When is the best time to travel to Cape Verde?
The ideal time for a vacation in Cape Verde

For the Cape Verde Islands, a travel period between the months of November and June is considered optimal. During this time, the weather nests into a cozy range of warm temperatures, rarely becoming unpleasantly hot. Particularly characteristic of Cape Verde is the balanced climate, influenced by the northeast trade wind – a gift from the Atlantic that provides a constant, refreshing breeze.
From November to mid-July, the so-called "time of the winds" prevails on the islands, attracting mainly windsurfers and kitesurfers who want to experience the sea and waves in their full glory. These months are considered particularly attractive for water sports enthusiasts.
The period from late June to September should be chosen with caution, as the weather can change during these months, occasionally leading to rainy days. However, these are usually short and intense and quickly give way to the sun, earning Cape Verde its nickname as the “Islands of Eternal Summer.”
For those looking to escape the European winter, the period from December to March is particularly recommended. During this time, Cape Verde presents itself at its best: the temperatures are pleasantly warm but not oppressively hot, the sea invites you to swim, and the sun pampers the skin.
In conclusion, regardless of the chosen travel period, Cape Verde is a destination of captivating beauty and diverse impressions that enchants its visitors all year round. The ideal Travel time thus highly depends on personal preferences and the desired Vacation focus.