When are the winter holidays in Baden-Württemberg in 2025?
When are the winter holidays in Baden-Württemberg 2025?

The Winter holidays in Baden-Württemberg for the year 2025 are scheduled to coincide with the Fasnacht period, also known as the fifth season. Traditionally, these holidays begin on the school-free Rose Monday and extend until the following Friday. This allows students and their families to extensively celebrate the various customs and festivities around Fasnacht without having to adhere to school obligations.
For the year 2025, this means that the Winter holidays in Baden-Württemberg will start from March 3rd, Rose Monday, and last until March 7th. This precise timing enables families and those involved in school life to plan and schedule their activities in advance, including leisure activities and possible trips.
It should be noted that these details are based on the currently valid holiday calendars, and changes by the cultural ministries of individual federal states cannot be ruled out. Therefore, for updates, it is advisable to regularly check the official publication of the holiday calendar of the state of Baden-Württemberg or official announcements from the school authorities.