Package to Canada: What is prohibited?
Discover the things you better not bring into the country to avoid trouble!

When shipping a package to Canada, there are several items that are prohibited and cannot be sent. First of all, weapons, ammunition, and explosive substances are strictly forbidden. Drugs and controlled substances also fall into this category; Canada imposes severe penalties for drug trafficking. In addition, you cannot send live animals or plants without special permits. This particularly concerns endangered or protected species that fall under the Washington Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora.
Foodstuffs are also subject to strict regulations. Fresh products, meat, or dairy products must not inadvertently enter the country, as they can pose potential risks to agriculture. Furthermore, mechanisms for checking prohibited contents by Canadian customs authorities are very efficient, so prohibited goods are often detected.
There are also restrictions on certain types of electronics. Products deemed dangerous or harmful to health cannot be shipped. This also includes some chemicals or toxic substances, of course. In any case, it is advisable to thoroughly inform yourself about the current regulations and provisions before shipping. This can be done by consulting official authorities or websites dealing with customs issues. This way, costly and time-consuming returns or fines can be avoided.