How to Avoid Jet Lag on Long Flights

Tips and tricks for a relaxed arrival

How to Avoid Jet Lag on Long Flights

Summary for "How to Avoid Jet Lag on Long Flights"

  • Jetlag arises from crossing multiple time zones, disrupting the sleep-wake cycle.
  • Before the flight: adjust sleep schedule, drink plenty of water, avoid alcohol and caffeine.
  • During the flight: regular movement, drink plenty of water, eat light snacks.
  • After landing: stay in daylight and stay awake until local bedtime.
  • Use melatonin supplements and light therapy for quick adjustment.
  • Regular physical activity and balanced diet promote immune defense.
  • Use smart home technologies and apps to support adjustment.

What is jetlag and why does it occur?

What is jetlag and why does it occur?

Jet lag occurs due to the rapid crossing of several time zones, disrupting the natural sleep-wake rhythm. Your body is synchronized to a particular time, and when you suddenly travel to a different time zone, your so-called internal clock lags behind. This discrepancy between the internal clock and the new local time leads to typical jet lag symptoms such as fatigue, insomnia, and difficulty concentrating.

Another factor that promotes jet lag is the altered light exposure in the new time zone. Light is a crucial indicator for our circadian rhythm and helps to regulate our sleep-wake cycle. In a new time zone, the body receives different amounts and intensities of light, leading to a delay in adjustment. This disruption can be exacerbated by inadequate light conditions or improper exposure, affecting hormone production such as melatonin.

Additionally, general travel stress can contribute to jet lag. Factors like poor sleep during the flight, low cabin humidity, little movement, and the consumption of caffeine or alcohol intensify the symptoms. If you don't spend the flight optimally, it becomes harder for your body to adjust after landing.

Definition and Causes of Jet Lag

A lesser-known cause of jet lag is the desynchronization of your endogenous rhythms that go beyond the mere sleep-wake cycle. Your hormone secretion, body temperature, and various metabolic processes follow a 24-hour rhythm, which is disrupted by traveling across time zones. These unbalanced internal processes can lead to a feeling of disorientation and general unease.

Furthermore, individual adaptability also plays a role. Some people have increased flexibility in their internal clock and adjust more quickly to new time zones, while others take longer. This disposition can be genetically determined and also affects how strongly jet lag is felt. Studies have shown that age is also a significant factor. Younger people seem to adapt better and faster to time shifts than older individuals.

Another often overlooked aspect is the direction of your travel. Traveling eastward is perceived as more strenuous, as you "lose hours" and thus shorten the day. In contrast, the day is extended when traveling westward, which is often easier for the body to cope with. These observations are based on the natural tendency of humans to adapt more easily to longer days than shorter ones, as the human circadian rhythm tends to be slightly more than 24 hours.

The effects of time zone changes on the body

The effects of time zone changes can go far beyond Just the sleep-wake cycle. Your digestive system, for example, faces a significant challenge. The body is trained to take in and process food at certain times. A sudden shift to a different time zone can throw the gastrointestinal system out of balance, often leading to issues like stomach upset or loss of appetite.

Mental performance is also heavily impacted. Brain functions such as memory, decision-making, and reaction time are closely linked to the circadian rhythm. The imbalance often leads to cognitive impairments, which can manifest as reduced attention and increased susceptibility to errors. These factors are particularly problematic for business travelers or athletes who need to be at their peak performance.

Not to be overlooked are the effects on the immune system. Your body becomes more vulnerable to infections as the immune system is weakened due to internal desynchronization. Studies have shown that the production of immune cells and antibodies also follows a circadian rhythm, which can be disrupted by traveling across multiple time zones. This significantly increases the susceptibility to colds and other infections immediately after long flights.


Preparation before the flight

Adjusting your sleep cycle

An effective way to adjust your sleep schedule is through the use of light therapy. This method involves targeted exposure to bright light at specific times of the day to recalibrate your circadian rhythm. When traveling east, where you need to wake up earlier, you can expose yourself to bright light in the morning and avoid bright light in the evening. When traveling west, it is the opposite— increased light in the evening and reduced light exposure in the morning. This helps regulate the production of melatonin and adjust your internal clock to the new time.

Another useful tip is the use of power naps. These short, targeted sleep phases of 20 to 30 minutes can work wonders in combating short-term fatigue without disrupting your nighttime sleep routine. It is important not to make the naps too long, as this can lead to a phenomenon known as "sleep inertia," which makes waking up even harder. Position your naps strategically to get through the day better in the new time zone, and avoid them later in the day to sleep better at night.

Considering social activities can also help in adjusting your sleep rhythm. Social interactions and planned outdoor activities can support your body in adapting more quickly to the new time zone. Through physical and mental stimulation during the day, you help your body stay awake and become tired in the evening. This way, your internal clock gradually adapts to the new environment, and you feel at home more quickly in the new time zone.

Choosing the Optimal Flight Time

Choosing the optimal flight time can significantly impact how well you handle jet lag. Flying at night may seem enticing since you can sleep during the flight. However, this can also lead to restless and less restorative sleep due to the cabin conditions not being ideal. A daytime flight, on the other hand, might allow you to stay awake during the flight and sleep in the destination's time zone in the evening, facilitating adjustment.

It also makes sense to plan your arrival time so that you have enough daylight at your destination. Daylight helps the body adjust more quickly to the new time zone. Therefore, try to fly so that you arrive in the late morning or early afternoon. This gives you the opportunity to spend time outdoors and go to bed when darkness falls, which can positively affect your circadian rhythm.

Another often overlooked factor is the choice of airline and the associated flight conditions. Try to choose an airline known for its high comfort and cabin air quality. Modern airplanes are often equipped with systems that regulate humidity and provide better ventilation, making the stay more pleasant and reducing dehydration. This can help reduce the physical symptoms of jet lag and enable faster recovery.


During the flight

Tips for a Relaxing Flight

Invest in high-quality travel clothing that is both comfortable and functional. Clothing made from breathable, flexible materials like cotton or merino wool can significantly enhance comfort during the flight. A layer of light, warm clothing like a sweater or cardigan helps to compensate for temperature fluctuations in the cabin without making you feel restricted.

Choose your seat position strategically. A seat close to the wings can counteract turbulence, which is often more noticeable in the rear of the plane. Window seats allow you to lean against the cabin wall, which is especially beneficial for sleep phases or rest periods. If you have the choice, opt for seats located in the front section of the plane, as these are often quieter and allow for quick boarding and deplaning.

Consider using essential oils for calming and relaxation. A few drops of lavender oil on a tissue or wrist can help reduce stress and create an atmosphere of tranquility. Peppermint oil can be soothing for headaches or nausea. However, be sure to use the oils sparingly and be considerate of other passengers who may be sensitive to scents.

Proper nutrition and hydration

The right choice of diet can also have a significant impact on your jet lag. It has been observed that protein-rich meals can have a stimulating effect on the body, ideal for staying awake. In contrast, carbohydrate-rich foods have a calming effect, which can be useful if you want to induce sleep. Fruits and vegetables rich in antioxidants and fiber also support your digestive system and help reduce bloating and stomach discomfort.

A frequently overlooked but essential measure is adjusting your meals to the new time zone. Eat at the meal times of your destination to help your body adjust to the new daily routine. This can cause some discomfort if you have to eat breakfast right after a night flight, even if you don't feel like it physically. Nevertheless, this tactic promotes quicker synchronization of your digestive system and can reduce jet lag.

On long flights, the type of hydration plays an equally important role. While water is paramount, certain herbal teas can also offer significant benefits. Teas like chamomile or peppermint can have a calming effect, helping to promote sleep and alleviate stomach issues. However, avoid sugary drinks as they can destabilize your blood sugar levels and further disrupt your sleep. Another tip is the intake of electrolyte solutions, which can help counteract the dehydrating effects of the airplane cabin and replenish essential minerals in your body.


Arrival at destination

Quick adjustment to the local time

To quickly adjust to the local time, it can be helpful to immediately dive into the daily routine of the new time zone. Plan outdoor activities to benefit from natural light, which is essential for regulating your circadian rhythm. Sunlight signals your body that it is time to stay awake and can thus reset the internal clock.

Another effective strategy is using melatonin supplements. Melatonin, the hormone that regulates the sleep-wake cycle, can be taken as a supplement to facilitate falling asleep and help the body adapt more quickly to the new time. A carefully dosed melatonin supplement an hour before bed can improve sleep quality and shorten the adjustment period.

The psychological adaptation should also not be underestimated. Try to fully immerse yourself mentally in the new schedule by setting your electronic devices to the local time and adjusting your behavior accordingly. Create rituals that are adapted to the new environment, such as enjoying a local breakfast at the usual time or incorporating regular breaks to create a sense of normalcy and thus ease the adjustment.

Activities to combat jet lag

Try to take deep breaths and practice mindful breathing exercises during your trip. Deep breathing can lower your blood pressure and put your body into a relaxed state, making jet lag less noticeable. This technique is particularly helpful when travel stress and physical tension after the flight become overwhelming.

Another effective method to combat jet lag is practicing light yoga or stretching. These physical exercises not only promote circulation and flexibility but also help reduce tension and fatigue. Exercises like the "Cat-Cow" pose or a simple "Downward Dog" can help balance energy levels and enhance overall well-being.

Take the opportunity to have a warm bath or hot shower once you arrive at your accommodation. A warm bath relaxes the muscles and helps your body regenerate. It can also calm your mind and prepare you for a restful night's sleep. Studies have shown that the combination of warmth and water allows the body to relax faster and the internal clock to reset more effectively.


Long-term strategies against jet lag

Regular exercise and healthy lifestyle

Regular exercise and a healthy lifestyle are essential for minimizing jet lag and easing the adjustment to new time zones. A well-maintained body with a robust immune system can better handle the challenges of travel. Regular physical activity promotes blood circulation, improves sleep quality, and increases overall resilience to stress factors. It is crucial to not only focus on intense workouts but also on moderate activities like walking or yoga to maintain a balance between exertion and relaxation.

Another important aspect of a health-promoting lifestyle is a balanced diet rich in essential nutrients. This includes not only the consumption of fruits and vegetables but also fermented foods like yogurt or sauerkraut, which promote gut health and thereby strengthen the immune system. A healthy gut flora can make the body more resilient to the stresses associated with intercontinental flights and acclimatization to new time zones. Additionally, Omega-3 fatty acids found in fish oil and flaxseeds support cognitive function and can help maintain mental clarity.

It is also advisable to largely avoid alcohol and nicotine, as these substances can disrupt sleep and impair the body's recovery process. Instead, one should focus on hydrating beverages like herbal teas, which have a soothing effect and promote regeneration. Hydration plays a crucial role in maintaining physical and mental performance, especially in environments like the dry airplane cabin. A well-hydrated body can significantly mitigate jet lag symptoms such as headaches and fatigue.

Use of tools and technologies

To technologically aid in adjusting to new time zones, using apps like "Timeshifter" can be highly effective. This app creates personalized plans based on your sleep patterns and flight details to determine the ideal times for light exposure, melatonin intake, and sleep. Automated recommendations can significantly help reduce jet lag. A technological tool often overlooked is the use of noise-masking devices or white noise machines to mask disturbing ambient sounds, thereby improving sleep quality in unfamiliar environments.

Additionally, using smart-home technologies, such as intelligent lighting systems that simulate natural light, can be helpful. These systems can be programmed to mimic the daylight of the target time zone, thereby helping the internal clock adjust more quickly to new conditions. Such lighting solutions can be integrated into the home setup or used as portable devices while traveling. Light therapy devices also provide the necessary light to regulate the circadian rhythm easily.

The use of wearable health monitors and fitness trackers can also bring significant benefits. These devices not only offer insights into daily activities and sleep patterns but often feature specific functions for jet lag reduction. For example, they can provide recommendations for optimal sleep times and activity levels. Some advanced models even offer detailed analyses of the circadian rhythm and feedback for long-term sleep quality improvements. The targeted use of such technologies can considerably speed up the adjustment process and overall enhance the travel experience.

travel blogger Nathalie

Personal travel report on "How to Avoid Jet Lag on Long Flights"

Last year when I flew to Australia, I wanted to avoid jet lag. Here are a few tips that helped me a lot.

Even before the flight, I started to get used to the new time zone. Three days prior, I slightly shifted my sleep times. On the flight, it was important to drink a lot of water. I also snacked on light foods to keep my energy levels stable. A short walk on the plane helped get the blood flowing.

During the flight, breaks were taken to sleep. A neck pillow and an eye mask were very useful. Noise-canceling headphones also helped create a calm atmosphere.

After landing, I avoided going to bed immediately. Instead, I took a walk outside to take advantage of the daylight and adjust my body to the new time. I made sure to drink plenty of water and enjoy caffeinated drinks only in moderation.

By making these adjustments, I largely avoided jet lag. The vacation could be enjoyed immediately without being limited by fatigue. Adapting to the new time zone was made much easier. Valuable vacation time was optimally utilized!

Nathalie, 18 years young
Travel Blogger for

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