How to Find the Best Accommodations on Airbnb

Your insider tips for the best vacation spots and how to discover them

How to Find the Best Accommodations on Airbnb

Preparation and Research

Preparation and Research

The secret to a successful Trip lies in thoughtful planning and research. Start by making a List of your non-negotiable priorities. Do you want to stay near the city center, or do you prefer a quiet suburb? Whether a private accommodation or the opportunity for new, international friendships in a well-visited hostel – you should know in advance what you want to avoid disappointment later.

Carefully browse the reviews of previous guests and don't be swayed by beautiful photos alone. Honest, detailed reviews often reveal potential weaknesses of a place that may be hidden in glossy images. Pay special attention to repeated criticisms – these can be signs you should take seriously. Use filter options on the Airbnb platform to narrow your search. Whether you're looking for a cozy fireplace for cold winter evenings or a pool for hot summer days – there's often more choice than meets the eye.

Another tip is to inform yourself about seasonal features and events in the region. Sometimes a place that seems expensive at first glance might be the right choice due to a nearby festival or special attraction. There are also hidden gems known to few people because they are less in demand at certain times of the year. Plan ahead and consider all possibilities to get the most out of your booking experience.

Define your requirements and priorities

Once you have clearly defined your requirements and priorities, you can specifically search for the accommodation that matches your dream of a perfect trip. Consider what kind of stay you want. Do you like it luxurious with stylish extras like a private terrace or wellness area? Or is a simpler accommodation enough for you as long as it is authentic and original? Perhaps proximity to cultural hotspots or nature reserves is crucial for you – make sure your accommodation satisfies your exploratory spirit.

Then there's the question of amenities. Do you need a fully equipped kitchen to cook for yourself and perhaps try local ingredients? Is fast, reliable Wi-Fi essential for you, whether for work or to stay connected with family and friends? Also think about special features like barrier-free access if you or someone in your travel group needs it. Every little preference can shape your overall picture of the ideal accommodation.

Lastly, you should also consider the atmospheric details. Sometimes an apartment with vintage furniture or local artwork makes all the difference. Your stay should feel like a second home or offer an extraordinary, unforgettable experience – whether it’s the charm of a farmhouse in Provence or the minimalist elegance of a studio loft in Tokyo. By considering every aspect of your wishes and needs, you can ensure that you find exactly what makes your stay extraordinary.

Use filters and categories for targeted results

Use the advanced filtering and categorization features on Airbnb to optimize your search for the perfect accommodation. These tools allow you to narrow down specific criteria such as price, amenities, and location, saving you time and providing targeted results. For example, you can filter for 'family-friendly accommodations' if traveling with children or 'pet-friendly accommodations' if you want to bring your pet. Filters for 'Superhosts,' who typically have excellent reviews and high service standards, are also helpful.

In addition to basic filters, there are specialized categories to help you discover unique accommodations like treehouses, tiny houses, or houseboats. These categories are perfect for travelers looking for unique and unforgettable experiences. The differences in the offered categories also allow you to explore a variety of accommodation types you might not have considered before, opening new possibilities to make your stay individual and exciting.

Another practical tip is to use map views to better visualize the location of accommodations. This way, you can see at a glance which neighborhoods or regions the displayed options are in. This makes it easier to find accommodations near important sights, public transportation, or other places relevant to you. By combining the map view with the technical filters, you get highly precise search results tailored exactly to your needs.


Analyze reviews and photos

Pay attention to detailed guest reviews

Read the detailed guest reviews thoroughly and focus on the aspects that are personally important to you. This way, you will have a better idea of how well the accommodation meets your specific needs. Pay particular attention to reviews written by long-term users or frequent travelers—their insights can be especially valuable due to their experience. Reviews that provide informed comments on the surroundings, local amenities, or the overall condition of the accommodation can help you make an informed decision.

Concise reviews that describe specific situations or challenges are often much more informative than general comments. For example, a detailed account of an issue with the check-in process or the friendliness of the host can give you a more realistic expectation. Furthermore, specific tips and recommendations from previous guests can help make your Trip more pleasant and stress-free. Also, look for reviews that span over a longer period; they help you better assess the consistency of the accommodation's quality.

Compare the experiences of different guests to get a comprehensive picture. Different people have different expectations and needs—by considering multiple perspectives, you can better judge whether an accommodation suits you. Also, note how hosts respond to critical reviews. A proactive and understanding response can be a good indicator of service quality and the host's commitment. Take the time to analyze reviews in-depth to avoid potential pitfalls and find the perfect accommodation.

Check the quality and timeliness of the photos

Make sure to check the quality and recency of the accommodation photos. A professional host will ensure that the images are clear, high-resolution, and up-to-date. Poorly lit or blurry shots might indicate that the host is trying to hide details or is not paying enough attention to presentation. Current photos are essential to get an accurate picture of the property's condition. The charming living room photo from five years ago might not reflect today's reality.

If possible, check if the photos show the actual size and proportion of the rooms. Images can sometimes be distorted to make the rooms appear larger than they actually are. Be aware of things like mirrors or wide-angle lenses that can artificially enlarge rooms. Verified photos from guests can provide a good alternative to get an unfiltered view of the apartment.

Finally, it's worth looking for photos that show different seasons or times of day to get a comprehensive picture. An accommodation might shine with sunlight during the day but seem less cozy in the evening. Likewise, a picturesque cabin in the summer can differ significantly from the same property in the depth of winter. Recency and quality of the photos are therefore crucial to know what you're getting into.


Communication with hosts

Ask specific questions before booking

Clarify exactly what is essential for you in advance to prevent unpleasant surprises. Ask specifically if there are any special rules or house rules that are not mentioned in the description – hosts often have specific requirements, such as quiet hours or parking regulations. This can help you avoid uncomfortable situations during your stay. Also, inquire about hidden costs like additional fees for final cleaning or the use of certain amenities to avoid unexpected strains on your budget.

Furthermore, find out about the exact check-in and check-out times. Sometimes it is beneficial to know in advance if flexible arrival times are possible, especially if you are arriving late in the evening or have an early flight. Asking about the availability of basic items such as towels, bed linens, or toiletries in advance can clear up a lot of uncertainties and prevent you from carrying unnecessary baggage.

If you plan to work for an extended period or engage in special activities, ask about the reliability of facilities like Wi-Fi or any sports equipment. Also, asking about the proximity of public transport or shopping opportunities can be crucial for organizing your daily routines without stress. The more you know, the better you can plan your stay in advance and avoid unpleasant surprises.

Pay attention to the response time of the hosts

A quick and responsive communication with your hosts is an invaluable sign of their reliability. The speed at which messages are answered speaks volumes about the host's commitment and service orientation. If you receive a quick response from them, you can assume that they are not only approachable in urgent situations but also attentive to your specific questions and concerns. This reduces potential uncertainties and strengthens your confidence.

Keep in mind that the response time is often noted in the hosts' Airbnb profiles. An average short response time can indicate that the host will also respond promptly to any inquiries during your stay. This is especially important when unexpected situations arise, such as issues with the accommodation or if you need additional information about your stay. In return, you can look forward to a smooth process and higher comfort.

Don't forget that a mediocre or slow response time can also have negative consequences. It could indicate that the host is less dedicated or that you might have difficulty receiving timely assistance. A good response time shortens the decision-making process by providing you with the necessary information in a timely manner and ensuring that you can book the perfect accommodation as quickly as possible.


Explore location and surroundings

Use map view and Street View

When you use the map view and Street View on Airbnb, you can not only pinpoint the exact location of your potential accommodation but also get a visual impression of the neighborhood. This is especially helpful to check the proximity to amenities like supermarkets, restaurants, or public transportation. An accommodation might seem perfect at first glance, but by using these tools, you can identify potential drawbacks like busy streets or nearby construction sites and make a well-informed decision.

Street View can also provide you with spatial understanding that goes beyond simple map views. You can visually trace the walking Route to the nearest subway or bus stop, giving you a more authentic picture of daily accessibility. The motto here is: "Seeing is believing." A short virtual walk through the streets can also give you a feel for the general atmosphere of the neighborhood. What condition are the surrounding buildings in? Are there green spaces or parks nearby? Such details can be crucial for your well-being during your stay.

An underrated advantage of map view and Street View is the ability to look at the environment at different times of the day. Different lighting conditions and activities at certain times can significantly influence the perception of an area. Use these tools to see what busy streets look like at night or if there are hidden beauties only visible at certain hours. This way, you are well-prepared and can optimally enjoy your trip.

Learn about the neighborhood

Discover the diversity of the surroundings by taking a look at local grocery stores, vegetable and fruit stands, and organic shops. Such places not only give you an authentic impression of the region's culinary customs but also allow you to discover fresh, local products that you can enjoy in your accommodation. Neighborhood markets are often vibrant meeting points that offer you deep insights into the culture and daily life of the residents.

The social structure and cultural palette of a neighborhood are also important factors for your stay. Learn about cultural and social facilities such as theaters, museums, and community centers. Often, it is the smaller, lesser-known cultural venues that offer true gems and can guarantee unique experiences. Libraries and public parks can also be wonderful refuges, giving you the opportunity to connect with the local population or simply relax in peace.

An important aspect that is often overlooked is the sense of security in the area. Look up police reports or entries in local forums to get the most comprehensive picture of the neighborhood's safety. Additionally, you can look for "Neighborhood Watch" programs or other initiatives created by the community to enhance safety and a sense of community. Through this additional research, you will get a much more detailed picture of what to expect in the area and can plan your Trip more safely and carefree.


Take advantage of special offers and discounts

Compare different booking times

When you compare different booking times, you often discover unforeseen price variations. For example, weekdays can be significantly cheaper than weekends, as most people plan their trips for the weekend. A little flexibility with your travel dates can give you access to cheaper rates while avoiding crowded tourist attractions.

Seasonal fluctuations also play a big role. During peak season, prices can skyrocket, but in the off-season, many accommodations are much cheaper. These periods, often referred to as "shoulder times," offer not only price advantages but also fewer crowds and a more authentic travel experience.

Additionally, you can also consider holiday times and school holidays, depending on who your travel companions are. If you are not dependent on school holidays, non-holiday times could be significantly cheaper for you. This simple trick helps you find the best Deals while having a more pleasant stay as you can avoid the large crowds.

Look for long-term discounts and special offers

Another advantage of long-term discounts and special offers is the opportunity to gain deeper insights into the local culture and everyday life. The longer you stay in one place, the more you can feel like a true local. You can participate in recurring local events, discover the best spots that aren't in the guidebooks, and perhaps even form friendships with neighbors. Such authentic experiences are often priceless and make your Trip truly unique.

Additionally, long-term bookings open up opportunities for added perks from the hosts. Some hosts offer services like free city tours, welcome packages with regional specialties, or even discounts at local partner shops. These extras can make your stay more enjoyable and interesting. Through direct communication with the hosts, you can often receive customized offers or recommendations that go beyond mere price reductions.

Not to be forgotten are also the practical advantages: Long-term renters often benefit from better-equipped accommodations, as hosts tend to invest more to provide long-term guests with a comfortable experience. This can make your stay more pleasant, as you typically have access to amenities that might not be available for shorter bookings, such as high-quality kitchen appliances, extensive household goods, or exclusive access options. Take advantage of these opportunities to make your stay as smooth and comfortable as possible.

travel blogger Franz

Personal travel report on "How to Find the Best Accommodations on Airbnb"

One of the highlights of my last trip was definitely the accommodation on Airbnb. When searching for the best vacation homes, the search begins with thorough filtering. By narrowing the search radius, you often discover hidden gems. Carefully reading reviews is essential. Did the host address the guests' needs? Were issues quickly resolved? A host who is proud of positive reviews usually offers high-quality accommodation.

Filtering for areas with the keyword "Superhost" often leads to an unforgettable stay. Superhosts not only offer exceptional accommodations but also the assurance of excellent service. Good communication is crucial.

Before making a booking, I always check the surroundings on Google Maps. Nothing is more disappointing than a supposed hidden gem that turns out to be in the middle of nowhere. Hidden treasures are often found in side streets or less-known neighborhoods.

I always scrutinize the photos very carefully. Dark, blurry pictures? Better stay away. High-quality, clear photos are often a sign of quality. Great attention is also paid to the description: if it is carefully and lovingly written, it indicates an engaged host.

Not to forget: book early! The best accommodations go quickly. Those who book early have better chances of finding true dream places. Last-minute bookings? Sure, but the risk of having to make compromises is high. Also helpful: the Airbnb wishlist. You can save favorites there and always have a good selection on hand.

With these tips, I always managed to find great accommodations. This makes traveling an even more intense experience.

Franz, 32 years young
Travel Blogger for

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