What time is it in Canada?
Discover the time differences in Canada's various zones and find out when you can chat with your friends over there.

In Canada, there are several time zones that stretch across the entire country. Time can vary greatly. In the province of British Columbia, Pacific Standard Time (PST) is used, which is usually eight hours behind Coordinated Universal Time (UTC-8). When it is noon in Germany, it is 4 a.m. in this region of Canada.
In Alberta and Saskatchewan, Mountain Standard Time (MST) applies, which is seven hours behind UTC (UTC-7). This means that when it is noon in Germany, it is 5 a.m. there. Further east, in Manitoba and parts of Ontario, Central Standard Time (CST) is used, corresponding to UTC-6. Thus, it would be 6 a.m. in these regions when it is noon in Germany.
Eastern Standard Time (EST), which applies to parts of Ontario and Quebec, is five hours behind UTC (UTC-5). Consequently, it would be 7 a.m. there at noon in Germany. In the far east, such as Newfoundland, the time can even be set to UTC-3:30, so it would be 8:30 a.m. there when it is noon in Germany. Therefore, if you want to know what time it is in Canada, it largely depends on the specific region you are in.