How many inhabitants does Bremen have?
Learn more about the population in Bremen.

Bremen has about 680,000 inhabitants.
Here is an approximate distribution of the population across Bremen's larger districts:
- Mitte - The center of Bremen has about 18,000 inhabitants.
- Neustadt - Approximately 42,000 People live in this Bremen district.
- Obervieland - About 30,000 inhabitants live here.
- Huchting - About 32,000 People live in this district.
- Woltmershausen - This part of Bremen has around 10,000 inhabitants.
- Osterholz - About 34,000 inhabitants live here.
- Vahr - Approximately 27,000 People live in Vahr.
- Schwachhausen - Schwachhausen has about 38,000 inhabitants.
- Hemelingen - About 18,000 People live here.
- Findorff - This district is home to about 27,000 inhabitants.
- Walle - Approximately 34,000 People live in Walle.
- Gröpelingen - About 36,000 inhabitants live in Gröpelingen.
- Burglesum - This district has around 33,000 inhabitants.
- Vegesack - About 39,000 People live here.
- Blumenthal - Blumenthal has about 24,000 inhabitants.