What is trip interruption insurance?
Everything you need to know about trip interruption insurance

A Trip interruption insurance is an insurance policy that provides you with protection if you need to return home early during your Trip for various reasons. These can include unforeseen events such as severe illness or injury, a death in the family, natural disasters, political unrest, or certain unexpected events.
The Trip interruption insurance covers the additional costs that may arise from an early return, such as rebooking flights, canceling already booked activities, or reimbursing unused travel services.
It is important to note that not all reasons for an early Trip termination are covered by a Trip interruption insurance. Therefore, you should carefully review the insurance conditions to ensure you receive the desired protection.
A Trip interruption insurance can help you minimize financial losses if you are forced to cut your Trip short. It provides you with additional security and allows you to embark on your Trip without worrying about what happens if something unexpected occurs.