The best tips for a trip to South America

Discover the secrets and adventures that await you in South America

The best tips for a trip to South America

Summary for "The best tips for a trip to South America"

  • Plan in advance and prepare well for local holidays and climatic conditions.
  • Learn basic phrases in the local language to better communicate with locals.
  • Carefully check your travel documents and vaccinations, and make copies of important documents.
  • Public transportation is often the best and most affordable option for getting around cities.
  • Use different accommodation options depending on budget and comfort needs.
  • South America offers numerous historical sites and natural wonders worth visiting.
  • Experience the culinary diversity through traditional dishes like ceviche, feijoada, and asado.
  • Pay attention to food hygiene and drink bottled or boiled water to avoid health issues.
  • Be flexible and adjust your travel plans spontaneously to make the most of your trip to South America.

Preparation and Planning of Your Trip

Preparation and Planning of Your Trip

In addition to obvious things like booking flights and accommodations, it is also advisable to research local holidays and festivities. This way, you can not only enjoy authentic cultural experiences but also avoid unexpected travel obstacles. Plan a bit of buffer time; it is not uncommon for transportation in South America to be unpredictable, with delays or even cancellations possible.

Consider learning basic sentences in the local language in advance. Even if you are not fluent in Spanish or Portuguese, you will be surprised at how much it is appreciated when you try to communicate in the native language. A small language guide or an app can work wonders and enrich your Trip immensely.

Don't forget that South America is vast and diverse. The climatic conditions vary greatly depending on the region and season. While you might be in shorts and a T-shirt in one place, you could need a thick jacket in another. Carefully research the weather in your target regions and pack accordingly. This way, you will be prepared for all eventualities and can enjoy your Trip to the fullest.

The best travel time for various South American countries

For the die-hard travelers among you, Argentina in spring and fall is an absolute must. Particularly Buenos Aires blossoms from September to November and from March to May. During these "in-between seasons," you escape the oppressive summer heat and the winter cold of the southern hemisphere. The streets and neighborhoods like San Telmo and Palermo show themselves in their finest splendor.

Brazil, on the other hand, offers different climate zones, which depending on where you travel, have better or worse travel times. The south, like Curitiba or Florianopolis, is ideal for your summer Vacation between December and March. A mild and pleasant climate dominates here. But if you go north, like to Recife or Salvador, you should rather use the dry season from September to February. This way, you avoid the heavy rains of the rainy season, which could otherwise put a damper on your plans.

Bolivia impresses with its diverse landscapes including the Andes, the Altiplano, and the Amazon region. The ideal travel time for the highlands, including La Paz and the Salar de Uyuni, is from May to October. The dry season means dry, clear days and cold nights here. Avoid the Bolivian summer between November and March because of the frequent rains, which can turn the roads in the lowlands and jungle areas into muddy paths.

Documents and vaccinations you need

A particularly important aspect of your travel preparations is checking and updating your travel documents. Make sure your passport is valid for at least six months beyond the planned return date. Some countries also require a visa that you need to apply for in advance, so inform yourself about the entry requirements of your destination in a timely manner. It is also advisable to have copies of your important documents, such as passport, visa, and health insurance, both physically and digitally available in case the original gets lost.

In addition to travel documents, health precautions are essential. Many countries in South America require certain vaccinations, such as against yellow fever, before entry. Even if proof is not always required, it is wise to get vaccinated against common regional diseases. Hepatitis A and B, typhoid, and rabies are some of the vaccinations recommended depending on your travel route. A visit to a tropical medicine specialist can help you create an individual vaccination plan and inform you about other health risks.

Don't forget to take a well-stocked travel pharmacy with you. Away from large cities, it can be difficult to quickly access medications. Besides the regular medications you may take, you should also have basic remedies for diarrhea, insect bites, and pain. Some countries also require proof of Travel health insurance that specifically covers repatriation and treatment costs. Such insurance can protect you from unforeseen costs and provide security in the event of a medical emergency.


Local Transport and Mobility

Local Transport and Mobility

Public transportation in many South American cities is a cost-effective and generally reliable option. Metro systems in cities like Santiago de Chile or Medellín offer clean and safe rides, while buses in cities like Buenos Aires or Lima are a frequently used means of transportation. For longer distances within a country, long-distance buses are a commonly chosen option. They offer various levels of comfort, from simple seats to luxurious "Cama" buses with reclining seats.

A rental car can offer you flexibility but is not always the best choice everywhere. In more rural or hard-to-reach areas, a rental car can be useful. However, keep in mind that road conditions vary and can often be challenging. Additionally, the often hectic traffic in large cities can be risky for inexperienced drivers. A four-wheel-drive vehicle is advisable if you plan to explore remote areas, especially during the rainy season when roads can quickly become impassable.

In many parts of South America, you can also travel cheaply and flexibly by hitchhiking. While this method is widespread and safe in countries like Argentina and Chile, you should always exercise caution and consider local advice. It can be helpful to make contact with locals at gas stations or rest stops to find a ride. Always remember to prioritize your safety and switch to another travel option if in doubt.

Public transportation: buses, trains, and airplanes

In South America, there is a wide range of public transportation options to help you get around efficiently. An often overlooked advantage of Bus travel is the opportunity to experience scenic beauty up close. Whether you're driving through the Andes or gliding along the coast, bus windows offer you unparalleled panoramas. Trains, on the other hand, are rarer, but routes like the "Nariz del Diablo" in Ecuador or the "Train to the Clouds" in Argentina are attractions in themselves, reviving a long-lost sense of travel.

Airplanes play a crucial role on such a vast continent as South America. Local airlines like LATAM, Avianca, or Gol offer numerous domestic flights that not only save time but also allow you to reach remote locations comfortably. Especially the distances between urban centers and remote natural wonders often make flying the preferred choice. For example, if you want to travel directly from Lima to the Amazon, domestic flights are almost indispensable.

Furthermore, regional airports are often well-equipped and offer amenities such as lounges or reliable ground transportation connections. What many don't know: In some areas, there are also seaplane airports that provide access to hard-to-reach islands or jungle areas. Always check possible alternatives and compare prices to find the best deal for your needs. Individual research in advance can not only save you money but also help you discover unexpected places.

Rental Cars or Own Vehicles: Pros and Cons

A rental car can offer you greater flexibility and independence, especially if you want to discover remote highlights. Off the beaten tourist paths or in less-developed regions, a rental car can mean valuable time savings and more freedom for spontaneous Route changes. However, the costs for rental cars in South America can vary significantly and quickly add up, especially when considering insurance fees, mileage limits, and possible additional charges for one-way rentals.

On the other hand, if you are traveling with your own vehicle, you have the ultimate freedom to determine your pace and travel route. This, however, can come with significant logistical challenges. For instance, the bureaucratic effort can be quite high to transfer your car through different countries. Border crossings often require special papers and permits, and road conditions can put a strain on your vehicle, resulting in regular maintenance and potential repairs.

A major drawback of having your own vehicle is the increased safety risk, particularly in urban areas known for higher crime rates. Insight into local safety information and appropriate precautions like GPS tracking and additional vehicle insurance can be helpful here. However, whether rental car or own vehicle – comprehensive preparation and taking local conditions into account are crucial to ensure a smooth and safe trip.


Accommodation options

Accommodation options

You have a variety of accommodation options tailored to your preferences and budget. Hostels are particularly popular among younger travelers and backpackers as they are not only cost-effective but also provide a great opportunity to meet other travelers. Many hostels offer common rooms, kitchens, and organized activities such as city tours or barbecues. If you prefer something a bit more comfortable, boutique Hotels and smaller guesthouses offer charming alternatives with a personal touch. Often family-run, you can gain deeper insights into the local culture and warm hospitality.

For nature enthusiasts, there are numerous camping options. National parks and nature reserves in countries like Chile, Peru, and Colombia often offer well-equipped campsites. However, note that some more remote places have no or limited facilities. In such cases, careful preparation is essential to ensure you have all the necessary gear and supplies. Wild camping is allowed in some regions, but always inform yourself about local regulations and safety guidelines.

Luxury lovers will also find plenty to enjoy. In the larger cities and tourist hotspots, there is an impressive selection of five-star Hotels and resorts. These accommodations offer top-notch service, gourmet dining, and often spectacular views. Particularly noteworthy are the so-called “Estancias” – historic estates in Argentina and Uruguay that now serve as luxurious accommodations. Here, you can not only reside in style but also enjoy activities such as horseback riding or wine tasting and gain an authentic insight into rural life.

Hostels, Hotels and Airbnbs: Finding the Best Options

To find the best options for hostels, hotels, or Airbnbs in South America, you should consider several factors. Targeted research on specialized platforms like Hostelworld,, or Airbnb can give you a detailed overview. Reviews and experiences of previous guests are often crucial and provide an authentic picture of the accommodation. Pay attention to details such as cleanliness, safety, and offered amenities that can significantly enhance your comfort. Some accommodations also offer additional services such as guided tours or transfers, which can be a great help on-site.

If you want a unique and local experience, Airbnbs are an excellent choice. Often they offer you the chance to stay with locals and experience everyday life up close. Hosts can provide valuable insider tips for restaurants, sights, and lesser-known attractions that will make your stay unforgettable. Furthermore, you will find a variety of accommodation types, from cozy city apartments to remote country houses, perfect for any type of traveler, whether you seek peace and seclusion or the vibrant city life.

Regardless of your choice, it is advisable to stay flexible and adjust your bookings according to your itinerary and spontaneous plan changes. Many booking platforms offer flexible cancellation policies that give you planning security without restricting you too much. It is also important to be aware of possible additional fees or restrictions that may vary depending on the accommodation and region. This way, you secure not only the best prices but also a stress-free and pleasant journey through the diverse and fascinating landscapes of South America.

Safety aspects when choosing your accommodation

Pay close attention to the security situation of the area when choosing your accommodation. Many cities in South America have neighborhoods that are safe both day and night, while other areas should be avoided. Research in advance and ask locals or other travelers for recommendations. Proximity to tourist centers and police stations can also be a good indicator.

Another important point is the security features of the accommodation itself. Ensure the accommodation has basic safety measures such as functioning locks on doors and windows, secure storage options for valuables, and possibly surveillance cameras or security personnel. If staying in a hostel, check if there are personal lockers, and bring your own padlock if necessary.

It can also be helpful to check in advance how the accommodation is prepared for potential emergencies. Are there clear evacuation plans and emergency exits? Is the staff trained to respond appropriately in situations like fires or medical emergencies? These aspects contribute significantly to your overall sense of security and allow you to enjoy your Trip with peace of mind.


Cultural highlights and sights

Cultural highlights and sights

A Trip to South America would be incomplete without exploring its unique cultural highlights and landmarks. Start your journey in Peru with a visit to the famous ancient city of Machu Picchu. The historical treasure of this Inca site, nestled in the breathtaking Andes, captivates millions of visitors each year. Another highlight is the Sacred Valley of the Incas, which offers a wide range of archaeological sites that delve deep into the history and heritage of the region, reflecting a diverse legacy.

Further south in Chile, the Atacama Desert, the driest desert in the world, awaits you. It provides an unrivaled backdrop for astronomy enthusiasts, as its clear, cloudless nights create perfect conditions for stargazing. A visit to the Valley of the Moon (Valle de la Luna) allows you to marvel at the surreal landscape formations that resemble the surface of an alien planet. The Chilean fjords in the south of the country are another spectacular natural wonder, where you can experience the glaciers and the unspoiled beauty of Patagonia up close.

In Colombia, you shouldn't miss the vibrant capital Bogotá, especially the Gold Museum (Museo del Oro), which houses one of the largest collections of pre-Columbian gold artifacts in the world. Another cultural gem is the city of Cartagena with its well-preserved colonial old town, a UNESCO World Heritage site. The colorful streets and imposing fortresses capture the essence of the country's colonial heritage and vibrant culture. Medellín, once notorious, has transformed into a modern hub for art, technology, and innovation, offering a lively cultural scene and spectacular views from the Metrocable cable car.

Historical sites and the rich history of South America

South America is a continent full of impressive historical sites that reflect the rich and diverse history of the region. The lost city Ciudad Perdida in Colombia, often referred to as the "new Machu Picchu," is a spectacular example of pre-Columbian architecture. Hidden in the jungle of the Sierra Nevada, access requires a multi-day hike, during which you can enjoy not only the impressive ruins but also the majestic nature.

Another lesser-known but fascinating historical site is Tiwanaku in Bolivia, the remnants of an ancient high culture that flourished long before the Incas. The monumental stone sculptures and the Akapana Pyramid provide insight into a civilization whose influence extended far beyond the Andes. Visit the Museo Nacional de Arqueología in La Paz to study the artifacts of this remarkable culture more closely and learn about its complex societal structure.

In Ecuador awaits the fascinating Hacienda San Agustín de Callo, an extraordinary place that served both as an Inca fortress and later as a colonial manor. This hacienda, now a luxurious guesthouse, offers profound insights into the history and architecture of the Inca, combined with the influences of the Spanish colonial era. Here you can admire the harmonious interplay of Inca masonry and colonial architecture while enjoying the comfort of modern amenities.

Natural Wonders: From the Andes to the Amazon

Explore the surreal Salt Flats of Uyuni in Bolivia, where the flat surface mirrors the sky, giving you the feeling of walking over an endless sea of mirrors. This vast salt field, which offers a breathtaking natural phenomenon after rainfalls, is the largest salt flat in the world. Experience a spectacular scene of perfect reflections that captivates photographers and adventurers alike.

Venture into the heart of the Amazon Rainforest, the most biodiverse place on Earth. This green lung of the planet spans several countries and is home to thousands of unknown plant and animal species. A journey upstream on the mighty Amazon provides insights into lush flora and fauna. Encounter pink River dolphins, explore dense jungle trails, and visit indigenous communities deeply rooted in this unique environment.

The Iguazu Falls, spanning the border between Argentina and Brazil, are an unforgettable spectacle of natural power. This network of over 250 waterfalls surrounded by lush rainforest creates a scene that rivals the most beautiful natural wonders in the world. The roaring water and constant spray create rainbows in the sunlight, offering visitors an immersive and magnificent experience. Recharge your senses and dive into the rushing splendor of these breathtaking waterfalls.


Food and Drink in South America

Traditional dishes and where you can try them

A true insider tip for connoisseurs in Ecuador is the dish "Encebollado," a spicy fish stew with yam root, red onions, and a hearty broth that boasts intense flavors. This dish is particularly popular on the coast, in cities like Guayaquil, where you can try the most authentic versions in small, family-run restaurants. A highlight for breakfast fans is "Pan de Yuca," a tasty cheese bread often served with sweet and aromatic chocolate—a combination that will sweeten your morning.

In Colombia, "Bandeja Paisa" awaits to delight your palate. This hearty dish hails from the Antioquia region and consists of a variety of components: beans, rice, chicharrón (fried pork rind), chorizo, avocado, plantains, and a fried egg on top. Often found in small, traditional "Fondas"—rustic rural restaurants—this dish perfectly conveys the hearty cuisine of the Paisa culture. Don’t forget to pair it with a refreshing "Aguapanela" drink made from sugarcane, especially when enjoying the sounds of traditional Vallenato music.

Chile offers a very special dish with "Pastel de Choclo" that you shouldn't miss. This delicious corn pie combines sweet corn with a savory filling of beef, chicken, onions, olives, and boiled eggs. An excellent opportunity to enjoy this dish is in the picturesque "Casas de Comida" of Valparaíso, where you'll not only find Culinary Delights but also stroll through charming, colorful streets. An unforgettable experience for taste and senses!

Safety Instructions for Eating and Drinking

When traveling in South America, exercise caution with street vendors and local markets. Ensure that the food is fresh and well-cooked to minimize the risk of food poisoning. Avoid raw foods like salads or unpeeled fruit unless you are certain that the hygienic standards are met. A peeled piece of fruit is generally safer than one whose skin you cannot remove.

Drink only bottled or boiled water to avoid stomach problems. Tap water is not safe in many regions and can cause a variety of health issues. Be cautious with ice cubes in drinks as well. It is advisable to inform yourself beforehand about which water sources are considered safe at your destination. A water filter or purification tablets can also be helpful, especially if you are traveling in remote areas.

Pay attention to how and where the food is prepared. A high turnover of guests at street vendors can indicate fresh ingredients and quick turnover of food. If you dine at a fancier restaurant, a look into the kitchen or online reviews from other guests is a good way to check the hygienic conditions. Stay vigilant and listen to local recommendations to safely enjoy culinary adventures to the fullest.

travel blogger Petra

Personal travel report on "The best tips for a trip to South America"

South America is an incredible adventure! The beauty of the continent amazes everyone. On my journey, I experienced breathtaking landscapes, bustling city life, and wonderful people. My first stop was in Brazil.

Rio de Janeiro immediately captivated me with its lively beaches like Copacabana and Ipanema. Visiting Sugarloaf Mountain and the Christ the Redeemer statue is highly recommended. Unforgettable! In Argentina, specifically in Buenos Aires, I was swept up by the Tango culture. The city pulsates with life and offers delicious food, especially the famous Argentine steak.

Chile also amazed me. Santiago offers impressive architecture and lively markets. And the Andes! The snow-covered peaks are breathtaking. A trip to the Atacama Desert is a must. The starry sky there is indescribable.

Next was Peru. Seeing Machu Picchu was a dream come true. The Inca Trail is a challenge but worth every effort. Lima and Cusco are also cultural treasures.

A highlight in Bolivia was the Salar de Uyuni. The largest salt flat in the world stretches seemingly endlessly. Accompanied by surreal reflections and fascinating landscapes.

Colombia was the last stop. Cartagena surprised with its colonial architecture and colorful houses. The hospitality of the people and the cozy atmosphere are unique. Bogotá and Medellín offer an exciting mix of tradition and modernity.

So, there is an incredible diversity to discover in South America. The warm-hearted people, the culinary highlights, and the spectacular landscapes make every trip unforgettable. The mix of nature and culture is unique. Always fascinating and exciting. Highly recommended!

Petra, 28 years young
Travel Blogger for

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