Which cabin should you book on a cruise if you get seasick easily?
The best choice for seasickness: The suitable cabin for a pleasant cruise

If you get seasick quickly, you should book a cabin in the middle area of the ship and on a lower deck. Ideal cabins are near the ship's centerline, as the movements of the ship are less noticeable there. A room with a window or balcony is advantageous, allowing for fresh air and a view of the horizon, which can help calm you.
Avoid cabins at the bow or stern of the ship, as movements are more noticeable there. Additionally, avoid booking cabins near engines or machinery rooms, as vibrations and noise can worsen seasickness.
It can also be helpful to bring preventive measures like seasickness pills or bracelets and avoid greasy foods and alcohol to reduce the risk of seasickness.
If you are particularly sensitive, you might also consider booking a cabin on a river Cruise ship, where waters are generally calmer than on the open sea.
Remember, everyone reacts differently to the movements of a ship - what works for you may not necessarily work for someone else. Experiment with different cabin locations to find the most comfortable option for you.