautiful, colonial-inspired setting. The carefully curated menus and exclusive wine selection make it an unforgettable experience. The fresh fish and seafood, sourced directly from local waters and perfectly prepared, are particularly noteworthy.

In the streets of Manila, you should not miss the legendary Legazpi Sunday Market. This market is a paradise for food lovers who want to try authentic street food. Here you will find a variety of stalls offering everything from typical Filipino specialties like Lumpia (spring rolls) and Sinigang (sour soup) to international dishes. The bustling activity and friendly vendors contribute to the vibrant atmosphere and make every visit a culinary adventure. The Iskrambol, colorful crushed ice covered with syrup, is also a refreshing delicacy that you should definitely try.

For an upscale yet authentic experience, visit Abe’s Restaurant in Manila. This restaurant celebrates the rich culture and heritage of Kapampangan cuisine, originating from the province of Pampanga, and is known for its creative interpretations of traditional dishes. The Kare-Kare, a peanut sauce-based dish, and Sinuteng Baby Pusit, fried baby squid, are Just a few of the highlights that will delight you. With a cozy, inviting atmosphere and friendly service, Abe’s offers a perfect balance between traditional Filipino cuisine and modern dining.


Useful tips for a pleasant journey

Transportation options within the country

Within the Philippines, you have numerous transportation options available to explore various islands and cities. A frequently used mode of transport is the so-called tricycles, three-wheeled motorcycle taxis that are especially practical in rural and urban areas without heavy traffic. They are ideal for short distances and can take you to your desired destination cost-effectively. However, be cautious: prices can vary, so negotiate the fare in advance to avoid unpleasant surprises.

If you want to cover greater distances, domestic flights are an efficient and time-saving method. AirAsia, Cebu Pacific, and Philippine Airlines are some of the common airlines that connect many of the larger cities and islands. However, keep in mind to book flights in advance, as prices can significantly increase during peak travel seasons. For short domestic flights, you should also be aware of the baggage limit, as additional fees may apply for excess baggage.

For travelers who prefer to travel by water, there are numerous ferry companies like 2GO Travel and Montenegro Lines that make Island Hopping comfortable. Ferries offer a scenic view and a relaxed way to get from one island to the next. Note the different classes and price categories, ranging from simple seats to luxurious cabins. Travel times can vary, so prior planning and confirmation of schedules are essential to ensure a smooth journey.

Tips for Accommodation and Booking

Choosing the right accommodation in the Philippines can significantly impact your travel experience. Always consider the location and comfort you desire. In remote regions or on smaller islands, you often find charming, family-run guesthouses or so-called "homestays" that offer an authentic insight into local life. Here, you frequently get home-cooked meals, and the hosts often take the time to show you around – an ideal opportunity to immerse yourself in the Filipino hospitality and culture.

If you value luxury more, the Philippines also offer a variety of upscale resorts and boutique hotels, often with breathtaking beachfront locations. Wellness and spa areas, infinity pools, and top-notch cuisine are standard here. Many of these resorts operate sustainably and are committed to preserving the beautiful nature of their surroundings. When booking, it is advisable to look for Deals and packages that include additional amenities and activities – from diving tours to cultural excursions.

Compare prices and reviews on various booking platforms like Agoda,, or directly through the accommodation's websites to find the best offers. Planning and flexibility are crucial: During peak season, you should book early to secure the best spots. Outside the main travel periods, you can often find last-minute Deals and have the freedom to adjust your itinerary based on weather conditions and spontaneous interests. This dynamic can add a pleasant and adventurous touch to your journey.

travel blogger Denise

Personal travel report on "The best tips for a trip to the Philippines"

The best time to visit the Philippines? Definitely during the dry season from November to April. Water as clear as crystal and beaches I only knew from movies. Local markets in Manila enchanted me with exotic fruits and colorful hustle and bustle. For active vacationers, a visit to the Chocolate Hills on Bohol is a must. My greatest adventure was diving in El Nido. The underwater world was breathtaking. People there are incredibly friendly, and the food? Delicious and cheap. Cebu Island has the most beautiful waterfalls and at the Tarsier Sanctuary on Bohol I saw those tiny monkeys in the wild. Always have sunscreen and insect spray with you, it helped tremendously. Spectacular sunsets were available at every opportunity. Tip: Don't miss a ride on the colorful Jeepneys, a real highlight! Other recommendations are the rice terraces of Banaue, they are truly impressive. If you've never been to karaoke, you should treat yourself to the experience there – the Philippines love it! A budget of about 30-40 euros per day was completely sufficient for me. A paradise for adventurers and relaxation seekers alike.

Denise, 34 years young
Travel Blogger for

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