When are the Pentecost holidays in Baden-Württemberg 2025?
Whitsun holidays in Baden-Württemberg in 2025.

The Pentecost holidays in Baden-Württemberg 2025, as every year, are oriented around the church festival of Pentecost, which is celebrated exactly 50 days after Easter Sunday. For an exact date, Easter Sunday is determined in advance by means of a complex calculation based on the first full moon after the spring equinox. In 2025, Easter Sunday falls on April 20. Accordingly, Pentecost will be observed on June 8, 2025. Typically, the state of Baden-Württemberg grants school-free days around this holiday. However, the exact dates of the Pentecost holidays can vary from year to year as they are set by the state's ministries of education. It is likely that the Pentecost holidays in 2025 in Baden-Württemberg will be around June 8, usually encompassing a week, sometimes with the preceding Friday or the following Monday as bridge days. To find out the exact days, it is recommended to check the official holiday calendar of the state, which is often published several years in advance. This allows travel plans and family arrangements to be made long-term and without overlaps. Those with family or professional commitments should keep an eye on this calendar to be prepared for the contemplative time of Pentecost and the associated days off.