What are the most expensive hotels in the world?
The Luxury Oases of the Rich and Famous: The Most Exclusive Hotels Worldwide.

The most expensive Hotels in the world are the The Royal Penthouse Suite at the Hotel President Wilson in Geneva, which is by far the most expensive hotel room in the world. It costs up to 80,000 US dollars per night. In second place is the Hilltop Villa at Laucala Island Resort in Fiji, which costs up to 64,000 US dollars per night. In third place is the Penthouse Suite at the Hotel Martinez in Cannes, which costs up to 53,000 US dollars per night. In fourth place is the Ty Warner Penthouse at the Four Seasons Hotel in New York City, which costs up to 50,000 US dollars per night. In fifth place is the Villa La Capula at the Westin Excelsior in Rome, which costs up to 40,000 US dollars per night.
These prices are, of course, astronomically high and not affordable for everyone. The rooms and suites in these luxurious Hotels offer premium service, exclusive amenities, and breathtaking views. If you are looking for the ultimate Luxury experience, these Hotels are definitely the right choice.