Who brings the Christmas presents in Italy?
Santa Claus in Italy: Who brings the presents?

In Italy, the Tradition of Christmas gifts is enriched by a delightful variety of figures, depending on the region and cultural heritage. The most well-known among them is certainly Babbo Natale, the Italian equivalent of Santa Claus, who brings gifts on the night of December 25th. Babbo Natale, in his characteristic red suit, distributes his presents with much joy and dedication to the children.
But the fascination of the Italian Christmas Tradition does not end here. In some parts of Italy, especially in the southern regions, an ancient figure named La Befana is revered. This lovable witch, who rides a broomstick, makes her rounds on the night of January 5th, on the eve of Epiphany. It is said that La Befana, in search of the baby Jesus, flies from house to house, putting sweets in the stockings of children who have hung them by their fireplaces, while naughty children receive a piece of coal. This Tradition reflects the importance of Epiphany in Italy and adds an extra layer of magic and wonder to the Christmas season.
Thus, the diversity and richness of Italian cultural heritage produce different bringers of Christmas gifts depending on the region, from Babbo Natale to La Befana, both equally cherished in the hearts of children and adults.