How to Safely Plan Your Vacation Despite Corona

Tips and Tricks for Stress-Free Travel Preparations in Pandemic Times

How to Safely Plan Your Vacation Despite Corona

Obtain current information and travel advisories

Obtain current information and travel advisories

One of the first things you should consider is the target country's entry policy. Many nations continuously modify their regulations, so it's important to regularly consult official government websites. Travel portals and news sources often provide concise and up-to-date information. A later surprise can have unpleasant consequences, whether in the form of quarantine or, in the worst case, denied entry.

Also, check the restrictions and regulations regarding public life on-site. These can vary greatly depending on the region. While some places have strict mask requirements and contact restrictions, other destinations are more relaxed in their rules. It's wise to also know about possible curfews and the opening hours of attractions. Knowing such details can help you plan your Vacation more structured and hassle-free.

Remember to get informed about the local healthcare systems. In an emergency, you want to ensure you are well taken care of. Which hospitals are near your place of stay? Is there English-speaking staff? This information can be essential if you need medical assistance during your holiday. The better prepared you are, the more relaxed you can enjoy your Vacation despite the ongoing challenges.

Use official websites and reliable sources

An essential part of your travel planning should be the use of official websites and reliable sources. These sites not only provide precise and consistent information but also ensure that you access verified data. Websites such as those of the Foreign Office or the World Health Organization offer comprehensive safety and health advice tailored specifically to the current situation. Local health authorities also often provide detailed insights into regional peculiarities and measures.

In addition, travel insurance and its terms are a critical aspect that should not be underestimated. Many insurers have specific sections on their websites dedicated exclusively to Covid-19 and the associated coverage. These pages can help you understand the conditions and any exclusions of your policy – an essential step to avoid unpleasant surprises should your travel plans unexpectedly need to change.

It is also advisable to obtain information directly from airlines. Airlines and airports continuously adapt their regulations in response to changing directives. Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) on the websites of the airlines or their social media channels can answer questions about current regulations, additional fees, or specific Corona measures. These sources provide valuable overviews and enable you to make better-informed decisions.

Know the regulations and restrictions of the destination countries

Regulations and restrictions in destination countries can go far beyond simple travel advisories and often affect specific aspects of daily life that you should definitely consider in advance. For example, some countries have imposed temporary entry bans on travelers from certain regions, which could fundamentally impact your travel itinerary. Check whether specific entry forms or health certificates are required. In some countries, mandatory registration before arrival is necessary to check the health status of travelers and ensure better tracking.

Another point you should not overlook is restrictions in health and social areas. You may need to quarantine after entry, even if you show no symptoms. These quarantine periods vary and can be spent in hotels, special quarantine facilities, or your own accommodation. Vaccination status and test proofs can also play crucial roles. Often, a recent PCR test must be presented, or rapid tests are conducted on-site. Make sure you know which tests are recognized and within what timeframe they must be conducted.

Cultural habits and local customs during the pandemic can also impact your stay. Learn about hygiene awareness and the acceptance of protective measures such as mask mandates and distancing rules. There are countries where wearing masks goes far beyond the generally recommended scope and may be mandatory in all public and even some private spaces. Such knowledge helps you avoid misunderstandings and interact respectfully with local communities.


Flexible booking and cancellation conditions

Flexible booking and cancellation conditions

In the current situation, it is essential to pay attention to flexible booking and cancellation policies when booking your vacation. Many travel providers, hotels, and airlines have increased their flexibility to accommodate rapidly changing conditions. Check whether free rebookings or cancellations are possible and under what conditions these offers apply. Such options provide additional security in case the situation in your destination country suddenly changes.

Another aspect to keep an eye on is travel vouchers and credits that many providers issue in the event of a cancellation. These can be practical if you want to postpone your Vacation to a later date. However, it is important to check the exact conditions of such credits - for example, how long they are valid and whether there are any restrictions on redemption. Also, inform yourself about the process and the required time for reimbursement to avoid unpleasant surprises.

Combined travel offers and packages, which often provide particular flexibility, should not be forgotten. Such packages can not only be financially more attractive but also often offer better conditions regarding rebookings and cancellations. The advantage here is that all travel components - from the flight to the accommodation - can be adjusted with equal flexibility. This minimizes the risk of being stuck with part of the costs if a change becomes necessary.

Choose booking options with free cancellation

A Trip during Corona times should be well thought out, and flexibility is key. A particularly attractive option is choosing bookable accommodations and flights with free cancellation. This option offers not only financial security but also the freedom to react to last-minute changes. Another advantage is that such bookings often come with minimal bureaucratic hassle, saving not only nerves but also valuable time.

Many providers highlight this flexibility – when looking for suitable accommodations, you can specifically search for filters such as “free cancellation” or similar options. For flight bookings, it is worth carefully examining the fare conditions: often, low prices are only available with strict cancellation policies, while slightly more expensive fares allow for free cancellation. These minimal additional costs often pay off when considering the security of flexible planning adjustments.

Furthermore, you should be aware of any deadlines for free cancellation when booking. Some providers offer generous time frames until Just before the start of the trip, while others have stricter policies. Knowing these conditions precisely can help you determine the best time for your decisions, allowing you to remain flexible and still plan with peace of mind.

Purchase travel insurance in case of illness

Travel insurance that specifically covers illness can be invaluable during times of COVID-19. You can, for instance, take out a policy that not only covers medical expenses abroad but also emergency repatriation costs. Imagine needing to return home early due to illness or finding yourself in a country with limited medical resources. In such cases, it is reassuring to know you are insured.

Make sure your Travel insurance also covers COVID-19-related incidents. Some insurers have developed special policies that explicitly address coronavirus-related illnesses. Carefully check the exact coverage: Do they cover quarantine costs in a hotel? Does the insurance provide a place where you can receive necessary medical treatment? These details can be crucial to avoid high costs in an emergency.

Additionally, it is worthwhile to choose insurance that considers various pandemic scenarios. Many policies now offer a "pandemic coverage" that goes beyond the usual travel health insurance. This can include expenses for extended hotel stays, additional flight costs, or the use of a health advisor. Such comprehensive offers ensure you are prepared for nearly any eventuality and can embark on your Vacation with peace of mind despite the unpredictable COVID-19 situation.


Health Protection and Hygiene Measures on the Go

Packing list for Corona: Masks, Disinfectants & Co.

A well-thought-out packing List is essential in times of Corona to travel safely and worry-free. Besides your usual travel luggage, you should consider a few special items that help you stay healthy and minimize potential infection risks. First, you should think about enough disposable gloves. They are particularly practical when visiting heavily frequented areas like airports or public transport. Make sure they fit well for safe handling.

Another important item is antimicrobial wipes. These are ideal for quickly and easily disinfecting surfaces—be it the table on the plane, shopping carts, or door handles. Unlike liquid disinfectants, these wipes are light and packaged, making them perfect for carry-on luggage. The same applies to UV disinfectant wands, which can kill germs with ultraviolet light and serve as a practical complement to conventional disinfection methods.

Don't forget to pack a sufficient amount of vitamins and supplements. Especially Vitamin C and Zinc can strengthen your immune system and are thus helpful companions on your journey. And finally: A thermometer can quickly provide certainty if you feel unwell. A compact, digital model should find a place in your suitcase, allowing you to check your health status at any time. All these measures contribute to making sure you can travel safely and carefree even in these special times.

Plan your itinerary with safety-conscious selection of transportation.

When planning your travel route, you should pay particular attention to selecting your modes of transportation to ensure maximum safety. The choice of the right means of transport can significantly influence your infection risk. For example, private cars or rental cars often offer the safest way, as you control the vehicle's hygiene and can minimize direct contact with other people. If you consider a rental car, check the provider's cleaning standards and whether the vehicle is thoroughly disinfected between rentals.

If you rely on public transportation, try to avoid peak hours to dodge crowded conditions and maintain the necessary distance from other travelers. On trains and buses, choose window seats if possible to ensure good ventilation and distance yourself more frequently from potential sources of droplet infection. Opt for connections with fewer stops. Fewer stops mean fewer boarding and deboarding processes, reducing the risk of close human gatherings.

For longer distances, the airplane can be an option. Pay attention to airlines that follow strict hygiene measures and regularly clean cabin air using HEPA filters. Some airlines now offer seat reservations that guarantee more distance from other passengers. Also, check if the airline offers flexible rebooking and cancellation options in case the situation changes at short notice. This way, you remain not only safe but also flexible in your travel planning.


Behavior at the travel destination

Respect local rules and regulations

Respecting local rules and regulations is crucial to appreciating the culture and social fabric of the destination country. With an open mindset and awareness of country-specific requirements, you can not only avoid conflicts but also gain the trust and sympathy of the locals. Familiarize yourself in advance with local etiquette, such as dress standards in religious sites or proper behavior at social events. Adaptability and a certain level of sensitivity are your best tools to avoid misunderstandings and cultural blunders.

Equally important is the ability to adjust to different legal regulations. Many countries have specific legal requirements that apply to tourists and that you must adhere to. This may include a ban on photographing certain places or stricter rules regarding the consumption of alcohol and tobacco. Violating these regulations can result not only in fines or arrests but also in creating a negative image of tourists in the region. Moreover, it shows respect and appreciation for local customs and contributes to positive interactions.

Additionally, you should always stay informed about current developments, as regulations can change quickly, especially during pandemics. Excessive self-confidence can lead to missing important updates or new regulations. An open and willing-to-learn attitude not only makes it easier for you to comply with the rules but also ensures that you can react more flexibly and calmly to unforeseen changes. This way, you actively contribute to making your Trip a safe and pleasant experience for yourself and everyone involved.

Tips for Safe Activities and Excursions

To make your excursions adventurous yet safe, choose less frequented nature experiences. Use apps to discover remote hiking routes or nature parks that are not crowded with tourists. Such places not only offer breathtaking landscapes and tranquility but also allow you to maintain the necessary physical distance. Plan a picnic break by an idyllic lake or on a hilly meadow and enjoy the surroundings without crowds.

Water sports are another excellent way to stay active while remaining safe. Activities like stand-up paddleboarding, kayaking, or snorkeling provide adventurers with a great opportunity to explore the aquatic world while keeping away from others. Unlike beach visits, which are often crowded, these activities allow for individual experiences and also serve as a great workout. Don’t forget to bring your own equipment or rent from trusted providers who adhere to strict hygiene standards.

If you long for cultural experiences, consider smaller local museums or historical sites. These places are often less visited than large, well-known tourist attractions and still offer deep insights into regional history and culture. Guided tours in small groups or audio guides can help you learn more without being in a large crowd. Be sure to book in advance and check visitor numbers to plan your visits optimally.


After Returning Home: Quarantine and Tests

Personal responsibility and compliance with legal requirements

Self-responsibility is of crucial importance, especially in times like these. It begins with the careful planning of your Trip and continues throughout your vacation. It's about acting proactively, rather than merely reacting to guidelines. For example, you should not only follow legal requirements but also take additional protective measures that may not be explicitly prescribed. Wearing a mask in crowded areas and regularly disinfecting your hands are simple but effective measures that can protect you and others.

However, legal requirements are not Just recommendations but binding guidelines, non-compliance with which can have serious consequences. This means that you need to inform yourself in detail beforehand about the specific regulations that apply in your host country or at home. This can include vaccination requirements, entry restrictions, or certain behavioral rules. A meticulous understanding and adherence to these regulations are essential not only to avoid legal issues but also to respect and protect the local population and community.

Consider your self-responsibility as a link between individual actions and state guidelines. By behaving prudently, you help to minimize the risk for all involved. Always remember: Even if you feel healthy and are asymptomatic, you can still be a carrier. Understanding and implementing a responsible travel attitude creates a safe foundation on which you and others can navigate these challenging times healthily and carefree.

Important points for a smooth return to everyday life

To ensure a smooth transition back to everyday life, it's important to allow yourself a brief adjustment period. Instead of diving straight into a full workload, plan your first day so you gradually get used to the routine again. This might mean starting the day with lighter tasks or taking time to catch up on things from your trip, like sorting photos or editing travel reports. This approach helps keep stress levels low and prepares you mentally and physically for upcoming challenges.

Another crucial point is managing your communication. You may have received many messages and emails during your Trip that require immediate attention. Prioritize these by sorting them by urgency and importance. Set clear boundaries for responding to messages and take regular breaks to avoid overload. This prevents you from feeling overwhelmed and allows you to work more efficiently and purposefully. Automatic replies can help inform others of your return and the associated delay in communication.

Additionally, it's worthwhile to regularly schedule small windows of time for self-care and reflection. Use short moments throughout the day to rest and mentally rejuvenate. This could be a brief meditation, a relaxing walk, or a few minutes of conscious breathing exercises. Such practices can help clear your mind and return to daily life with more energy. It's also helpful to set realistic and achievable goals for the first few days and weeks to avoid too much pressure and ensure a harmonious reentry. Allow yourself to make the transition patiently and mindfully.

travel blogger Denise

Personal travel report on "How to Safely Plan Your Vacation Despite Corona"

Last summer, we went to Crete, a beautiful island in Greece. The planning was different this time due to COVID-19. But everything went smoothly! First, the flight was carefully booked with attention to COVID-19 testing requirements. The negative test had to be done early on. The mask was always on hand.

Upon arriving in Crete, there were hygiene concepts everywhere. No problem! Restaurants offered outdoor seating. Social distancing was easily maintained. Local specialties were delicious, with fresh seafood and tasty gyros enjoyed. The beaches were not crowded. Pure sun, sea, and relaxation.

Accommodations were booked securely through trustworthy portals. Small hotels were preferred. Contactless check-in was effortless. A rental car was reserved, allowing us to explore remote areas. We visited the Samaria Gorge and Elafonissi Beach. Fantastic nature and crystal-clear water!

Safety rules were always observed. The vacation days were relaxed. The return trip was also stress-free. All in all, with good preparation, a safe and beautiful vacation is possible despite COVID-19. It was wonderful!

Denise, 34 years young
Travel Blogger for

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