What currency does Belgium have?
Belgium: The official currency of the country

In Belgium, the Euro is used as currency. It was introduced in 2002 as cash, replacing the former national currency, the Belgian Franc. The switch to the Euro marked a significant step towards stronger economic and political integration for Belgium, as for many other Countries in the European Union. Subsequently, trade between Eurozone Countries was facilitated by the elimination of exchange rate fluctuations and risks. Additionally, the Euro reflects Belgium's membership in the Eurozone, a group of EU member states that have adopted the Euro as their unified currency. It serves not only as a means of payment but also as a reflection of economic stability within this group of countries. The Euro is divided into 100 cents, providing a very precise way to indicate prices and make payments. For visitors from Countries outside the Eurozone, this means they will generally need to exchange their national currency for Euros in order to make payments locally. With its widespread use and acceptance, the Euro guarantees high flexibility in daily transactions in Belgium and beyond.