Federal states of Germany - how many?
Federal States of Germany: An Overview of the 16 German Federal States

In Germany, there are sixteen federal states. Each of these federal states has its own legislative competencies and plays an essential role in the country's federal system. From the wind-swept coasts of Schleswig-Holstein to the alpine peaks of Bavaria, a landscape and cultural diversity stretches out that is unique in the world. In the north, one finds the two city-states Hamburg and Bremen, which, surrounded by larger federal states, shine like bright pearls of urban life. Another city-state, Berlin, thrones in the heart of the Country as the capital and cultural center.
Lower Saxony and North Rhine-Westphalia, as populous heavyweights, play a central role in German politics and economy. Meanwhile, Rhineland-Palatinate and Saarland, framed by the picturesque Rhine and Moselle, reveal their deep roots in European history. Baden-Württemberg and Bavaria, known for their economic strength, proudly present their traditions while also being pioneers in technology and innovation.
In the east of the country, Brandenburg, Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, Saxony, Saxony-Anhalt, and Thuringia spread out. These states, once part of the GDR, carry a rich and complex history while simultaneously developing dynamically.
Each federal state has its own capital, which functions not only as an administrative center but often also as a cultural hub. The diversity within these 16 federal states is reflected in their culinary variety, dialects, and traditions, making Germany a fascinating mosaic of different cultures.