What is the currency of Andorra?
The official currency of Andorra

In Andorra, the Euro (EUR) is used as the official currency. This tiny principality, nestled between France and Spain in the Pyrenees, has an interesting monetary history and position. Although Andorra is independent, it does not have its own central bank to issue a national currency. Instead, through an agreement with the European Union, the Euro was adopted as the official currency in 2002, after the French Franc and Spanish Peseta were previously in circulation.
Uniquely, Andorra has had the right to mint its own Euro coins since 2014. These coins are particularly popular among collectors because they feature designs specific to Andorra, depicting aspects of Andorran culture, history, and landscape. However, the number of coins minted is strictly limited to maintain the collector value and prevent the market from being flooded with Andorran Euro coins.
Nevertheless, the Euro in Andorra serves as more than Just a means of payment; it is a symbol of the close ties this microstate has with its powerful European neighbors and the broader European community. The introduction of the Euro strengthened economic connections with neighboring Countries and significantly simplified financial transactions for tourists and residents.